Would you be surprised if Henson gets #2 QB spot.

TwoDeep3 said:
reread my post. My comment about it being ridiculous is in regard to my bringing up Elway. Not your comment.

I read it ... my bad ... mine looked a little off from what I was trying to say too. I get what you're saying ...

By the way, perhaps before you insult me, you should make certain you understand the point I am making.

True ...

You suggest the history of this team indicates bringing in baseball players doesn't work.

It's a path I've grown tired of taking ... I don't know maybe I need new shoes though ...

I agree to the extent that Hutchinson and Quincy did not.

We agree ...

I also suggest that being a baseballer is not, by itself, an indictment on the potential of a player to succeed in this league at this position.

Absolutely not. But there was a point when he had to chose when he could have chose either. And he chose baseball while missing the opportunity to better himself at football.

You have to ask yourself. If he's so smart, how hard would it have been for him to figure out that spending time playing QB in college was precious time that has big payoffs? Experience needed to succeed.

He clowned around and told himself he was better than he was. Hyped. Went to baseball and unimpressed.

Now he mosey's back to football on my team ... and we're supposed to take over his precious "potential" and do something ...

Nuh uh ... it aint working for me anymore. It the definition of insanity. Over and over right? Same thing?

It's not baseball, it's football ... he didn't chose football ...

Henson may very well be a bust.

We agree ...

But from this vantage point I don't have the answers yet.

How can you when I already have them. Only one of us can have the answer ...

I do however have a notion Romo is Clint Stoerner. They are so similar it is both incredible and obvious.

I disagree. But not entirely ... I think at this point, Romo is a serviceable back up ready mentally to step up if we need him. He's been playing football ...

I do not have to be in the Henson camp to appreciate that Romo will not be Favre, Montana, or any other player some have tried to make out on this board.

The armstrength analogies and facts get people. But I never made that comparison either ...

The Elway comment was simply to suggest that having a prior baseball fling does not mean you will automtaically be a bust.

But not playing football may ... which is my point ... but I understand yours as well ...
TwoDeep3 said:
It was posted by Spags in an answer to a question yesterday. Now that is not exactly Adamjt13, but I suspect he did research this or was told this by the team.

So believe as you like.
Come on man.

When Adam posts it will cost 3.5 million THIS YEAR I will believe that, otherwise I will believe my own common sense and quoted numbers from newspapers.

Nonetheless I see no reason to release the guy as it isn't like we have some stud waiting in the wigs to be a 3rd QB that I know of.

Romo has been better thus far this pre-season but that won't mean much once next year rolls around. And even less the year after that. While I think it quite silly to argue Romo has been better this pre-season I would also think it silly to ignore its possible that Henson ultimately surpasses Romo to be our next starter after Bledsoe. I am hopeful that happens but am not counting on it any more until I get some evidence of solid play by Henson backed by more than a few guys dismissing bad stats.
Wolverine said:
If there were any facts like this BP woulda named him the #2 QB.

You really dont have a clue do you?

That arguement holds no water whatsoever. Parcells didnt name QC the starter over Chutch until the last preseason game, yet it was one of the most blatantly obvious choices ever from about a week into TC.
JDSmith said:
And yet both guys that JJ named the QB of the future were cut. Hutch was supposed to be 'A man among boys' when he was out there according to JJ. Quincy was supposed to be McNabb. Both are gone because Parcells felt one couldn't play and the other couldn't be relied on. Jerry had a lot of his credibility on the line with those players since he supposedly reached for QC in the draft and pursued Hutch so aggressively, giving him long term guaranteed money.

I'm sorry, I just don't think that Jerry's ego will buy Henson a roster spot - much less the number 2 position. Parcells wouldn't allow Henson to be number 2 if he truly believed it was not in the best interest of the club, and putting Henson at number 3 surely won't be any harder than releasing Hutch and cutting Quincy (who was our starter at the time) in training camp.

JJ cut QC because he was basically forced to or risk his team's image reverting back to what it was in the mid 90s: a bgunch of drugies.

Chutch wasnt cut until QC was clearly the better player.
jterrell said:
Come on man.

When Adam posts it will cost 3.5 million THIS YEAR I will believe that, otherwise I will believe my own common sense and quoted numbers from newspapers.

Nonetheless I see no reason to release the guy as it isn't like we have some stud waiting in the wigs to be a 3rd QB that I know of.

Romo has been better thus far this pre-season but that won't mean much once next year rolls around. And even less the year after that. While I think it quite silly to argue Romo has been better this pre-season I would also think it silly to ignore its possible that Henson ultimately surpasses Romo to be our next starter after Bledsoe. I am hopeful that happens but am not counting on it any more until I get some evidence of solid play by Henson backed by more than a few guys dismissing bad stats.

I continue to see people belittle Spags, and wonder why. He holds a job with the team and reports what he sees and hears.

But having said this I will remind you to believe as you will. You always have before.
TwoDeep3 said:
I continue to see people belittle Spags, and wonder why. He holds a job with the team and reports what he sees and hears.

