Would Norv drop T.O.?


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BrAinPaiNt;1352883 said:
IF norv is smart...he might want to consider letting TO go.

He did not exactly do so great with Moss in Oakland.
Nor was it a great thing going with Westbrook in DC.

I am just using those two as his WRs while a HC.

If you are already perceived to be Soft on players...TO is not the type of player you want around.

I don't care if people excuse or blame TO for problems in his past or since being a cowboy.

One thing is true...With TO it is always something.

You bring up two very good examples.......however, maybe Norv learned something from those experiences.


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WV Cowboy;1353027 said:
McNabb told Owens to shut the F up in the huddle and then told the media that we don't need him and can win without him.

Good, he is the QB and leader of his team. If he can't get communicate the play in the huddle because his receiver is yapping his mouth, he should be told to shut the F up! And that's according to TO. However, we have visual proof of TO yelling in Donovan't ear on the sideline while Donovan is trying to walk away from him as opposed to shouting back at him.

No, he never told the media, "we don't need him" That's your words not McNabb's. McNabb said: "We can win without TO" That's not the same thing as saying we don't need him. And if you understand the term context, his response was appropriate. The media asked him about the Eagles chances without TO. He responded by saying they can without him. So, it's pretty obvious his intent wasn't to put TO down.

McNabb got jealous of Owens when he was not the biggest story in Philthy, the same as he just did with Garcia.

Right, that makes sense because we all know much of a ham McNabb is with the media and just craves attention in Philly. Do you know what McNabb does in his offseasons? He has a modest house in Ahwautukee (Phoenix) (probably 200-300K). He runs in the heat here. He plays pick-up basketball at LA fitness gym which is a relatively cheap gym (29 per month). He is not out partying with P Diddy and other hip hop stars like TO which he could easily do because that he is high profile QB. He also plays basketball with a lot of the guys in the neighborhood and doesn't act like a star athlete. I bet you didn't know that thought because you believe everything TO tells you.

McNabb wanted them to tank without him, you could tell that in his facial expression and his half-hearted fist pump when their FG beat the Giants.

So that's evidence. Your interpretation of his facial expression.

He has you fooled though.

No, but obviously TO has you brainwashed. Oh yeah, thanks for ignoring the part about Jeff Garcia. You obviously had no comeback to that one so you ignored it realizing it conflicts with everything you have said about TO. What's your excuse about TO's dissing Jeff Garcia. You really think that it was cool to imply Garcia is a homosexual and publicly state that he has has a weak arm. Is that your definition of a class?


Mr. Wright
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Moss is even more of a scumbag than TO and Westbrook wasnt half the athlete TO is.

I understand the use of examples but honestly... Norv would be an idiot getting rid of TO.

WV Cowboy

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mr.jameswoods;1353251 said:
I don't think you understand the concept of distraction. When the media is interviewing our players and asking them about TO psyche because it looked he tried to kill himself the night before, that is a distraction!
Maybe you dont understand the concept of fabricated distraction.

The media conveniently forgot that it was an accidental interaction of pain meds and supplements, thus there was no reason to be asking about his psyche.

It was an accident. I had something similar happen when meds they gave me interacted with each other, ... not fun.

The fact that they EVER mention the words 'attempted suicide' prove the shoddy journalism they are practicing.

It really amused me how Tom Jackson and Chris Berman were "truly concerned about TO as a human being." ... even after it was proved not to be an attempted suicide.

They really think they are way bigger than they really are. Either one could retire tomorrow and nobody would even notice as long as the highlights continue.

WV Cowboy

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mr.jameswoods;1353269 said:
No, but obviously TO has you brainwashed. Oh yeah, thanks for ignoring the part about Jeff Garcia. You obviously had no comeback to that one so you ignored it realizing it conflicts with everything you have said about TO. What's your excuse about TO's dissing Jeff Garcia. You really think that it was cool to imply Garcia is a homosexual and publicly state that he has has a weak arm. Is that your definition of a class?

Dude , in your post that I responded to, you made no mention of Garcia, maybe that's why my only mention of Garcia was of now, when he was in Philly.

