WrestleMania Thread.

Romo 2 Austin;3897889 said:
Hbks hall of fame intro/ promo videos that just aired > wrestlemania

As Jericho said "Shawn is the hall embodiment of the hall of fame" Shawn is simply greatness

I agree but yet in Jericho's book he says Rock is the best wrestler he's ever worked with. Lots of great wrestlers out there. Retired..working now..in the HOF.
DallasGirl50;3897892 said:
I agree but yet in Jericho's book he says Rock is the best wrestler he's ever worked with. Lots of great wrestlers out there. Retired..working now..in the HOF.

Flair, Austin, Hogan, Rock... No one comes close to the Heartbreak Kid. I'm a complete mark for Michaels, his hof introduction just has me bringing it to a new level recently
Romo 2 Austin;3897897 said:
Flair, Austin, Hogan, Rock... No one comes close to the Heartbreak Kid. I'm a complete mark for Michaels, his hof introduction just has me bringing it to a new level recently

I like Shawn and I appreciate all he did and he was great but nowhere close to being my favorite. He's a much better man now than he was for all those years he was wrestling and I'm glad he's finally a happy guy.
I will say that the HOF induction of HBK was emotional as all get out.
Quite possibly the worst WM ever, Punk v Orton was the only decent match, HHH taker was ok but more laying down resting then anything else.

It's almost like they knew they had a dud of a card and used the main event to promote WM28, which is pretty damn sad

Not a single "Wrestlemania moment", this felt more like a regular PPV then WM

WWE really needs to drop the PG13 crap
Ren;3898109 said:
Quite possibly the worst WM ever, Punk v Orton was the only decent match, HHH taker was ok but more laying down resting then anything else.

It's almost like they knew they had a dud of a card and used the main event to promote WM28, which is pretty damn sad

Not a single "Wrestlemania moment", this felt more like a regular PPV then WM

WWE really needs to drop the PG13 crap


Best match was HHH/Taker. Keep in mind though, that was a pretty long match for a couple guys in the twilight of their careers.

Favorite moments:

- The Rock's opening. Haven't heard a pop like that in a long time.
- HHH's entrance. Metallica's For Whom the Bell Tolls
- HHH/Taker

Least favorite moments:

- Everything else

Just poor booking all the way around.

I will say that the count out at the end was impromptu. Miz smacked his head pretty good against the concrete and was probably dazed.
Ren;3898109 said:
Quite possibly the worst WM ever, Punk v Orton was the only decent match, HHH taker was ok but more laying down resting then anything else.

It's almost like they knew they had a dud of a card and used the main event to promote WM28, which is pretty damn sad

Not a single "Wrestlemania moment", this felt more like a regular PPV then WM

WWE really needs to drop the PG13 crap

WM Moment

The Rock coming out throwing the computer to side, restarting the match and then delivering the Rock Bottom to John Cena.

Stops eyeballs Miz and then decides to come back and drop the people's elbow on his candy a-.

The Rock was WM 27, and now he will be WM 28.
Ren;3898109 said:
WWE really needs to drop the PG13 crap

Couldn't agree more. Liked the HHH/Taker match though, and HHH entrance.

Sick of the bad booking, bad writing, horrible storylines, and kiddy bs personas though. Enough with the PG crap.
Romo 2 Austin;3896707 said:
The cruelest joke in sports is finally over, Edge defeated Alberto Del Joke!!

When was the last time the Rumble winner lost at Mania, lol when was the last time the rumble winner was in the Mania opener? I guess Vince thought it was time to stop feeding the WWE's fans the complete garbage that is Del Joke.

The last time was just a few years ago when Edge won the Royal Rumble and then faced Chris Jericho for the belt. Edge did not win that night, Jericho retained, so its the second time they've done that in recent history.

And seriously man you're going so overboard, and annoying, in your Del Rio hate. It's becoming more annoying and silly than your boy crush on TNA junk. We get it. You hate him. No one needs to see it every other post anymore.

DallasGirl50;3896762 said:
Perfect timing on that finishing move..Orton won by RKO.

Those two are really good together. Hope they can continue their feud.

These two are the two best going right now, IMO. These are the two guys the company should be getting built around right now.
BraveHeartFan;3901259 said:
The last time was just a few years ago when Edge won the Royal Rumble and then faced Chris Jericho for the belt. Edge did not win that night, Jericho retained, so its the second time they've done that in recent history.

And seriously man you're going so overboard, and annoying, in your Del Rio hate. It's becoming more annoying and silly than your boy crush on TNA junk. We get it. You hate him. No one needs to see it every other post anymore.

These two are the two best going right now, IMO. These are the two guys the company should be getting built around right now.

Punk is the best heel in the WWE..he's doing a great job. Orton is always good and keeps getting better. I think he signed a new HUGE contract a year or so ago. They know what they've got...
BraveHeartFan;3901259 said:
These two are the two best going right now, IMO. These are the two guys the company should be getting built around right now.

An "I Quit" match between the two would be great.
DallasGirl50;3901284 said:
Punk is the best heel in the WWE..he's doing a great job. Orton is always good and keeps getting better. I think he signed a new HUGE contract a year or so ago. They know what they've got...

