Yahoo Sports: Real reason behind T.O.’s exit from Dallas *merged*


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Real reason behind T.O.’s exit from Dallas
By Michael Silver, Yahoo! Sports
2 hours, 40 minutes ago

ARLINGTON, Texas – Three and a half months have passed since the Dallas Cowboys cut Terrell Owens(notes), and we’ve been subjected to more spin than a stuntman from “The Fast and the Furious” film franchise. From what I could tell, the receiver’s release was necessitated by every consideration known to man, except the most logical ones: He’s a nightmare when things don’t go his way and he undermined the authority of the franchise quarterback.

Why, supposedly, did T.O. have to go? To paraphrase the polarizing wideout’s former publicist, Kim Etheredge, it seemed Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and his son, Stephen, had 25 million reasons to get rid of him.

The only problem was, none of the reasons they provided – until now – was remotely believable as a primary cause. A conviction that Roy Williams is ready to take over as the No. 1 receiver? A sense that young wideouts Patrick Crayton(notes), Miles Austin(notes) and Sam Hurd(notes) are about to emerge? An effort to create opportunities for backup tight end Martellus Bennett(notes) and halfbacks Marion Barber(notes) and Felix Jones(notes)? A cost-cutting strategy? A youth movement?

Please, make it stop.

All of these factors may have played a role in the decision, but there had to be something more compelling as a catalyst. Now, after lengthy conversations with each of the Joneses over the past several days, I can finally give you a more realistic sense of why Owens is no longer in Dallas.

Yes, it has plenty to do with Tony Romo(notes). Absolutely, Owens’ penchant for being a major pain in the *** played a role. And, as most of us have suspected, this did come down to his effect on team chemistry. Oddly enough, however, T.O.’s popularity in the Cowboys’ locker room is precisely why he was asked to clear out his belongings.

The bottom line, team executive vice president Stephen Jones said Thursday, is that he and his father came to this conclusion: For the team’s highly paid quarterback to become a truly influential leader, the big man on campus had to be jettisoned.

“It’s hard to take over leadership when you’ve got a strong personality like Terrell,” Jones said. “If you look back at our old teams [from the 1990s], a lot of people would say maybe Michael [Irvin] was the leader. Then you might say, ‘He was a receiver. What about Troy [Aikman]? He was the quarterback. Wasn’t he the leader?’ And the answer is, yeah, Troy was a leader. But if Michael wasn’t supportive of him, Troy would’ve had problems.

“A lot of our players thought the world of Terrell – they still do. They loved the way he prepared and how hard he played, and everybody respected his skills and what he’d done in the league. And with him here, I think he was always going to carry that kind of weight.”

So the Joneses shed 224 pounds of combustible material, reasoning that it was preferable to get rid of a 35-year-old receiver on the downside of his career than to restrict the clout of a 29-year-old quarterback who’s on the front end of a six-year, $67 million contract.

Oh, and all that stuff about Williams being ready to take over as a No. 1 wideout? That’s what the Joneses need to believe, given that they traded three draft picks (including their first- and third-round selections in ’09) to the Lions to acquire him (and a seventh-round pick) last October. To justify their investment, the Cowboys will give Williams every chance to be The Man, and we all know how that approach would’ve gone over had Owens still been on the team.

“One of the key things that impacted the decision was the ability of Roy Williams to do what we think he can do,” Jerry Jones said Tuesday afternoon as we sat in 50-yard-line seats at Cowboys Stadium, the team’s spectacular new facility. (I’ll have more on the stadium opening, and the owner’s conflicted emotions in wake of the tragic collapse of the practice bubble at the team’s training headquarters, next week.)

“When we traded for Roy,” Jones continued, “one of the questions was, ‘Can two high-profile receivers get along?’ Terrell never complained about that; he was in favor of Roy coming. But when I saw it in practice, with an emphasis on how it impacted players and the approach to the game plan, then I did see it was a factor. It came down to the progress Roy can make, the responsibility he has with [Owens] not here and a little bit of concern with not enough balls to go around.”

Whereas the Joneses are convinced of Williams’ star potential, at least one of them believes Owens is on the decline. It’s a potential development, Stephen Jones is convinced, to which the proud wideout would not take kindly.

“At some point, when does a player drop off?” Jones asked rhetorically. “When do the skills diminish? And unfortunately, with somebody like Terrell, I don’t know whose fault it would be if his skills did diminish.

“I don’t think it would have been his.”

If the younger Jones’ words seem a bit frosty, it’s not all that surprising. Stephen, like any devoted son, is inclined to stick up for his father. Owens, who has since signed with the Buffalo Bills, essentially called Jerry Jones a liar earlier this month, telling AOL Fanhouse of his reaction to being released: “I was very disappointed, especially when you established a lot of trust gained for three years that I was there, and when somebody blatantly tells you you’re not going anywhere on two different occasions, and you’ve established that bond. If you don’t have a man’s word, and it doesn’t stand for anything, there’s really nothing left and there’s not a whole lot of trust.”

Owens also has implied, as others have speculated, that outside forces (i.e. Romo, offensive coordinator Jason Garrett and Stephen Jones) convinced the owner to change his mind. It’s true that Owens’ strained relationships with Romo and Garrett factored into the decision, but Stephen scoffs at the notion that he forced his father’s hand.

“Some people share things with me that it’s a little harder to share with Jerry, so I let him know about those things,” Stephen said. “I wasn’t totally against Terrell. People give me way too much credit to think I made that decision. I can assure you Jerry made that decision in the end, as he makes every big decision.”

Jerry Jones has gone out of his way to avoid criticizing Owens, but he rejects the notion that he broke his word. “I understand expectations,” Jones said. “I did intend when I looked ahead … I saw Terrell with more years with the Cowboys. As we ended up last year and started off the offseason, I didn’t have thoughts of him not being here. But my thinking changed.

