WWE Network

Vince is still the man in the WWE but I do believe he's dialed himself way back and is letting HHH and Steph see what they can do with running it. Whoever you've got making the final calls, right now, it doesn't matter cause they've been doing a terrible job for a couple of years now.

The last time they did a great job of making the right calls was during the time they had CM Punk making the WWE title worth something again. Since they took the belt off of him they've done everything they could to completely ruin all the work he put into that title.

I think it will pick back up, when CM Punk is ready to come back, and he will. EVERYONE runs out of money at some point.
I think it will pick back up, when CM Punk is ready to come back, and he will. EVERYONE runs out of money at some point.

If they got Punk back I'd certainly be tuning in a lot more to see what they do with Punk. He's by far the best out there today, IMO.

I wish they'd give the ball to Wyatt as well and just let him run with it. I think that guy is outstanding and they're doing all they can to bury the guy.
If they got Punk back I'd certainly be tuning in a lot more to see what they do with Punk. He's by far the best out there today, IMO.

I wish they'd give the ball to Wyatt as well and just let him run with it. I think that guy is outstanding and they're doing all they can to bury the guy.

I hate what they are doing with Bray. Flabby guy that can wrestle!
Theyre wasting him and it's a damn shame because that guy is gold.

Yea I agree. He's great.

I wonder if they are pissed at him over something? It seems to me if you get on their bad side they just quit on guys. They will all of a sudden start losing or be made to do really dumb gimmicks.
Oops. (That's the entire Wyatt family and Cena in the background discussing how their match should go)

It's fuzzy to me & I have my contacts in!

Don't they actually go in the ring & "rehearse" the matches?
It's fuzzy to me & I have my contacts in!

Don't they actually go in the ring & "rehearse" the matches?

Actually they do much more pre-match choreography in the ring than what they use to a couple decades ago.

They have to for all the high-points contained in a match now... And that's partially why it's more like watching Cirque Du Soleil than it is actually wrestling.

Before guys were wrestling a much more grueling schedule than today and didn't have time for pre-match ring choreography. After a couple matches with a specific wrestler the routines would start to set in. And for many of the top matches these were guys that had faced each other many times in the past.

I was listening to a Ric Flair "shoot" interview and he was talking about the last days of Jack Brisco's reign as NWA World Champion, and by that point Brisco was burned out... Anyway Flair talked about Brisco being "married" to Dory Funk Jr., meaning that Dory Jr. was a pretty constant opponent of Jack... They certainly knew each other's routines by that point and were able to finely choreograph the in-ring goings on.
I can see why they have to do all that before. It's such a huge risk to seriously hurt someone if they don't know what the other guy is doing.
Vince is still the man in the WWE but I do believe he's dialed himself way back and is letting HHH and Steph see what they can do with running it. Whoever you've got making the final calls, right now, it doesn't matter cause they've been doing a terrible job for a couple of years now.

The last time they did a great job of making the right calls was during the time they had CM Punk making the WWE title worth something again. Since they took the belt off of him they've done everything they could to completely ruin all the work he put into that title.

Adding a person here or there won't save it. The dialogues suck... I thought CM Punk was awful, especially when comparing it to the "Attitude Era."
Adding a person here or there won't save it. The dialogues suck... I thought CM Punk was awful, especially when comparing it to the "Attitude Era."

Oh man I simply can't agree about Punk at all. I think Punk was/is amazing. Punk would have fit in perfectly in the Attitude Era.
Oh man I simply can't agree about Punk at all. I think Punk was/is amazing. Punk would have fit in perfectly in the Attitude Era.

I was just never a fan.

Just as an aside, I think one of the greatest features of the Attitude Era was the comedy in the dialogue. Everybody had their moments. Nowadays, everything is just about how "I'd kick your a......" in the dialogue. Even when famous, past personalities return, the charm isn't there because the writing is just bad.

I don't watch it that much anymore. Lost interest.
I was just never a fan.

Just as an aside, I think one of the greatest features of the Attitude Era was the comedy in the dialogue. Everybody had their moments. Nowadays, everything is just about how "I'd kick your a......" in the dialogue. Even when famous, past personalities return, the charm isn't there because the writing is just bad.

I don't watch it that much anymore. Lost interest.

I agree with that. The comedy was the best part because they'd say things in ways that would just make you laugh. They were creative with the way they talked smack.

Some of the best stuff I still remember to this day was promos between the Rock and Stone Cold. Those two would just leave me rolling from laughing at the things they'd say to each other and how they'd use each others lines against one another.

Probably to this day my favorite Austin promo is still the one he cut when he drove the beer truck to the ring and told The Rock he was headed to WM to check himself into the Smackdown hotel, roll right up to room 316, and proceed to burn that Son of a B.... to the ground.

I still love that promo.

My son was a big wrestling fan but he's already losing interest, which is pretty sad to me cause it was something fun we watched together, but I used to tell him all the time i wish he could have seen how crazy the crowds were back then. How loud they'd get and all the signs everywhere.

It was electric in a WWE crowd back then.
The last time they did a great job of making the right calls was during the time they had CM Punk making the WWE title worth something again. Since they took the belt off of him they've done everything they could to completely ruin all the work he put into that title.
The best decision the company has made in the last few years was make Punk the champ.
I agree with that. The comedy was the best part because they'd say things in ways that would just make you laugh. They were creative with the way they talked smack.

Some of the best stuff I still remember to this day was promos between the Rock and Stone Cold. Those two would just leave me rolling from laughing at the things they'd say to each other and how they'd use each others lines against one another.

Probably to this day my favorite Austin promo is still the one he cut when he drove the beer truck to the ring and told The Rock he was headed to WM to check himself into the Smackdown hotel, roll right up to room 316, and proceed to burn that Son of a B.... to the ground.

I still love that promo.

My son was a big wrestling fan but he's already losing interest, which is pretty sad to me cause it was something fun we watched together, but I used to tell him all the time i wish he could have seen how crazy the crowds were back then. How loud they'd get and all the signs everywhere.

It was electric in a WWE crowd back then.

Geez, what happened with just giving an interview without screaming.
For those that missed it, I found a clip of Brock Lesnar vs John Cena in the Summer Slam PPV recently.


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