Worst Cowboy Ever?

For worst football attitude I would have to say the Hambrick brothers, Peppi Zellner, and Solomon Page. Guys that had minimal talent yet caused the most headaches.
I think Rod Hill was probably the biggest bust.

Rafael Septien's behavior was atrocious, but he contributed to the team for several years before that happened.

But if you combine a wasted draft pick, lack of talent, bad attitude and committing a horrible crime -- all the bad things you can think of -- then you have to start with Dwayne Goodrich.

This is how bad that was ... Dan Snyder actually mocked Jerry when he made that pick. Imagine that. The Commanders laughing at the Cowboys. That's how bad it was. Then Goodrich gets hurt, has no confidence, can't play, kills a couple of people, then lies about it. Nice.
Troy hambrick....I swear that guy closed his eyes when he hit the hole.
Marcellus Wiley......Man he was horrible. A man that big, can't stink it up that bad without trying.
Tony Banks....Must of sucked being terminated day one of TC. Thank God they re-thought that situation. I'm basing his nominee on what could've been.....in this case what wouldn't of been.
As players I would go with Clay Shiver, Marcellus Wiley, Gary Hogeboom, and Robert Thomas.

With regard to bad attitude it would be Clint Longly. You can't diss Roger Staubauh and expect to even remain in Texas nor less on the team.
Campo? I know he wasn't a player, but he took the Cowboys from Super Bowls to losers. Prolly a good man, but not much in the way of a judge of talent.
Deveren Johnson
Robert Thomas
Clint Longley
Tony Dixon
Sherman Williams (rb) Nate's buddy
Supuoa? Dude that killed Mark Tuinuie

All thug but good:

E Williams
Septien without a doubt. The guy was convicted of sexually assaulting a 10 year old girl. It made me sick when the story broke because he was so good when he played for the Cowboys. I'm a firm believer that these people cannot be reabilitated.
RegiStar said:
And let's not forget Golden Richards.
What was wrong with Golden Richards? He was a very good WR and I don't recall him getting into any trouble with the law.
JackMagist said:
What was wrong with Golden Richards? He was a very good WR and I don't recall him getting into any trouble with the law.

Lance Rentzell maybe. The guy was a perv
Jackie Smith....I think thats the guys name, dropped a winning TD in one of out losses in SB against steelers. Man, I wish he'da held on to that ball, that drop cost us the decade of the 70's and becasue of that more steelers got in to the HOF then should have and more cowboys were kept out. They couldn't keep em all out if we won that game.
JackMagist said:
What was wrong with Golden Richards? He was a very good WR and I don't recall him getting into any trouble with the law.

He had a drug habit and got into some trouble after his playing days.
Gary Hogeboom. I'm not the biggest fan of Danny White but it turned out to be a disaster when Landry replaced White with this no talent QB.
How about 400 plus tub of lard Aaron Gibson, who I don't think managed to ever take the field for us.

And the downward spiraling Ryan Leaf.

From the past? John Dutton! Had high hopes for him and he was very mediocre.

Shante Carver? How many sacks did that pass rushing specialist end up with anyway?
BEASToftheEAST said:
From the past? John Dutton! Had high hopes for him and he was very mediocre.
Absolutely 100% incorrect. John Dutton was a very good player for us.
Ekubust has the be near the top in terms of lost potential

Darren Hambrick and his "What do mandatory mean" comments werent very good for the franchise either
Ashwynn said:
Jackie Smith....I think thats the guys name, dropped a winning TD in one of out losses in SB against steelers. Man, I wish he'da held on to that ball, that drop cost us the decade of the 70's and becasue of that more steelers got in to the HOF then should have and more cowboys were kept out. They couldn't keep em all out if we won that game.

It was not the winning TD.
blindzebra said:
It was not the winning TD.

Correct. Lotsa football left in that game. Has to be revered as "the drop" in direct correlation of "the catch". Funny isn't it?

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