Yeah Punk is amazing. One of my all time favorite heels. I like the guy a whole lot. I'd love to see him have a nice long run as a champion.

Aikmaniac;3901536 said:
An "I Quit" match between the two would be great.

Yes that would be awesome. I'd love that.
BraveHeartFan;3901657 said:
Yeah Punk is amazing. One of my all time favorite heels. I like the guy a whole lot. I'd love to see him have a nice long run as a champion.

Yes that would be awesome. I'd love that.

Punk was kind of green there for a bit..he wasn't comfortable doing mic work and it showed but I think when he worked a program with Taker he sort of found a comfortable niche and he's been money ever since. He's a great heel but I have to say I'm glad he's not doing that shave everybody's head bit anymore. That got old. Quickly!
DallasGirl50;3897136 said:
I watched the replay of Taker/HHH and I never noticed Taker favoring his arm or shoulder in any way.

I think the staggering and all was a shoot...he did win and extend his streak after all..but that was their way of paying homage to HHH...that even in defeat look at what he did to the mighty Taker who can't even walk...

that's my take anyway.

HHH needs to keep wrestling. He looks fine out there. No ring rust at all...

HHH when he wants to, and is on, is hands down the best going in the business today. Thats when he's on and when he wants to be. Sometimes, unfortunately, with HHH it seems you don't always get him wanting to be the best.

But when he wants to be he's easily the best out there right now. Well as long as HBK stays retired of course.

DallasGirl50;3901727 said:
Punk was kind of green there for a bit..he wasn't comfortable doing mic work and it showed but I think when he worked a program with Taker he sort of found a comfortable niche and he's been money ever since. He's a great heel but I have to say I'm glad he's not doing that shave everybody's head bit anymore. That got old. Quickly!

The problem, as I recall, is that when they first brought him in they had him as a face. Now Punk is a good face but Punk is absolute GOLD as a heel. There is no mic worry with Punk if you allow him to be heel and just let him go. His work in ROH, and other indy places, for years with his heel Straight Edge stuff was absolute gold.
BraveHeartFan;3902811 said:
HHH when he wants to, and is on, is hands down the best going in the business today. Thats when he's on and when he wants to be. Sometimes, unfortunately, with HHH it seems you don't always get him wanting to be the best.

But when he wants to be he's easily the best out there right now. Well as long as HBK stays retired of course.

The problem, as I recall, is that when they first brought him in they had him as a face. Now Punk is a good face but Punk is absolute GOLD as a heel. There is no mic worry with Punk if you allow him to be heel and just let him go. His work in ROH, and other indy places, for years with his heel Straight Edge stuff was absolute gold.

Royal rumble last year was his most awesome heel moment ever when he would get on the mic between every elimination.

Also when ever raw/smackdown goes to Chicago for one of his "I love you Chicago, but...." speeches
I have heard Taker say that if he owned a wrestling company he would sign HHH first and build the company around him...that's how much Taker thinks of HHH. They are good friends.

To me Punk's feud with Jeff Hardy has been his best so far because there was some real life elements involved...Jeff's drug use...

Punk is the best heel in WWE hands down. He is owning what they are giving him to do. I love watching the guy.
DallasGirl50;3903047 said:
I have heard Taker say that if he owned a wrestling company he would sign HHH first and build the company around him...that's how much Taker thinks of HHH. They are good friends.

To me Punk's feud with Jeff Hardy has been his best so far because there was some real life elements involved...Jeff's drug use...

Punk is the best heel in WWE hands down. He is owning what they are giving him to do. I love watching the guy.

Which shows you just hofw far HHH and Taker have come since it was rumored that Taker was one of the people who was most upset with HBK and HHH for their involvement in the Montreal thing. That shows you the type of person, and professional, that Taker is.

Mark will always be one of the hands down best to be in wrestling because of the fact that he doesn't let his ego and personal achievements and such get in the way. He's simply a classy guy.

And Punk is amazing. The Jeff Hardy thing was great because of how Punk could really go off on this real life stuff. That was a bad deal for Jeff cause it just simply gave Punk way to much material to work with.
BraveHeartFan;3903055 said:
Which shows you just hofw far HHH and Taker have come since it was rumored that Taker was one of the people who was most upset with HBK and HHH for their involvement in the Montreal thing. That shows you the type of person, and professional, that Taker is.

Mark will always be one of the hands down best to be in wrestling because of the fact that he doesn't let his ego and personal achievements and such get in the way. He's simply a classy guy.

And Punk is amazing. The Jeff Hardy thing was great because of how Punk could really go off on this real life stuff. That was a bad deal for Jeff cause it just simply gave Punk way to much material to work with.

Mark is a professional. I've never read or heard once in all my years of following pro wrestling anybody say he was less than a complete pro..it's well known he's the MAN in the locker room..and he's never minded putting guys over.

I love Punk...I missed him when he was gone with his arm or elbow injury. The dude is simply fun to watch.

And re Jeff..I hate seeing what has become with Jeff. I really enjoyed him in WWE; he has massive talent. I hope he can get it together.

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