Would you say you're legitimately invested in this team?

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They lose Thursday I'm a tap out probably. I truly believe it's the season on the line. Especially if the Giant's blow them out. Dallas problems are more than on the field. I think we have a splintered locker room also and massage Mike has no answer for it.
Near 30 years of failure... no sensible change in operating philosophy, so no. Im watching but not emotionally invested
How are you feeling . Are you into this group? Or are you kinda just watching the games
i am literally watching with NO HOPE of them winning. i've been a cowboys fan since i was 4 years old now 44 years ago. i am literally done... i watch because its more of a habit now not expecting anything good. We moved to Colorado a few years back my youngest 2 are really getting into football and i cannot get them to watch the Cowboys because of how bad they kill me. so they are becoming broncos fans i guess i can start watching them.
I watch because I'm a fan. It used to hurt when the Cowboys loss.
I don't feel anything, and if I miss a game, it doesn't matter. I'm not even included to watch the Tivo of it.
I'm just indifferent now.
And, I like it. ... And, so does my wife. :)
I watch because I'm a fan. It used to hurt when the Cowboys loss.
I don't feel anything, and if I miss a game, it doesn't matter. I'm not even included to watch the Tivo of it.
I'm just indifferent now.
And, I like it. ... And, so does my wife. :)

I am trying to get to where it doesn't affect me, but I'm still a wild horse during the games and still get loud during the games. And I can't recall being angry at Jerry before. I want to try to care less because nobody else in the organisation does, but it's just not in me.
You can ditch them. You just don't want to, which makes me wonder why. Do you like mental anguish and suffering. I moved on to the Bills. I had enough of Jerry's BS.

Honestly, my second and third favourite teams behind the Cowboys (and this should be unsurprising) would be the Broncos and Colts. That said, it just wouldn't fit me pulling for another team ahead of the Cowboys. My mindset doesn't work the same as most people. If it did, I'd have been an Eagles fan since most of my family is. I'm a very loyal horse. As angry as I am with the front office, I just don't have it in me to ditch.
i am literally watching with NO HOPE of them winning. i've been a cowboys fan since i was 4 years old now 44 years ago. i am literally done... i watch because its more of a habit now not expecting anything good. We moved to Colorado a few years back my youngest 2 are really getting into football and i cannot get them to watch the Cowboys because of how bad they kill me. so they are becoming broncos fans i guess i can start watching them.
My son is 2 he jsut told me he likes the giants lol
I love this team.
But JERRY NEEDS a treal wakeup. THIS TEAM NEEDS TO IMPLODE and fail miserable and hope this senile moron makes a change
If treal means probes where ya wouldn't want them, I agree!!!!!
damn right.
come hell or high water.
screw'm all.
I used to live and die by what this team did on Sunday. Jerry has freed me from caring that much or expecting anything great.
Hold it.........define "this team".

I do not believe in this team as it is constructed, no.

I am definitely invested in the Dallas Cowboys, first last and always. That won't change.
How are you feeling . Are you into this group? Or are you kinda just watching the games
I am always invested in this team. This team is in my blood. I live and die with them each week.... not just when we kick butt. I am traveling from Ca for two more games, the Eagles and Bucs. BUT, I have stayed away from this site as it is exhausting. This is the first time I have been back in about a week.
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