Would you have traded Romo


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UVAwahoos;4189972 said:
You can believe what you want. I'm talking about THIS year since we're in the present with a weak, dysfunctional o-line and no running game whatsoever. Romo is our offense this season. We are going to live or die by his arm.

What's sad, but also makes sense, is that some Cowboys "fans" have less respect and appreciation for him than opponents. Just look at what Rex Ryan had to say. Our guy is clutch.

I don't think that Romo is a "choker", but it maybe a bit premature to call him "clutch" either.


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dreghorn2;4190002 said:
I posted this last year and i'll repeat the thought briefly again.

I wish that Romo had been given the luxury of top flight QB tutelage throughout his tenure here.

The Cam Cameron, Norv Turner, Jerry Rhome, Tom Moore, Mike Holmgren type of guys. Professional coaches who have been around the league for a long time and have a history of developing young QBs.

I really feel Tony has been devoid of this type of teaching, except for a brief taste with Sean Payton. He has had to learn a most of it on his own particularly considering his small school free agent background.

Wade Wilson, Jason Garrett aside i can't help but wonder how good he really could have been.

Now he's in a tough postion, this is the internet, NFL network, talking heads, twitter age and he is QB of the Dallas Cowboys. The pressure is enormous and it will only get worse, i'm not sure he was ever given the proper tools in how to handle it.

Seems like a great guy, but man the noose is tightening.

How many qbs can say that they've been in the same system for 6 years? With same OC for 6 years? Usually when you're in the playoffs one year and out the next year there is turnover but the offensive coaching staff has been pretty stable.

I know it sounds like I'm anti-Romo but lets not get on this "poor Tony" theme, our oline hasn't always been this bad has it? Since Tony's been the starter we've had top flight recievers and an all-pro TE.


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UVAwahoos;4189982 said:
Nobody is forcing you to root for Dallas. If you think those other QBs are so much better than Romo...go become a Pats or Packers fan.

Romo has kept us competitive and relevant for the past few years with a circus around him. Even this year, we've been in every game with a shoddy o-line, a pathetic OC who has us 31st in red zone efficiency, and no running game whatsoever. The credit falls on Romo, Rob's D, and a stud FG kicker.

This statement is everything that is wrong with some Cowboys fans. First, the old "if you're not going to agree with everything the Cowboys do, then go find another team" line.:bang2:

Then "competitive and relevant", man we are the Dallas freaking Cowboys, when has competitive and relevant been good enough.

Credit Romo also for the picks he threw in NY and against Detroit.


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birdwells1;4189949 said:
Not saying that Kitna's better than Romo we all know that's not true all I'm saying is that last year when Romo didn't "exist" we did more than 1-2-3 punt we competed and won. This team is bigger than one individual.

What changed when we competed and won? Kitna was a little worse statistically than Romo, the offense did not do much different. What changed is the defense started forcing turnovers and holding teams from scoring late in the game a few times.

I do agree with you that there are more QB's than Romo who can move the ball and score points in this offense, not behind the current line, Kitna would get killed, but in general.

I also agree that Romo is by far the best chance on offense to score big. He has clearly lost his confidence as has Garrett, however. Nobody is talking about it but on the last throw of the game, Romo threw it away giving no chance for us to win.

That's not like him, he'd normally have tried to keep it in play for a chance. I think he knew it had a very good chance to get picked and threw it out of bounds on purpose. I think for the first time in his career, he took a loss rather than risk taking the heat if he threw a pick in that situation.

I could be wrong, he was on the run and may have just made a poor throw, but that is my gut feeling. No matter what, if we don't get ubber confident, chance taker Romo back, we're toast, imo.


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Risen Star;4189506 said:
No. I mean Bill Parcells. The guy who is responsible for the Cowboys no longer being a downtrodden 5-11 team every year with no talent to speak of.



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you dont trade a QB like romo unless you are soft in the head

we need a better OC who understands:

1) how to develop a real run game so play action works
2) can call a good game to keep the defense guessing


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cowboy_ron;4189534 said:
Parcells didn't even like him..as a matter of fact had it not been for an injury he was planning on cutting him



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Wood;4189974 said:
no we are not...were talking production. You simply can't compare Romo to Dirk in the playoffs...one has been prolific in playoffs and added a championship and the other has been a collasal failure in the playoffs and appears to be getting progressively worse. The HC is now taking the game out of his hands late in games. This is not even a debate anymore!
Blind Romosexuals lol comparing Dirk to Romo haha Dirk is in another stratosphere.


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yes I would now because I no longer trust Romo and do not think we can win the big prize with him.

The last 5 years I would say you where crazy to even think of the idea now; I be like why not because I do not think we are going anywhere with him at QB.

