Worst Cowboy Ever?

thats7 said:
Correct. Lotsa football left in that game. Has to be revered as "the drop" in direct correlation of "the catch". Funny isn't it?

Smith gets more blame than he deserves.

There were 3 critical plays in that game that directly lead to the Steelers winning and they happened bang, bang, bang.

The bogus PI on Barnes, that instead of ending the drive and forcing a punt became a TD.

Randy White's cast causing a fumble on the kickoff.

Cliff and Charlie switching sides and the umpire's block springing Franco Harris.

That is a 14 point swing, Smith's drop cost us 4 points and had we not lost by 4 it would probably be an after thought.
big dog cowboy said:
Absolutely 100% incorrect. John Dutton was a very good player for us.

john dutton was indeed a very good player.
Hostile said:
Worms, all over the place. Must put them back in the can.
Hos I never thought you of all people would miss the sarcasim. :cool:
JackMagist said:
those guys were just bad players not (necessarily) bad guys. And on that list Vinny Testaverde and Eddie George need to be listed as well.

I can think of a number of QBs we had who were worse than Vinny: Laufenberg, Wilson, Sweeney, Pelluer, Hogeboom, Ryan Leaf, Chad Hutchinson, Anthony Wright (although I always thought he could've developed into a decent player) and Clint Stoerner.
kidcard76 said:
RYAN LEAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a waste of air that dude was
It depends how you look at it. If you're asking 'worst player to have spend time with the Cowboys' then I'd agree and say Leaf was a good choice. However, if you're solely looking at his performance with the 'Boys, then he doesn't belong on this list. He had that one awful game (against the Eagles I believe) that was as much the fault of that imbecile Jack Reily as it was the fault of Leaf. But compared to what Laufenberg showed, he was nowhere near as bad in a Cowboys uniform.
Hostile said:
Rafael Septien. Not only is he a kicker but a child molestor. In this case 2 strikes and you're out.

Ahh, ya beat me to it.

Really no contest here. Add up all the factors. Negative act(s) vs. Positive Influence, time with the team...etc.

Septien was a Cowboy for a long time so there's more of a history than say... Goodrich.

He was kicker so his positive influence on the team as whole is far less (as opposed to Irvin, who's immense contributions are clear).

Finally, there's not much worse out there than a child molester.
As far as just being a horrible football player that somehow continued to stay on the field, I would have to go with Clay "Revolving Door" Shiver. A play with Clay Shiver at center would typically go one of two ways:

Clay Shiver snaps the ball, and the opposing d-tackle blows by him and kills the QB or RB

or Clay Shiver snaps the ball, and gets thrown backwards into the QB or RB.

I think this guy had more to do with Troy having to leave football than LaVar Arrington.
Hostile said:
Rafael Septien. Not only is he a kicker but a child molestor. In this case 2 strikes and you're out.

LOL, this is my answer as well. I figured I'd be the only one to point him out. When I was a kid, I actually lumped him in with Roger, Tony and Drew and years later was disgusted with myself.

Drugs are a common thing in all sports these days and I believe society as a whole has become more immune and tolerant to news about players and drugs along with violence. However, one area that thankfully is still considered one of the worst crimes (physical/sexual abuse of children) is still thought about in such a disgusting and negative manner as ever. As such, I place Rafael Septien at the top of this list.
Chief said:
He had a drug habit and got into some trouble after his playing days.
Yeah but it didn't happen while he was a Cowboy and it never reflected on the team so I'm not holding it against him from a Cowboys fan perspective.
Dwayne Goodrich
Darren "voluntary" Hambrick

Talentless wastes of time who did their best to tarnish the star. At least Hollywood, Septien, and Duane Thomas had their good football moments before off the field troubles brought them down.

These first two were awful both on and off the field.
Bubba Rock said:
Septien without a doubt. The guy was convicted of sexually assaulting a 10 year old girl. It made me sick when the story broke because he was so good when he played for the Cowboys. I'm a firm believer that these people cannot be reabilitated.

I met a guy hiking the AT once who was a social worker who started a business taking court referrals for intensive counseling. His business specialized in working sex offenders. He said that the rapists and so forth actually stand a decent chance of rehabilitation, but that he thought it was practically useless working with people who hurt children.
oh yeah, wanted to be sure quentin coryatt (sp?) didn't go without mention.

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