But having said this I will remind you to believe as you will. You always have before.

HeavyHitta31 said:
You really dont have a clue do you?

That arguement holds no water whatsoever. Parcells didnt name QC the starter over Chutch until the last preseason game, yet it was one of the most blatantly obvious choices ever from about a week into TC.

I think that situation was completely different. Parcells came in and everyone had already annointed Hutch the next big thing. The media and the fans were both convinced that Hutch was the answer at QB. Parcells allowed it to play out until it was painfully obvious that Quincy was the better player. He did that because he didn't want to deal with a lot of stupid questions from the media IMO. And the key factor is that it was for the starter's job. The media gets all worked up over starting QBs, not nearly so much over backups. Now if one of these two guys were actually competing with Bledsoe for the starter position I might buy into the fact that Parcells was dragging it out for the reasons he did with QC and Hutch. But not for a backup. It's simply not worth the headaches, especially when the backup could change during the season with almost nobody noticing. The backup changed repeatedly last year and it didn't exactly garner 3 inch headlines. I think Parcells just wants to make the right choice before he starts doling out work with the first team to whomever wins the backup job. And I just don't think that things are as cut and dried as some fans here want to believe. Don't forget, Parcells actually knows what plays are called and what the read progressions are. I don't think most fans here actually know who Romo or Henson are supposed to be looking at and when. So while we argue over which guy is making great reads, Parcells could be shaking his head at the stupidity of the same QB if the guy isn't making the reads the way Parcells expects and isn't throwing to the guy Bill believes should get the ball.
HeavyHitta31 said:
You really dont have a clue do you?

That arguement holds no water whatsoever. Parcells didnt name QC the starter over Chutch until the last preseason game, yet it was one of the most blatantly obvious choices ever from about a week into TC.

You are the one who does not have a clue. Lotsa people thought Romo getting all the time with the 2nd team said it all. BP said don not read anything into it. Well Henson was #2 in the Hawks game and some people read to much into things last week.

YOu have no idea what BP is thinking or is on his mind. Nobody does here. When the 1st reg season starts we could have a vet QB at #2 and either Henson or Romo at #3.

You dont know anything what you are talkin about. You think you know everything but you don't.
jterrell said:
Come on man.

When Adam posts it will cost 3.5 million THIS YEAR I will believe that, otherwise I will believe my own common sense and quoted numbers from newspapers.

It settles it in my mind though. And I mean it really settles it. THAT right THUR is the reason he's still even HERE!


Nonetheless I see no reason to release the guy as it isn't like we have some stud waiting in the wigs to be a 3rd QB that I know of.

I can deal with #3 any day all day ... he's about as mentally ready as #4, but he's got "potential". I'll give the little bastid a hall pass or something.

Romo has been better thus far this pre-season but that won't mean much once next year rolls around. And even less the year after that. While I think it quite silly to argue Romo has been better this pre-season I would also think it silly to ignore its possible that Henson ultimately surpasses Romo to be our next starter after Bledsoe. I am hopeful that happens but am not counting on it any more until I get some evidence of solid play by Henson backed by more than a few guys dismissing bad stats.

I can totally live with this. The 'ifs' involved are key. And I think Romo has been better. He's not knock your socks off or anything, but he's been OK. In control. I'm just not ready to put him in "if" the situation arises where he is the guy "in control".

It's obvious while Romo hasn't been spectacular, but he's been in control - Henson has not. You can just see that he just isn't getting it all back there - up stairs. And experience is showing it's value for Romo IMO.
Wolverine said:
You are the one who does not have a clue. Lotsa people thought Romo getting all the time with the 2nd team said it all. BP said don not read anything into it. Well Henson was #2 in the Hawks game and some people read to much into things last week.

YOu have no idea what BP is thinking or is on his mind. Nobody does here. When the 1st reg season starts we could have a vet QB at #2 and either Henson or Romo at #3.

You dont know anything what you are talkin about. You think you know everything but you don't.

Could you speak in ENGLISH next time? Good God, how old are you?

And I never claimed to know what BP in thinking, I do however know that on the field, Romo has played better for 2 years now.
HeavyHitta31 said:
JJ cut QC because he was basically forced to or risk his team's image reverting back to what it was in the mid 90s: a bgunch of drugies.

Chutch wasnt cut until QC was clearly the better player.