I never said Owens was perfect, I just find it amusing that some of you guys hated him so much prior to him even being here, that you have to find the smallest, most unimportant thing and go off on him as if he murdered somebody.


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WV Cowboy;1353272 said:
Maybe you dont understand the concept of fabricated distraction.

How can the media fabricate a 911 call made by TO's own publicist. Randy Galloway didn't call it in.

The media conveniently forgot that it was an accidental interaction of pain meds and supplements, thus there was no reason to be asking about his psyche.

I'm a 4th year medical student that is well versed in drug interactions with hydrocodone. You are very unlikely to get the type of reaction TO got by mixing pain pills with weigh gainer or any other OT supplement sold at GNC. The most lethal OT stuff is amphetamine related so if there was any drug interaction it would been tachycardia that could lead to a heart attack. He was in a coma. My guess is he was drinking while taking his meds. I know that certain antidepressants are extremely safe in overdose when taken by themselves. However when mixed with alcohol, they can be lethal and lead to coma. I would bet that he was drinking alcohol in some capacity.

The fact that they EVER mention the words 'attempted suicide' prove the shoddy journalism they are practicing.

Now, I agree with you here. It was irresponsible for them to call it a suicide without the facts. However, TO was up to something. You don't fall into a coma because you take one hydrocone pill and some amino acids. LOL I still think as a player he has to be more responsible than that.


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The way I see it, if this has any basis in reality, is that if it comes down to Norv or TO, we keep TO. Norv's not worth it.


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WV Cowboy;1353286 said:
Dude , in your post that I responded to, you made no mention of Garcia, maybe that's why my only mention of Garcia was of now, when he was in Philly.

I never said Owens was perfect, I just find it amusing that some of you guys hated him so much prior to him even being here, that you have to find the smallest, most unimportant thing and go off on him as if he murdered somebody.

Likewise, I just find it funny that you mention leadership in regards to McNabb yet simply excuse TO's comments about Garcia as "I never said Owens was perfect"

I mean the worst you can say about McNabb is that he had a bad expression on his face. It's like you are fishing for criticisms about him when he hasn't done anything. Whereas with TO, he calls out his coach in the media and that's perfectly okay with you


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I havent read this whole thread but TO isnt going anywhere. No way Jones would want to give off any impression he made a mistake by getting him and Im not 100% sure he did

I'd put more stock in what Parcells said in his interview on how the media made way more out of TO than ever was there than what people seem to think on a message board about his distraction or not.

WV Cowboy

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mr.jameswoods;1353298 said:
How can the media fabricate a 911 call made by TO's own publicist. Randy Galloway didn't call it in.

I'm a 4th year medical student that is well versed in drug interactions with hydrocodone. You are very unlikely to get the type of reaction TO got by mixing pain pills with weigh gainer or any other OT supplement sold at GNC. The most lethal OT stuff is amphetamine related so if there was any drug interaction it would been tachycardia that could lead to a heart attack. He was in a coma. My guess is he was drinking while taking his meds. I know that certain antidepressants are extremely safe in overdose when taken by themselves. However when mixed with alcohol, they can be lethal and lead to coma. I would bet that he was drinking alcohol in some capacity.

Now, I agree with you here. It was irresponsible for them to call it a suicide without the facts. However, TO was up to something. You don't fall into a coma because you take one hydrocone pill and some amino acids. LOL I still think as a player he has to be more responsible than that.

Owens doesn't drink alcohol.

I never heard that he was in a coma. <link please>

I only heard that they did not induce vomiting or pump his stomach.

I think if he knew it would cause a reaction he would not have done it.

Like I said, I had something similar happen, and my daughter-in-laws grandmother had something similar right after Owens did.

But since it was TO it is a distraction. I don't remember it distracting anything to the point that is changed anything.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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mr.jameswoods;1353312 said:
Likewise, I just find it funny that you mention leadership in regards to McNabb yet simply excuse TO's comments about Garcia as "I never said Owens was perfect"

I mean the worst you can say about McNabb is that he had a bad expression on his face. It's like you are fishing for criticisms about him when he hasn't done anything. Whereas with TO, he calls out his coach in the media and that's perfectly okay with you

Yes, I agree that it is funny to mention leadership in regards to McNabb.:laugh2:

Let's watch and see what happens with McNabb.

