World's Finest (Batman/Superman) movie set for 2015

The Dark Knight Returns is pretty stupid. They're just making reference to it because its the most well known comic with Batman and Superman going at each other. They've already said its not going to be an adaptation.

Well in that case I guess it's all good.

I didn't think it was stupid though. To each their own but I'm bias anyway. I've always liked Batman far more than any of the others so I liked The Dark Knight Returns.
The Dark Knight Returns is pretty stupid.
That deflating sound you hear is the very last of what little remained of people being willing to take your opinions seriously.
Well in that case I guess it's all good.

I didn't think it was stupid though. To each their own but I'm bias anyway. I've always liked Batman far more than any of the others so I liked The Dark Knight Returns.
Well, the comic actually shows that you have to re-write the characters with ridiculous plots to give Batman a fighting chance against Superman. And even then it's only because Superman held back.
Well, the comic actually shows that you have to re-write the characters with ridiculous plots to give Batman a fighting chance against Superman. And even then it's only because Superman held back.
This post makes me wish there was a dislike button. Cold War Superman being in Regans pocket is one of the more enduring comic book plots of the last 20 years. Bat Man going out the hardest of hard ways more so. What you would call a solid story arc for either of them?
This post makes me wish there was a dislike button. Cold War Superman being in Regans pocket is one of the more enduring comic book plots of the last 20 years. Bat Man going out the hardest of hard ways more so. What you would call a solid story arc for either of them?
I admit it's incredibly hard to do a "vs" story with the two characters that makes any sense whatsoever because they're just not on equal footing at all. Which really makes me wonder how they're going to do it in this movie given Snyder (and Nolan) strive for realism.
Well, the comic actually shows that you have to re-write the characters with ridiculous plots to give Batman a fighting chance against Superman. And even then it's only because Superman held back.
We may be talking about entirely difference comics, since that's not the plot of Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. I think you're thinking of something entirely different, because in DKR, what you had was Superman arriving in Crime Alley already weakened from being next to a Soviet nuke as it exploded.... he easily dispatched of Robin (Carrie Kelley), but took an exploding (synthentic) Kryptonite arrow shot at him by the Green Arrow, which enable Batman to get the upper hand.
This post makes me wish there was a dislike button. Cold War Superman being in Regans pocket is one of the more enduring comic book plots of the last 20 years. Bat Man going out the hardest of hard ways more so. What you would call a solid story arc for either of them?
That is arguably the most influential - not to mention one of the most popular - comic book storylines of the past 50 years. That mini-series is why we have what we see as the modern version of Batman instead of still having Adam West and Burt Ward and *POW* $$ZAP$$ &OOOF&. Without DKR, there's probably no Batman movie in the first place, let alone this upcoming Superman-Batman movie.
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Bloom is certainly an interesting choice. I suspect he could pull it off.

I think so too. I wonder if he'd try for an American accent? Anyone know if he's ever done one before?

Also, it would be cool if he did his British accent as Bruce Wayne, and masks his voice with an American accent as Batman... or vice versa.
I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I don't think he's a good actor and got roles just becuase hes a pretty boy. In Pirates or Lords of the blings he didn't relly do anything that made the screen sizzle. Sometimes I felt the put him and Ciara Knightly together to show off Jonny Depp more.
I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I don't think he's a good actor and got roles just becuase hes a pretty boy. In Pirates or Lords of the blings he didn't relly do anything that made the screen sizzle. Sometimes I felt the put him and Ciara Knightly together to show off Jonny Depp more.

I believe I read today, Bale was offered $50mill to reprise his role.
I believe I read today, Bale was offered $50mill to reprise his role.

I would really dislike this move because it means the merging of the Dark Knight franchise, which were not originally made to be the spawning point for a Justice League team up. In fact, they weren't all that certain they were going to make a trilogy even after the 2nd film. Man of steel was supposed to do that, and did a nice job of leaving Easter Eggs for audiences to find all over the film, hinting at a much larger universe than just metropolis.

If that offer is true (which I've read that too, I'm not doubting you) it kind of implies that they've announced this movie and still have no idea what it's going to be about. They're just rushing to cash in.
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If true, that's a big-time investment, and likely one Warner Bros would have to make twice. Once for Batman/Superman, and at least as much for a Justice League film.

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