Xbox One

My plan right now is to purchase a new system in 2014. I've got too many games on 360 and PS3 to finish before I decide to move on. But when I am ready, I'll likely get the PS4 first and then the Xbox One in the holiday season. I enjoy owning both systems, allows me to enjoy the Uncharted series and the Halo series. When Dragon Age:Origins had framerate and performance issues on PS3, and Skyrim had tons of game-killing glitches on PS3, I was able to still enjoy the game on 360. When a PS3 version had better visuals, I got it on that system. There is really no drawbacks to owning both.
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The people who owns both systems are like husbands with two wife.

Decide on one and move on

No reason to act spoiled

Own a Mercedes and BMW at the same time if you can. If not, just chill and don't show off

I wouldn't buy either system if I could get all the games I wanted on PC =(

Luckily a large majority of Xbox games (least the ones I play) are generally available on PC, where as the PS titles I like tend not to be (Metal Gear, God of War, etc).
"Ooooh I will buy both PS4 and Xbox One"

the hell with you

I can't afford even one

So just chill and shut up

Apparently I am drunk so don't pay attention to me

I love you all

Go Cowboys



Go Giants!!!! :)
That guy actually has 2 likes?

I see now that I do as well.........not sure how I earned those. Must be a like scam going on.
Anyone play the NCAA 14 demo? Looks really good

I don't care for it. I don't know what it is, can't quite place my finger on's too bright/cartoony even as compared to Madden, running feels like you're trudging through sand...I don't know if it's anything like the past few, I haven't played NCAA in a while.
Yeah I can definately see that. I'll have no issues with people to play with because all of the people I regularly play with on 360 now are moving to PS4 just like me. So I'm going to have the same group of folks I play BF and CoD with now but we'll be playing it on PS4 instead of Xbox 1.
None of the games for the One interest me. And I have a... lack of trust, so to speak, as far as Microsoft is concerned. Sony, on the other hand, has never let me down, and the already-announced PS4 games look sick.
I don't care for it. I don't know what it is, can't quite place my finger on's too bright/cartoony even as compared to Madden, running feels like you're trudging through sand...I don't know if it's anything like the past few, I haven't played NCAA in a while.

The demo is cool. I wouldn't bother paying $60 for it. I'll be glad to keep playing the demo and not having to buy the game. NCAA is usually a game that you don't want to pay $60 for.
My plan right now is to purchase a new system in 2014. I've got too many games on 360 and PS3 to finish before I decide to move on. But when I am ready, I'll likely get the PS4 first and then the Xbox One in the holiday season. I enjoy owning both systems, allows me to enjoy the Uncharted series and the Halo series. When Dragon Age:Origins had framerate and performance issues on PS3, and Skyrim had tons of game-killing glitches on PS3, I was able to still enjoy the game on 360. When a PS3 version had better visuals, I got it on that system. There is really no drawbacks to owning both.

I'm like you but i will probably buy one a launch then the other one about a year or so later. There's still a few games coming out on current gen systems i am really looking forward Dark souls 2 in march toping that list so i could easily pass both up for another year and not feel like i am missing out but i know my self i'll get caught up in all the hype around launch and end up buying one
I'm like you but i will probably buy one a launch then the other one about a year or so later. There's still a few games coming out on current gen systems i am really looking forward Dark souls 2 in march toping that list so i could easily pass both up for another year and not feel like i am missing out but i know my self i'll get caught up in all the hype around launch and end up buying one

:D I know about getting caught up in the hype. I'm also trying to avoid that as what often happens with the first few launch shipments, there are hardware issues and I would like to avoid that altogether.

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