When did Owens call Parcells out ?


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WV Cowboy;1353325 said:
Owens doesn't drink alcohol.

I never heard that he was in a coma. <link please>

I only heard that they did not induce vomiting or pump his stomach.

I think if he knew it would cause a reaction he would not have done it.

Like I said, I had something similar happen, and my daughter-in-laws grandmother had something similar right after Owens did.

But since it was TO it is a distraction. I don't remember it distracting anything to the point that is changed anything.

You are not gonna go into anaphylaxis by taking hydrocone and some OTC supplement together. Also, an allergic reaction wouldn't make you "groggy" Your immune system doesn't worth that way. If there truly was a bad allergic reaction then he would go into anaphylaxis in which he is experiecing shock. I have never heard of a groggy allergic reaction. I know people can get rash, nausea, coma etc however you don't get a "sleepy" allergic reaction. People get groggy on allergy medication like antihistamines but that's not because they have an allergic reaction to the drugs. The fact that he mentioned "allergic" reaction has b.s. written all over it. I might have believed him if he mentioned GI upset that led to massive vomiting. I can tell you that no respected physician or medical authority believes that regardless if you do.

Basically, what it sounds like is that he passed out and wasn't moving aka "groggy" That's probably why she called 911 and was freaking out.

Also, this whole thing is shady because the 911 tapes of his publicist calling in were somehow not released. On those tapes, his publicist supposedly told 911 that he was trying to harm himself. The emergency personnel that arrived on the scene also supported those statements. However, TO and his publicist are denying everything.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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mr.jameswoods;1353337 said:
You are not gonna go into anaphylaxis by taking hydrocone and some OTC supplement. I can tell you that know respected physician or medical authority is buying regardless if you are.

Also, this whole thing is shady because the 911 tapes of his publicist calling in were somehow not released. On those tapes, his publicist supposedly told 911 that he was trying to harm himself. The emergency personnel that arrived on the scene also supported those statements. However, TO and his publicist are denying everything.
So you are still suggesting attempted suicide ??

Well, since you are the doctor, do you think someone who "overdosed" and was in a coma one day, could have physically given an interview the next day where he was laughing and answering questions, and then went out and practiced football ?


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i think any coach would be making a mistake if they didn't keep my boy T.O., he led the league in TD receptions with a broken finger so when he is fully healthy his TD numbers will probably improve, especially now that he and romo will have a better understanding - it will probably be last season minus the drops cause his hand will be fine. we should not hire a coach that even thinks about dropping T.O.


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sacase;1352846 said:
That ladies and Gentlemen is why Norv won't get hired. He is tryin to dicate to much. There is no way Jerry will allow TO to go. I think it is between Singletary and Rivera.

I agree........TO is off limits to the next HC. Jerry has said multiple times already that TO is coming back.

I dont get what Norv is trying to do here if the reports are true with his "stipulations".

If Norv says, "Jerry, I need full control over player personnel and draft"



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yep, T.O. is too important to us. no matter who the coach is he is gonna have to accept that T.O. is our franchise player.


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sacase;1352846 said:
That ladies and Gentlemen is why Norv won't get hired. He is tryin to dicate to much. There is no way Jerry will allow TO to go. I think it is between Singletary and Rivera.

Don't believe this crap. Yall know how Espn is always trying to make a story bout Terrell Owens, why?, because they don't like the guy. But I doubt seriously if Jerry would let him tamper with "his player" point blank.


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gazmc_06;1353911 said:
yep, T.O. is too important to us. no matter who the coach is he is gonna have to accept that T.O. is our franchise player.

Good Point:bow:

But I think this is to build up to fans to either not like Norv or just to be glad T.O. is going to be gone which he is not. Espn would love to see something like this happen to they guy. I believe Norv could work with the guy.


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^me too, he worked with randy moss and T.O. is not as bad as him. T.O. is my favorite player of all time even when he was with the 49'ers and eagles but now that he is in dallas i will be damned if he leaves us. espn are just trying to worry dallas fans but we know what is really going on with T.O. and that is nothing, he will be a cowboy next year.