Dink and dunk from Mr Trunk.22/25 passing for only 123 yards.
I never have understood why the NFL could not sustain a farm team concept to develop players for the NFL.
This would surely support league development with developing executives being trained, coaching having a stepping stone to the parent teams, officials getting to blow their calls at a lower level of competition and program sellers a chance to sell you a hot dog, coke and program for $30.
Oh that last one was for vendors in training for Jerrah at ATT only.
Im thinking it would be great if vince incorporated just one little nuance from his WWE stuff. If the game ends in a tie,....no overtime. Instead both teams including coaches meet at mid field for a no holds barred battle royal type blood bath. Last man standing winner takes all and his team wins ! Now that would really put the excitement into the overtime period!![]()
Time to cut Jones and bring Marquette King in lol
why not big markets..fill seats easier..Don’t understand why a place like San Diego or a San Antonio didn’t get a team but places like Dallas, Houston and LA did. I understand they wanted to target proven markets but I think they dropped the ball at some the locations imo.
jerrys not part of the xfl so? it n the old Rangers field...so ?San Antonio would be a very strategic location. Jerry has been blocking that for years for obvious reasons. I would love to see that happen and for the league to do well. Anything that causes Jerry a headache is good by me.
Terrible atmosphere having 2 levels of empty seats. They should have found a smaller stadium. And the talent level in this game is very bad.
I didnt watch the games how were they?
Was just about to post this. Why is he out of league in the first place?