zrinkill;3990547 said:
Wanna compare good things said about both companies?
Yes, actually. I've stated numerous good things about TNA, which im sure you won't debate.
As for the WWE, i've stated my interest in their production value being vastly superior, the in ring talents that i enjoy that are up and coming, including Zig, Sheamus, McIntyre, and Swagger. The old school guys that are still there that are my favorites of all time HHH and Stone Cold (when they are on). Guys like Punk, even said Del Rio has grown on me a little.
However, the WWE still does alot of things badly right now. Repetition being the biggest problem. The creative dept is severly lacking, and it probably has alot to do with the amount of freedom they have in coming up with logical wrestling fueds.. because they have to stay PG and avoid any mention of wrestling or sports. Some of that is just silly. For the past month or two, smackdown has been a repeat of itself over and over again. Same matches, same order, same results for the most part.. with the main event usually changing slightly, but including the same cast of characters.
There are clearly problems with both companies right now, but as with both shows i DVR and skim through to the parts that are watchable.