Would Jerry take a chance with Vick?

ZeroClub;1598784 said:
I don't think Jerry would sign Vick in any case, but especially not as a QB.

Vick would tear it up in the Canadian Football League with those sidelines providing extra room. Maybe he'll end up there for a while, once he leaves the big house.

Now, that is a possibility...

(do they have dogs in canada?)...:eek:
5Stars;1598787 said:
Saul did not operate a dog fighting bizness! :laugh2:

Leave religion out of this, OK? It does nothing good on a board like this...:cool:

My statement was not intended to be, nor was it, a religious one. The point was, remarkable 180 degree transformations have happened before, and can happen again.

What anyone chooses to believe is behind such transformations, is up to them.
Big Dakota;1598795 said:
The point you are missing is if he pleads to gambling, he will NEVER regain his rep. If sports had a 10 commandments, gambling would be "thou shall not kill". You've heard of a poster boy? Ya know, 8 men out, Pete Rose, Tim Donaghy. Well guess what, Goodell has his and his name is Mike Vick. Not to mention you would have to find an owner willing to put up with weekly protests and bad pub. I think the chances of him playing again or so remote right now they aren't even worth mentioning. Like Emmitt said on national TV yesterday, Vick might have to go to Canada.

And if Vick is totally unrepentant in all this I believe he will be done for in the NFL. But we don't know if Vick will set out to rehabilitate himself, nor do we know how any gambling issues will turn out.

Point being, again, whats absolute is that Vick is going to jail. What happens after that depends almost entirely on how Vick responds, in my opinion.
CoCo;1598808 said:
My statement was not intended to be, nor was it, a religious one. The point was, remarkable 180 degree transformations have happened before, and can happen again.

What anyone chooses to believe is behind such transformations, is up to them.

Well, let me be the first to say I hope he does, OK? I've been real hard on Vick because of the atrocious things he has done to to defenseless animals...

(fuzzy don't start with the cows, ok)...

and I feel sorry for him in some bizarre way, but...if he turns his life around, good on him! I have no problem with that...

The problem I have is all these posters that want him back in the NFL, or think he deserves another shot in the NFL without realizing the ramifications that he will bring to a team that does take a chance on him! It's not going to happen...it just cannot! Let's put it this way...he is a marked man for what he's done and if an NFL team takes a chance on him...watch and see where that ends up, OK!

5Stars;1598813 said:
Well, let me be the first to say I hope he does, OK? I've been real hard on Vick because of the atrocious things he has done to to defenseless animals...

(fuzzy don't start with the cows, ok)...

and I feel sorry for him in some bizarre way, but...if he turns his life around, good on him! I have no problem with that...

The problem I have is all these posters that want him back in the NFL, or think he deserves another shot in the NFL without realizing the ramifications that he will bring to a team that does take a chance on him! It's not going to happen...it just cannot! Let's put it this way...he is a marked man for what he's done and if an NFL team takes a chance on him...watch and see where that ends up, OK!


We're in total agreement on the first part. And I also agree that at this point Vick deserves nothing from the NFL going forward.

I'm just not as absolute as you on what his NFL future could be based on how he conducts himself going forward. Just expressing a contrary opinion.

I'm cool. ;)
CoCo;1598820 said:
We're in total agreement on the first part. And I also agree that at this point Vick deserves nothing from the NFL going forward.

I'm just not as absolute as you on what his NFL future could be based on how he conducts himself going forward. Just expressing a contrary opinion.

I'm fooled. ;)


;) :D
No. We really don't need him at this point.

Jerry Jones won't pull the trigger, some extremely desperate bottom feeder team will.
DragonCowboy;1598837 said:
No. We really don't need him at this point.

Jerry Jones won't pull the trigger, some extremely desperate bottom feeder team will.

Come on, DragonCowboy...let's leave the RedStinks out of this, OK! :cool:
CoCo;1598811 said:
And if Vick is totally unrepentant in all this I believe he will be done for in the NFL. But we don't know if Vick will set out to rehabilitate himself, nor do we know how any gambling issues will turn out.

Point being, again, whats absolute is that Vick is going to jail. What happens after that depends almost entirely on how Vick responds, in my opinion.

Vick does NOT controll his own destiny where the NFL is concerned, regardless of whether he is repentant, rehabilitated, or any other RE you can think of, in my opinion.
This may not be politically correct, but if ANY team (and I'm on record as saying I don't think VIck every plays NFL football again), but if ANY team takes a chance on him, its going to be a team from the deep south.

Like it or not, this has become a bit of a black/white issue. Many blacks think VIck was railroaded. So they would most certainly support his return. White, corporate America wants to see his butt fry in prison. Again, we're speaking in large generalities here.

The only team I see that would take a chance on Vick would be a New Orleans with a HUGE black population, Atlanta (although he's obviously burnt his bridge there), Jacksonville or Charlotte. All with heavy black populations.

The cowboys are way too corporate of a team to take on someone as dangerous as Vick. Jerry wouldn't have it.

Just my two cents.
kobe2jail;1598862 said:
This may not be politically correct, but if ANY team (and I'm on record as saying I don't think VIck every plays NFL football again), but if ANY team takes a chance on him, its going to be a team from the deep south.

