Would you consider living in another country?

Already did this. Lived in West Germany / Germany for thirteen years. :)
I wouldn't mind visiting another country but it's a blessing to be living in the USA.

No way would I want to live anywhere else.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4652775 said:
Yes I know that. That's why I wanna wait till after college.

Already know what I'm gonna name them except for one.

Boy 1 - Kobe (Idol)

Boy 2 - Roger (Late Uncle)

Boy 3 - JD (My Name)

Girl 1 - Rosie (Late Grandma)

Girl 2 - Yolanda (Mom)

Girl 3 - Idk

You are kidding yourself if you think that your wife will 1) definitely want to have 6 kids and 2) will let you have sole discretion over naming of any of the children you do have.

Time for a reality check! lol
ive thought about moving to canada because too many countries want to destroy the US im a little worried about an attack
Faerluna;4652893 said:
You are kidding yourself if you think that your wife will 1) definitely want to have 6 kids and 2) will let you have sole discretion over naming of any of the children you do have.

Time for a reality check! lol

Posted before I had a chance to.

You were also much more gracious in how you worded it than I had planned.

He may also marry a girl who has or develops health issues which prevent her from having that many.

He needs to change his way of thinking and begin thinking of his wife's feelings, wants and desires, .. right away. Even before he meets her.
WV Cowboy;4652938 said:
He needs to change his way of thinking and begin thinking of his wife's feelings, wants and desires, .. right away. Even before he meets her.

True. I think too many people enter into marriage with the mentality of, "what will I get out of this arrangement". For a marriage to work , you need to have the mentality of, "what can I give".
WV Cowboy;4652938 said:
Posted before I had a chance to.

You were also much more gracious in how you worded it than I had planned.

He may also marry a girl who has or develops health issues which prevent her from having that many.

He needs to change his way of thinking and begin thinking of his wife's feelings, wants and desires, .. right away. Even before he meets her.

Yep. Or she'll change it for him! :)
Kristen82;4652747 said:
People should try Canada. Poutine is awesome, and maybe it's something in the water but the females here are really good-looking (looks down modestly)...

Whatcha lookin at?
jnday;4652603 said:
Most of the posters here live in the good ole USA, but would you consider living in another country? If so, what country and why?

I would like to try Ireland myself. I have ancestors from Ireland and I love the Celtic culture. I study Celtic history in my spare time just for the heck it. I am considering an extended vacation there ( Scotland and Wales too) in the next couple of years.

Yes, I'm bored, but this could be fun.
I've visits over 25 countries so far and I love visiting other countries but I wouldn't want to live anywhere but here in good old USA.

But if I couldn't live in USA for some reason then Australia would be my #1 choice.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4652656 said:
I wanna have at least three. I'd prefer six. Three girls and boys.

Comeback and let us know if you still feel that way after the first one or two.
WoodysGirl;4652654 said:
I don't know that I'd want to live elsewhere, but I think I'd really like to tour Europe.

same here, there are many places I would like to visit but this is my home and think it is the best out there. Even with our flaws
Hostile;4652739 said:
Not just no, but hell no. No offense to anyone from somewhere else, but I love the stability of our messed up country better than the instability of all of the other messed up countries.

To each his own, and I respect your views but there are quite a few countries that are as stable as the US, and some maybe even more so. Maybe I don't understand what you mean about 'stability'.
03EBZ06;4652983 said:
I've visits over 25 countries so far and I love visiting other countries but I wouldn't want to live anywhere but here in good old USA.

But if I couldn't live in USA for some reason then Australia would be my #1 choice.

I'm planning to take my family to Australia next summer for about 10 or so days. Good friends of ours just moved to Brisbane so we'll have a place to stay.
My wife and I looked real hard at moving our business and family to Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica about 6 years ago. We were to the point of looking at real estate there and really loved the area. Unfortunately Costa Rica practically punishes you for trying to set up a business there and we backed out. We're now planning to move to Boise, Idaho in about 4 years. Not exactly living in a foreign country, but we fell in love with the place and it beats the hell out of West Texas.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4652775 said:
Yes I know that. That's why I wanna wait till after college.

Already know what I'm gonna name them except for one.

Boy 1 - Kobe (Idol)

Boy 2 - Roger (Late Uncle)

Boy 3 - JD (My Name)

Girl 1 - Rosie (Late Grandma)

Girl 2 - Yolanda (Mom)

Girl 3 - Idk

Are you aware that you can't pick the sex of your children? Technically I think you can but that's besides the point. Are you prepared to have 6 girls? Hope so
cowboy_ron;4653115 said:

I have a couple of friends there and it's not what it used to be, if you go there now you'll be about 10 years to late for the fun

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