He is the new Danny White of the Cowboys will break a lot of records and at the end will most likely have zero rings to show for it.t Danny White for a long time had a lot of Dallas Cowboy passing records.


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shockandroll;4190105 said:
What changed when we competed and won? Kitna was a little worse statistically than Romo, the offense did not do much different. What changed is the defense started forcing turnovers and holding teams from scoring late in the game a few times.

I do agree with you that there are more QB's than Romo who can move the ball and score points in this offense, not behind the current line, Kitna would get killed, but in general.

I also agree that Romo is by far the best chance on offense to score big. He has clearly lost his confidence as has Garrett, however. Nobody is talking about it but on the last throw of the game, Romo threw it away giving no chance for us to win.

That's not like him, he'd normally have tried to keep it in play for a chance. I think he knew it had a very good chance to get picked and threw it out of bounds on purpose. I think for the first time in his career, he took a loss rather than risk taking the heat if he threw a pick in that situation.

I could be wrong, he was on the run and may have just made a poor throw, but that is my gut feeling. No matter what, if we don't get ubber confident, chance taker Romo back, we're toast, imo.

I agree with everything in this post, we will not win without Romo being Romo.:bow:


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UVAwahoos;4189982 said:
Nobody is forcing you to root for Dallas. If you think those other QBs are so much better than Romo...go become a Pats or Packers fan.

Romo has kept us competitive and relevant for the past few years with a circus around him. Even this year, we've been in every game with a shoddy o-line, a pathetic OC who has us 31st in red zone efficiency, and no running game whatsoever. The credit falls on Romo, Rob's D, and a stud FG kicker.

Really, I thought there was a gun to my head?

Yes, PManning, Brady and Rodgers are better QBs than Romo because they are all good playmakers and they make less mistakes and have been more durable over time.

Romo is very good but he is definitely a second tier QB, not a first tier QB. It is up to the GM to find a better QB or build a better team around him so we can compete for a SB.

The problem with the red zone is not Romo but the OL and the fault there lies in some combination of Jones (mostly), Houck (partly) and Garrett (minimally).

I'm sorry for your hatefest with Garrett but he will probably be here longer than Romo and Houck and hopefully Jerry as GM.


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zrinkill;4190130 said:

You're exactly the kind of person Jerry loves someone who buys into the whole "1 player away from competing" BS he tries to sell us on every year.
When we finally get that one player another need comes up and we're constantly chasing it all the way back to the division cellar. We're not going to be able to re-sign all the players who contract are up after this season let alone bring inn "that 1 missing piece"

Romo is 32 all picks and choke talk aside that's not what you want to see on a team that's a few years off competing. The list of QB that have won a SB that age or older is a very short one. Romo is going to play just good enough to keep us out of the QB picutre in coming drafts. We'll never be better then 8-8 9-7 with our current approach to rebuilding. The one time we did it properly it netted us 3 SB, we've won 1 whole playoff game since...


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Eskimo;4190136 said:
The problem with the red zone is not Romo but the OL and the fault there lies in some combination of Jones (mostly), Houck (partly) and Garrett (minimally).

I'm sorry for your hatefest with Garrett but he will probably be here longer than Romo and Houck and hopefully Jerry as GM.

i thought all the personnel and coaching decisions on this team this year were made by garrett
if that is true, then he is directly and mainly responsible for the state of our OL
also, he is the OC and calls the plays in the redzone

so how is he "minimally at fault"?

sorry, these excuses dont work


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Ren;4190138 said:
You're exactly the kind of person

And your exactly the kinda person that trades away a franchise QB for a question mark.

A grass is greener type.

Ren;4190138 said:
We'll never be better then 8-8 9-7 with our current approach to rebuilding.

:laugh2: I will remember that.


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Wimbo;4189469 said:
No. Here's why:

Troy Aikman... then:
Anthony Wright
Quincy Carter
Ryan Leaf
Clint Stoerner
Chad Hutchinson
Vinny Testeverde (at 78 years old)
Drew Henson
Drew Bledsoe (at 58 years old)
And finally, we lucked into Tony Romo.

Finding a starting caliber QB in the NFL is hard business. There are too many Akili Smith's, Vince Young's, Cade McNown's, Jamarcus Russell's, Matt Leinert's, J.P. Losman's, Andre Ware's, Joey Harrington's, Tim Couch's, and David Carr's out there that LOOK like they are the next great thing only to be terrible NFL QB's.

When you find one that can play, you keep him. Romo can play.

I've got bad news for this argument though. I understand it, and agree with the fact that we went through a long QB desert. However, the bad news is that we will have to search for another QB anyway, LIKE IT OR NOT, in a short time. For all those who like to think of Romo as a new player, he is into his 30's already.

People who think we have found our QB for the next 10 years are just wrong, and I actually think that 5 years is probably stretching it.