Would you say you're legitimately invested in this team?

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I’m beyond done with being invested in them after last year. When they were putting up this feeble comeback attempt I never once got excited and thought they might win. I just sat there and watched the failures.
I’m invested, both as a 5 decade fan and a season ticket holder. The fan side of me will watch the games, but the ticket holder side has checked out. The later changed after the Saints game and I sold my Ravens tickets.

I do not demand to win every game, but I do demand to be competitive in every game except an occasional flop. Three home games in a row that are over at the half is a trend, not an occasional. I’ll be selling my tickets until I see a new and better trend unless my grandson wants to go to a game.
I watch for nothing more than tradition, habit, and amusement at this point. Treat it for what it is, entertainment. We are not run as a competitive organization; the goal is to entertain, not to win.

Personally, I'm actively rooting for a wheels-coming-off season. Our ownership and management deserve the shame and ridicule, and I would like to see our first round pick before 9 PM EST.
How are you feeling . Are you into this group? Or are you kinda just watching the games
I’m more apathetic than ever. I haven’t even cared watching them get curb stomped every game outside of Cleveland the last 4 times out.

It’s clear the top brass doesn’t give a single crap, so I’ve decided that I don’t either.

We’re not just losing, we look historically bad in the process of getting whupped every single week.
I love this team.
But JERRY NEEDS a treal wakeup. THIS TEAM NEEDS TO IMPLODE and fail miserable and hope this senile moron makes a change
I fully believe going to take a 2010-like 1-7 start with losses in spectacular fashion to wake Stephen and Jerry from their stupor and force them to do something, anything at all.

Only problem is that their version of action will never be enough.
I’m beyond done with being invested in them after last year. When they were putting up this feeble comeback attempt I never once got excited and thought they might win. I just sat there and watched the failures.
I’m watching their attempted comeback and saw dak jsut stare at a wide open Rico on the two point attempt . Only to panic and roll out, and find him open again, only to launch it five yards over his head
I’m more apathetic than ever. I haven’t even cared watching them get curb stomped every game outside of Cleveland the last 4 times out.

It’s clear the top brass doesn’t give a single crap, so I’ve decided that I don’t either.

We’re not just losing, we look historically bad in the process of getting whupped every single week.
They have basically the worst defense in league history at this point lol
No, I mean I can't ditch them. It's my team, and it wouldn't feel right pulling for another team. But I'm so incredibly angry at Jerry. I've never seen success, and the blatant lies from him now make me angrier. I mean, how do you lie to your customers with such blatant and obvious obvious false statements?
You can ditch them. You just don't want to, which makes me wonder why. Do you like mental anguish and suffering. I moved on to the Bills. I had enough of Jerry's BS.
Im the same as Ive been since 2011.Ill root hard on Sunday through week 17 and let the chips fall where they may. Ill enjoy the ride.Ill evaluate the team based on team effort and not how much they make.
Once they resigned Prescott for $240 million over 4 years then my interest in the team winning a Superbowl completely evaporated as that's now essentially impossible. So I'm just here for the clown show which is entertaining in itself but for the wrong reasons, e.g., Prescott dropping the ball and falling over yet luckily retaining possession against the Ravens. Proper clown show - you just have to embrace it each week.

Zero invested.
Almost every poster in this thread is in denial. You're in here posting, and you're watching the games. You're heavily invested in this team whether you want to be or not.

This team could miraculously rattle off 10 straight wins and everyone in here would singing a different tune.
Almost every poster in this thread is in denial. You're in here posting, and you're watching the games. You're heavily invested in this team whether you want to be or not.

This team could miraculously rattle off 10 straight wins and everyone in here would singing a different tune.
Key point is when the 'boys lose it doesn't hurt or hinder a lot of people's moods in any way. When it matters and people are invested losses stay with you and hurt. It stays with people for about 0.2 seconds after the final whistle these days.
I remember watching Prescott laughing his head off on the sidelines when the team was getting battered in the first half. The guy just got paid so he's alright...
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