Would you want McNabb in Dallas?

MarionBarberThe4th said:
I just dont see how him taking the blame was overly impressive. I would much rather him saying someting like " I saw Roy Williams standing there by himself, so I threw it away and we won the game"

You know, it's interesting, Bledsoe also had a press conference after the game. He said that he made a stupid mistake on the INT and it was 100% his fault. He too was a stand up guy. I mean, if the world were perfect then we'd have 32 QBs in the NFL that never made mistakes. Unfortunatly, that's not the way the world works. What happens is that you do make mistakes and when you do, it's a good leadership quality to be able to accept responsability and move on. There are a lot of QBs who can't do this, to say nothing of players in general. It's always someone else's fault.

He screwed up. He accepted responsability. I can't find it in me to hammer him for this.
I'm pointing out that there is no scientific way of determining which QB will win on any given year. You said that you'd rather have a QB who won rather then one who would take the responsability of losses. I'm saying, I agree. Show me how to determin which one will be the winner.

The way he carried himself in the press conference was admirable IMO. I don't see any reason to detract from McNabb because he's a stand up guy for the Eagles.

Of course Id rather him take the blame than blame it on...well I dont even know who he can blame, it was all him.

My point is, a great QB doesnt have to say that bc thats an easy throw away for a Brady, or Mannig. That was a embarassing pass. I played QB when I was 10, and I didnt throw it right to guys like that. He should be taking the blame for that one
GIve me Bledsoe. McNabb is a choke machine. It may have something to do with the team he plays for being cursed. I would take a lot of guys before McNabb. He is overrated IMO. I am glad he is an eagle. Take them just to the brink, and then fail. :bow:
MarionBarberThe4th said:
Of course Id rather him take the blame than blame it on...well I dont even know who he can blame, it was all him.

My point is, a great QB doesnt have to say that bc thats an easy throw away for a Brady, or Mannig. That was a embarassing pass. I played QB when I was 10, and I didnt throw it right to guys like that. He should be taking the blame for that one

There is no question that it was a horrible throw. I mean, everybody knows and understands that. Having said that, Bledsoe's throw in the Seattle game was just as horrific. Are we now applying this same scrutiney to Drew? Hey, he screwed up. I'm still very happy with Drew's play to this point. Things happen but all I'm saying here is that you'd rather have a guy who can sack up and take the responsability on then a guy who can't. The guy who deals with it can move on and improve. The guy who can't will always be an issue. That's all I'm saying.
I agree. It would of been a terrible sign if he tried to blame someone else, or his "injury", and its good that he didnt. But it really isnt anything to be overly excited about that he owned up to it. What would he even try to say? My guy should of been there instead of Roy Williams, but I threw it anwyay just to prove a point to the rookie WR?
MarionBarberThe4th said:
I agree. It would of been a terrible sign if he tried to blame someone else, or his "injury", and its good that he didnt. But it really isnt anything to be overly excited about that he owned up to it. What would he even try to say? My guy should of been there instead of Roy Williams, but I threw it anwyay just to prove a point to the rookie WR?

He could have said any number of things. He could have blamed the WR for running the wrong route, he could have said that it was a three step timing pattern in which, I'm supposed to plant and throw to a spot, he could have done anything but he didn't.

I'll tell you something, I'm a much more forgiving person twords anybody who admits a mistake and gives appoligy in sensarity. I mean, even in my own personal life. I got four kids, two girls, two boys and they are forever screwing something up. Drives me crazy sometimes but I never lay the hammer when they come to me and tell me, "Dad, I screwed up. This is what I did......." I'm not trying to say that this is the same thing but it's kind of the principle working here. Maybe it's just me but I think it's important to show this type of character. My wife says I'm too easy on them and maybe I am, I don't know. That's just the way I see it.
I think were agreeing and we dont know it

1) Terrible throw, he admitted it
2)Its good he admittted it, theres a handful of guys who wouldnt
3)Im saying, Im not holding the fact that he blamed himself in such high grace, B/C it was clear to everyone who saw the game that it was his fault. He made another late game mistake, he let his team down, he is very pissed from the whole year in general, and it is good that he at the very least owned up.

It would of been funny though if he said "TO would of caught it"

But thats jsut me
HeavyHitta31 said:
As far as talent goes, Brady isnt even top 10

Brady is an elite QB because of his poise and his ability to simply win no matter what.

Talent wise, McNabb makes Brady look like a 3rd grader with a limp

Which is exactly why I would choose someone like Brady over McNabb. Brady isn't nearly as physically gifted as McNabb, but when the game is on the line, Brady has proved time and time again that he can handle the pressure, make the big play when it counts and put his team in position to win. That is why he is a 3-time Super Bowl champ, and all three games were won by three points. On the other hand, McNabb has proven over and over that he is incapable of handling the pressure. Revisit the last two Eagle games: Against the Commanders, it was a McNabb interception near the goal line the gave Washington the game. Against Dallas, it was a McNabb interception that was returned for the game winner. He even had his chance on the grand Super Bowl stage to put his team in position to tie or go for the win, but it was clear to everyone who saw the game that something was wrong with him. You can make an excuse about his injuries all you want, but Brady is injured about as frequently as McNabb, yet he will get the victory when it counts.
Hostile said:
I think I'm the only guy on the forum who likes him.

I cannot stand him personally, arrogant and plays the media to look otherwise but I would take him in a heartbeat as Cowboys QB no doubt!!!
Hostile said:
I think I'm the only guy on the forum who likes him.

Nah, Im right there with you.

The only reason I wouldnt take him is because I would really want a 21-22 year old who we bring up through our system.

It was pretty funny to see the Eagles boo this guy last sunday. I guess they long for the days of Bubby Brister, Bobby Hoyings, and Rodney Peete.

The guy just flat out wins ball games and that play where he seem to have an endless scramble and chunked a long bomb against us last year on MNF was simply amazing, but I guess it was so overwhelming because I got to see him dismantle us in person :bang2: .

He definately doesnt fit the mold of certain stereotypes and labels. When confronted with Rush Limbaugh, he did the smart thing and let the idiot make a fool of himself. When confronted with T.O., he did the smart thing, said all the usuall cliches and continued to let Owens hang himself. He never lashes out at the Philly fans for booing him on draft day on Sundays. He does the smart thing, go to work, collect his million dollar checks and keeps things simple.

Class Act all the way and he would represent the City of Dallas very well.

- Mike G.
Hostile said:
I think I'm the only guy on the forum who likes him.
We all love McRib/McHernia, we just don't want him to win any games. :D

Hi Mike! Greetings from Dallas, Texas.
McNabb comes up small too many times in big games

by that I mean things like conf champ games x3 his team needs a play to win he throws an int same in SB etc...

not a clutch player...plus he seems too erratic at times.

know, I would rather know what I am getting each Sunday...

Donovan is like a box of choc.. not only do you not know what you are gonna get they melt when the heat is on
WoodysGirl said:
You might be the only guy, but you won't be alone.

I hate that he plays for the Eagles. I'll never root for him, but I appreciate his talent.

Exactly - I personally can't stand the guy, but the PLAYER........yes, I would love to have him here.

He's one of the best QB's in the league. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want him frankly.
NO, no and absolutely NO......cannot stand him. You have to grow with a player through the draft......I am just now accepting Bledsoe......it was hard.

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