seems like you have a problem dealing with reality
Reality is that Japan actually may have killed more than Germany did but no one gives then anywhere near as much grief
But somehow you do not get that
Why is it?
Afraid to judge?
So what if they did? How many of those people are even still alive? Why hold a grudge against an entire people for something their ancestors did? That was something the Japanese Empire did on the orders of their Emperor. Currently the Emperor has no political power whatsoever so it's not even the same form of government.
Should Germany be hated forever too? Should England be hated for the Revolutionary war? How about should we as people now be hated for what our ancestors did to natives? How far back should it go?
Did they get a slap on the wrist? They had two cities destroyed by atomic bomb. They were forced to give up a standing military and could only have a defense force and relied on us for defense through the Cold War. They might have gotten a slap on the wrist, but it was a political decision based on necessity. Turn an enemy into an ally and have access to a strategic location to keep Communism in check or pull a WW I and crush them economically as punishment and maybe set up a future war later? Hard choice, huh?
In the world as it is, rarely do nations and people get what is just and deserved when you have to consider long-term ramification and geopolitics.