Would you consider living in another country?

I would live in another country.

I'd probably choose Australia (Melbourne, Adelaide, or Maroochydore).
The30YardSlant;4652646 said:
But probably not their system of government or media censorship, and if you ever want to have more than one kid you're screwed.

The above doesn't really apply if you're an ex-pat. Live in the major cities like Shanghai and you'll never party harder or live larger.

There are depressed areas in China to stay away from for sure, but what country doesn't? Hello, Flint, MI.
I have lived in Germany and will live in China in September.
I could live anywhere probably although language would be an issue. Also coming home to see my parents for holidays.
Not just no, but hell no. No offense to anyone from somewhere else, but I love the stability of our messed up country better than the instability of all of the other messed up countries.
I'd live in many countries. I'm actually thinking of doing so. I've thought of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Turkey, Sweden, England, Germany, Spain, Norway, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark... just a few I'd like to see.. Israel, Morocco..even Iran (to visit) or South Korea, India, Lebanon and many more I'll probably never get to see.
People should try Canada. Poutine is awesome, and maybe it's something in the water but the females here are really good-looking (looks down modestly)...
I lived in Cozumel for 2 months while getting my divemaster license (kind of a long, long vacation really), does that count?

I want to live in Italy and France for a couple of years to learn how to make their cuisine for my future restaurant.
SkinsandTerps;4652673 said:
:lmao2: Let's hope not.

You better get motivated and not skip a year of school then. Kids aren't cheap and you are in no way prepared to raise even one anytime soon.

Yes I know that. That's why I wanna wait till after college.

Already know what I'm gonna name them except for one.

Boy 1 - Kobe (Idol)

Boy 2 - Roger (Late Uncle)

Boy 3 - JD (My Name)

Girl 1 - Rosie (Late Grandma)

Girl 2 - Yolanda (Mom)

Girl 3 - Idk
Probably not. If I owned my island, yes. If I owned multiple properties, maybe Japan, Italy, Dubai, England. I love America too much to just up and leave for good though.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4652645 said:
I love their food.

You've had real Chinese food? What you get here in the Chinese restaurants is not what you get in China, from what I have heard from my Chinese friends.
Hostile;4652739 said:
Not just no, but hell no. No offense to anyone from somewhere else, but I love the stability of our messed up country better than the instability of all of the other messed up countries.

I used to feel the same way. If I couldn't live in the South, I wouldn't stay in the USA.
Japan holds a large interest to me.

However I would have to pick some place tropical (carribean) or the like.
Hostile;4652739 said:
Not just no, but hell no. No offense to anyone from somewhere else, but I love the stability of our messed up country better than the instability of all of the other messed up countries.

Mexico probably, despite the problems i love it down there
ninja;4652821 said:
You've had real Chinese food? What you get here in the Chinese restaurants is not what you get in China, from what I have heard from my Chinese friends.

LOL. I have real Chinese food everyday. Nothing like Chinese-American food. TexMex food is not Mexican either. I live there part of the year but I'm ready to come home after awhile.
I lived in Paris for a year in a closet size apt & loved it. There are tons of Americans there...Ireland is beautiful. Love the Irish people.
It might be too cold but I think I'd enjoy living in Norway, the Netherlands, or Switzerland for the high standard of living.

I've got a friend that lives in Vancouver, B.C. and that area is beautiful. I'm just not sure I'd like the mix of rain and cold.
If the situation was right, I would consider it. It would have to be something where I would make a ton of money in a short period of time and be in a spot where I like the job and could still play plenty of golf and do other things I enjoy. Then come back to the states and use that money to retire early. Lots of things to consider.


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