Yeah, but Hutch was supposed to be a project and take time. He was also supposed to be such a phenominal talent that JJ couldn't pass him up. I wonder how many fans here really remember how JJ gushed over Hutch? And yet Hutch was sent packing by Bill. That couldn't have been a good time for Jerry because his supposed football acumen took a huge hit with that release. But it was the best thing for the team because Hutch simply wasn't going to pan out - as has become obvious this year in preseason for the Bears. So Jerry swallowed his pride (he could easily have kept Hutch around at number 3 if it was such a big deal) and cut his golden child. He also swallowed his pride when Bill decided to start QC over Hutch because all offseason Jerry had been talking about how Hutch was the man and how he was improving. Then Bill went and gave the starter job to QC.
JDSmith said:
I think that situation was completely different. Parcells came in and everyone had already annointed Hutch the next big thing. The media and the fans were both convinced that Hutch was the answer at QB. Parcells allowed it to play out until it was painfully obvious that Quincy was the better player. He did that because he didn't want to deal with a lot of stupid questions from the media IMO. And the key factor is that it was for the starter's job. The media gets all worked up over starting QBs, not nearly so much over backups. Now if one of these two guys were actually competing with Bledsoe for the starter position I might buy into the fact that Parcells was dragging it out for the reasons he did with QC and Hutch. But not for a backup. It's simply not worth the headaches, especially when the backup could change during the season with almost nobody noticing. The backup changed repeatedly last year and it didn't exactly garner 3 inch headlines. I think Parcells just wants to make the right choice before he starts doling out work with the first team to whomever wins the backup job. And I just don't think that things are as cut and dried as some fans here want to believe. Don't forget, Parcells actually knows what plays are called and what the read progressions are. I don't think most fans here actually know who Romo or Henson are supposed to be looking at and when. So while we argue over which guy is making great reads, Parcells could be shaking his head at the stupidity of the same QB if the guy isn't making the reads the way Parcells expects and isn't throwing to the guy Bill believes should get the ball.

Exactly why he wont name a #2 yet. He doesnt want people whining for the next 2 weeks.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Exactly why he wont name a #2 yet. He doesnt want people whining for the next 2 weeks.

The assumptions you just made by posting this ridiculous comment are astounding.

As if Bill cares what people think.

As if it is even decided as yet.

As if you understand something no one else but Parcells does.

As freakin' if.
goshan said:
If Romo plays poorly and doesn't win the #2, he will be cut.
Another backup will be brought in as the #2.
Henson has shown he isn't ready and Parcells has no confidence in him.

So the scenarios for QB #2/#3 are as follows:
1. Romo #2, Henson #3
2. Veteran #2, Henson #3

There is no way Henson will be number 2 for the first half of this season.


Why? This scenario didn't play out last year.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Exactly why he wont name a #2 yet. He doesnt want people whining for the next 2 weeks.

It's the backup... and this isn't remotely like it was then. Back then he had Jerry telling the media every chance he got how great Hutch was doing and how it was his job. So he let it play out and eventually it became obvious to even the most backwards fan that Quincy was a better football player than Hutch. I don't see how that relates to him naming someone who will, for most people, be inconsequential. Bledsoe has a history of playing through the season, he's hardly ever injured. Naming a backup just isn't that big a deal outside of this board and a few others like it.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Exactly why he wont name a #2 yet. He doesnt want people whining for the next 2 weeks.

Props on the dumbest thing posted in the forum.

Yeah BP cares so much about if the fans complain that is the only reason Romo has not been named #2 yet. Idiot.
Wolverine said:
Props on the dumbest thing posted in the forum.

Yeah BP cares so much about if the fans complain that is the only reason Romo has not been named #2 yet. Idiot.

I wouldnt want to listen to the crap the media will give him either. Its not that he is offended by it, he just doesnt want to deal with it.
jterrell said:
First I am against relaesing Henson. I don't think it is near time to decide if he can play or not and do not think we need to throw him away because he is raw at this point.

All that said I am fairly certain this info you use is incorrect.

Drew Henson did receive about a 7 million dollar deal with 3.5 million guaranteed but the other 3.5 was contingent on him getting a certain number of starts(much like Chad Hutchinson).

Henson is on year 2 and would have eaten a percentage of that 3.5 million guarantee. Divided 3.5 by 7 and you get .5 so figure a 3 million hit; .8 of which is already gonna hit the cap regardless. In the end that adds up to an additonal 2.2 million dollar cap hit for his release. Since it is after June 1st that cap hit would be split over two season at 1.1 million each year.

From the Detroit Free Press....
Henson signed an eight-year contract, with the final four years voidable. Although he’s earning the rookie minimum, $228,000, he reportedly has received a guaranteed $3.5 million, with contract incentives that will boost his annual compensation.

So ... this changes everything. I just wonder if the weight of the loss financially might impact the decision making on keeping the player ...

That's still a lot of money. And if you have him at #3, you still give him is "shot" and you fill a needed roster spot.

Given the financial perspective, I still think he stays ...

But I wonder what "penalty" Romo's release would impact and how that compares with the "if" scenario of Henson ...
TwoDeep3 said:
The assumptions you just made by posting this ridiculous comment are astounding.

As if Bill cares what people think.

As if it is even decided as yet.

As if you understand something no one else but Parcells does.

As freakin' if.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

When did we make the jump from unmarried expert writer to teenage girl?

And read the above post
HeavyHitta31 said:
I wouldnt want to listen to the crap the media will give him either. Its not that he is offended by it, he just doesnt want to deal with it.

I don not think any NFL coach cares what the media or fans think when it comes to putting the best player at each position. Your arguments are really weak. You should quit now. You have already been owned.

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