Like it or not, this has become a bit of a black/white issue. Many blacks think VIck was railroaded. So they would most certainly support his return. White, corporate America wants to see his butt fry in prison. Again, we're speaking in large generalities here.

The only team I see that would take a chance on Vick would be a New Orleans with a HUGE black population, Atlanta (although he's obviously burnt his bridge there), Jacksonville or Charlotte. All with heavy black populations.

The cowboys are way too corporate of a team to take on someone as dangerous as Vick. Jerry wouldn't have it.

Just my two cents.

Wrong! Many whites do the same thing...maybe now they will be caught, too?
5Stars;1598882 said:
Wrong! Many whites do the same thing...maybe now they will be caught, too?

No he's not wrong. I listen to Atlanta sports talk stations on my way home from work, and ALL the callers that call and offer any kind of support for vick are black. All the man-on-the-streets that the AJC has done about this over the last two weeks finds all the support for Vick coming from the african-american community EXCLUSIVELY.
Jerry has worked hard to correct the poor image that the Cowboys received as a result of some of the off field issues in the 90s. Signing TO was a gamble but at least he's a quality WR and his problems off the field (and on it as way) didn't involve criminal activities. Frankly, I really doubt any NFL team could afford to have a QB with Vick's high profile criminal acitivity as the face of their franchise. Also don't see Jerry being interested in a 30+ WR/RB when he could get better players who don't have the baggage Vick would bring to the team.

I've heard/read many say that the public will forgive and/or forget. Public sure hasn't forgiven/forgotten OJ Simpson and frankly they won't forget the dogfighting/dogkillilng Vick either. Vick is and will continue to be too radioactive a player--may the Raiders but not the Cowboys.
Big Dakota;1598795 said:
The point you are missing is if he pleads to gambling, he will NEVER regain his rep. If sports had a 10 commandments, gambling would be "thou shall not kill". You've heard of a poster boy? Ya know, 8 men out, Pete Rose, Tim Donaghy. Well guess what, Goodell has his and his name is Mike Vick. Not to mention you would have to find an owner willing to put up with weekly protests and bad pub. I think the chances of him playing again or so remote right now they aren't even worth mentioning. Like Emmitt said on national TV yesterday, Vick might have to go to Canada.
I don't think Vick's situation is too similar to these guys at all. Those previously mentioned gambled on games in the league that they were in. Vick gambled outside his league. Gambling on games you are a participant in, would be in the 10 commandments of sports. Gambling outside your sport, not exactly as taboo.

Michael Jordan gambled on golf. Charles Barkley gambled in casinos. Wayne Gretzky gambled (allegedly) on sports outside of hockey. Rick Neueisel gambled on March Madness. They are all still involved in their respective sports.

If every professional athlete who went to Vegas were blackballed by his league, you and I would be playing for the Cowboys.
peplaw06;1598985 said:
I don't think Vick's situation is too similar to these guys at all. Those previously mentioned gambled on games in the league that they were in. Vick gambled outside his league. Gambling on games you are a participant in, would be in the 10 commandments of sports. Gambling outside your sport, not exactly as taboo.

Michael Jordan gambled on golf. Charles Barkley gambled in casinos. Wayne Gretzky gambled (allegedly) on sports outside of hockey. Rick Neueisel gambled on March Madness. They are all still involved in their respective sports.

If every professional athlete who went to Vegas were blackballed by his league, you and I would be playing for the Cowboys.

All those are good points. However, one small bit of info is missing from your argument, which is "ILLEGAL" gambling, which Vick may have been involved...oh what the hell, Vick was into illegal gambling.

Legal gambling outside of their respective sport isn't frawn upon but any illegal gambling not so much.
03EBZ06;1599027 said:
All those are good points. However, one small bit of info is missing from your argument, which is "ILLEGAL" gambling, which Vick may have been involved...oh what the hell, Vick was into illegal gambling.

Legal gambling outside of their respective sport isn't frawn upon but any illegal gambling not so much.

Ya think Goodell will make the distinction between Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretzky gambling in Vegas and Vick in the dog pit with Pookey and Ray Ray?
This is all irresponsible jounalism by one ******** Chris Myers from FOX and BSPN.
In all fairness generally speaking what owners have shown a chance on troubled players.

Cincinnati: obviously.

Oakland: obviously.

Dallas: we have not only brought in Owens which brings in his particular brand of baggage but there is also Elam in recent history. You go a little bit farther back and you have Underwood and Spellman who were far from model citizens. Alos you go back a bit farther than that and you have Lett and Irvin.

Does this mean we are going to bring in Vick in two years? Probably not. At the same time its not as if this speculation is coming out from left field.

Its very apparent that the majority of the posters on this sight are from a very conservative demographic and I think that you are substituting what you would do or want done without really thinking about what type of player Jones has brought in in the past.
peplaw06;1598985 said:
If every professional athlete who went to Vegas were blackballed by his league, you and I would be playing for the Cowboys.

Are we missing the clear distinction between legally gambling in legal casinos as opposed to illegally gambling on an illegal activity?

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