Would you be surprised if Henson gets #2 QB spot.

Banned_n_austin said:
But I wonder what "penalty" Romo's release would impact and how that compares with the "if" scenario of Henson ...

Cutting Romo will cost 300k against the cap
HeavyHitta31 said:
I wouldnt want to listen to the crap the media will give him either. Its not that he is offended by it, he just doesnt want to deal with it.

I am curious.

Do you have a Ouija board?

A distant relative of Madame Cleo or Deionne Warwick?

Use your cell phone minutes on 1-900-Ask-Bill?

Go through the trash at Parcell's house or the dumpster at Valley Ranch?

Because you sure do post like you know something inside Bill's head.

Wait. Wasn't there a movie called "Being John Malkovich?"

And in this film didn't people go into the brain of John?

Now I know Costner said it would take a star to play Parcells. But I had no idea there ever would become a point where life imitated art in the life of Big Bill.

So, do you have this little doorway you slip through and then rifle the files inside Parcell's head for this inside info?

Or are you just stating opinion as fact?

Which you have done twice in this thread by suggesting Romo has outplayed Henson for two straight years.

And then ignoring how Parcells, the guy you use as your big stick to overcome logical rebuttals (there's that word again), named Henson #2 last season.

Seems like a little hole has sprouted in your theory.
Wolverine said:
I don not think any NFL coach cares what the media or fans think when it comes to putting the best player at each position. Your arguments are really weak. You should quit now. You have already been owned.

Showing off that age again Wolverine :lmao2:

How about forming your own opinion for once?
TwoDeep3 said:
I am curious.

Do you have a Ouija board?

A distant relative of Madame Cleo or Deionne Warwick?

Use your cell phone minutes on 1-900-Ask-Bill?

Go through the trash at Parcell's house or the dumpster at Valley Ranch?

Because you sure do post like you know something inside Bill's head.

Wait. Wasn't there a movie called "Being John Malkovich?"

And in this film didn't people go into the brain of John?

Now I know Costner said it would take a star to play Parcells. But I had no idea there ever would become a point where life imitated art in the life of Big Bill.

So, do you have this little doorway you slip through and then rifle the files inside Parcell's head for this inside info?

Or are you just stating opinion as fact?

Which you have done twice in this thread by suggesting Romo has outplayed Henson for two straight years.

And then ignoring how Parcells, the guy you use as your big stick to overcome logical rebuttals (there's that word again), named Henson #2 last season.

Seems like a little hole has sprouted in your theory.

Actually, I had a dream in which Babe Ruth told me all about it. Then he said "Heros are remembered, but Legends never die"....
HeavyHitta31 said:
Actually, I had a dream in which Babe Ruth told me all about it. Then he said "Heros are remembered, but Legends never die"....

Was this right before the Babe sauntered to the bar and had a Coors Light with John Wayne?

That was a commercial, not a dream.

By the way, substitute exceptional for expert in your sentence above.

Accuracy is important.
TwoDeep3 said:
Was this right before the Babe sauntered to the bar and had a Coors Light with John Wayne?

That was a commercial, not a dream.

By the way, substitute exceptional for expert in your sentence above.

Accuracy is important.


TwoDeep3 said:
I am curious.

Do you have a Ouija board?

A distant relative of Madame Cleo or Deionne Warwick?

Use your cell phone minutes on 1-900-Ask-Bill?

Go through the trash at Parcell's house or the dumpster at Valley Ranch?

Because you sure do post like you know something inside Bill's head.

Wait. Wasn't there a movie called "Being John Malkovich?"

And in this film didn't people go into the brain of John?

Now I know Costner said it would take a star to play Parcells. But I had no idea there ever would become a point where life imitated art in the life of Big Bill.

So, do you have this little doorway you slip through and then rifle the files inside Parcell's head for this inside info?

Or are you just stating opinion as fact?

Which you have done twice in this thread by suggesting Romo has outplayed Henson for two straight years.

And then ignoring how Parcells, the guy you use as your big stick to overcome logical rebuttals (there's that word again), named Henson #2 last season.

Seems like a little hole has sprouted in your theory.

HeavyHitta just got hella owned by TwoDeep.
Wolverine said:
HeavyHitta just got hella owned by TwoDeep.

1: Living vicariously (I can define that for you, as I doubt theyve gone over it in 7th grade English yet) through others is not a good system to live by

2: I giuess they havent gone over "owned" in that class either, because that wasnt owned. Owned is what happens everytime you create a thread.
HeavyHitta31 said:
1: Living vicariously (I can define that for you, as I doubt theyve gone over it in 7th grade English yet) through others is not a good system to live by

2: I giuess they havent gone over "owned" in that class either, because that wasnt owned. Owned is what happens everytime you create a thread.

Or proofreading, evidently.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Unlike some, I never claimed to be the second coming of Mark Twain :rolleyes:

No, but you sure lecture people on wording and meaning when it suits your purpose.

Maybe you shouldn't live in a glass house if you insist on tossing dictionaries.
HeavyHitta31 said:
1: Living vicariously (I can define that for you, as I doubt theyve gone over it in 7th grade English yet) through others is not a good system to live by

2: I giuess they havent gone over "owned" in that class either, because that wasnt owned. Owned is what happens everytime you create a thread.

giuess. I never knew there was a word giuess. Can you tell me what this word means. giuess. :lmao2: :lmao2:
TwoDeep3 said:
No, but you sure lecture people on wording and meaning when it suits your purpose.

Maybe you shouldn't live in a glass house if you insist on tossing dictionaries.

I did to you for the purpose of mocking your grammar smack. I dont care if you misspell something
Wolverine said:
giuess. I never knew there was a word giuess. Can you tell me what this word means. giuess. :lmao2: :lmao2:

Do you really want me to sort through your diharrea of posts to point out the thousands of spelling/grammar mistakes, junior? Didnt think so.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Do you really want me to sort through your diharrea of posts to point out the thousands of spelling/grammar mistakes, junior? Didnt think so.

Well I GIUESS :lmao2: that is up to you.

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