“No one knew the ultimate decision of him being on the team or not being on the team until right before we made the decision. I’m talking about countable hours before I told him. He was really the first to know. Before that, our relationship would not have been subject to, ‘I’m on the fence.’ That’s just not the nature of how you make a decision like that.”

Translation: If I ever indicated to the employee that I wanted to keep him around, that meant that I wanted to keep him around for the time being. This is a fluid business, and I’m a businessman, and if he thinks that means I was dishonest then he’s painfully naïve.

OK, let’s take a step back and assess the fallout.

• Owens loves to play the martyr, as evidenced by his Twitter post last month in response to a fan who regretted his departure from Dallas: “blame the OC and Romo!!” That’s one way of looking at it; another is that Owens brought this on with his reported criticism of the quarterback’s pass-distribution patterns late last season, when their interpersonal connection clearly deteriorated, as did the receiver’s relationship with Garrett. Even if you don’t completely believe the stories that Owens was jealous of Romo’s bond with tight end Jason Witten(notes) – and that Owens and Witten nearly fought at the team’s training facility – the tension among the principals was inescapable as the Cowboys’ playoff hopes collapsed. The evidence shows that Owens, for all his perceived slights, had a healthy percentage of balls thrown his way, yet he still wasn’t satisfied. So he flexed his power in the locker room, and that got his bosses’ attention. In that sense, his suggestion that he was a victim is laughable.

• Given the increasingly dysfunctional environment, the Joneses took the path of least resistance. Sure, they could have made wholesale changes, including the firing of coach Wade Phillips, Garrett or both, but that would have been a statement that the Cowboys, as currently configured, aren’t championship-caliber. Neither Jerry nor Stephen believes that. They see the ’09 Cowboys as an ultra-talented ensemble that’s as similar to the ’07 team which went 13-3 and earned the No. 1 seed in the NFC (before losing to the eventual Super Bowl champion Giants in a divisional-round playoff game) as it is to the seemingly discombobulated bunch that tanked down the stretch in ’08. “Our chemistry is fine,” Stephen Jones insisted. “It was ‘great’ chemistry two years ago, and it was ‘bad’ last year – and if we win again this year, it’ll be ‘good’ again. I don’t see anybody panicking.” Ultimately, the Joneses decided to address the most obvious source of intra-team tension while preserving as much of the status quo as they could. That meant Owens had to go.

• What all of this means is that, even more than before, the bulk of the pressure is on Romo. As if being the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys isn’t loaded enough, Romo is now the guy who is rightfully viewed, externally and internally, as the prime reason that Owens plays in the shadow of Niagara Falls. Never mind that Romo, for all we know, had no direct role in Owens’ demise in Dallas. The reality is that the man who signs his hefty paychecks felt Romo’s best chance to lead the Cowboys to a championship was to remove T.O. from the roster, and the many admirers Owens left behind are now well aware of where the power lies. In the end, I’m not sure this is such a horrible thing. In North Texas, as in the rest of the NFL, it almost always comes back to the quarterback, and the Joneses are savvy enough to understand that. It’s nice that after 3½ months of tiptoeing around the subject, one of them finally admitted that Owens’ departure was intended to facilitate Romo’s arrival.


Well-Known Member
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nothing new. the same crap that has been said since TO was released.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Bob Sacamano;2816438 said:
great article
I agree.

It is very fair and has more than enough supporting evidence to document the assumptions.

Owens had to go, for several reasons. It is up to Romo and Williams to make Jones' decision look smart.

Big Dakota

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For those of us that follow the Cowboys on a daily basis it's pretty clear what Jerry and Co. did this offseason. They got rid the the whiners, weak hearts, malcontents and losers.


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Fair view from this article. I think it makes a lot of sense and it is presented in a good way. I think it's pretty much what everyone believed where the reasons for his departure in the first place so it's not exactly ground breaking news.


Well-Known Member
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Nothing new here but a damn good article nonetheless.

I was a TO fan but I am glad he is gone and I am very much looking forward to these guys approach without the distractions that seemed to be present week to week. I think, we as fans, will be very happy with the teams' play this season.


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I bet TO's inability to get a release of the jamming CB's played a role as well.


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tunahelper;2816484 said:
I bet TO's inability to get a release of the jamming CB's played a role as well.

Yep. No doubt. Good point.


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Great piece. I agree that in order for Romo to assume leadership, Owens had to go. If Romo is successful then this was a brilliant move but if he falters then that locker room could become very toxic since Owens still has plenty of friends/fans/supporters.

I think Romo will be fine if he puts his OTA words (see the Jen Engle article from a day or two ago or JJT's piece today) into action.


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I just gained a lot of respect for Silver. I thought he was just a goofy writer full of sarcasm but he put together a great article here.

Many of us knew these were the reasons TO is gone, but nobody in the media has been able to present the reasons in a clear format.

Not only was Silver the first to do it, but, unlike Werder, he provided real quotes from real sources to support his points.

It's sad that we've come to the point where a decent, researched, thought out article warrants this much praise. They all used to be like that and were the norm. But now, this article stands out a little too much.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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JFlgn;2816507 said:
I just gained a lot of respect for Silver. I thought he was just a goofy writer full of sarcasm but he put together a great article here.

Many of us knew these were the reasons TO is gone, but nobody in the media has been able to present the reasons in a clear format.

Not only was Silver the first to do it, but, unlike Werder, he provided real quotes from real sources to support his points.

It's sad that we've come to the point where a decent, researched, thought out article warrants this much praise. They all used to be like that and were the norm. But now, this article stands out a little too much.

Silver used to write for SI, so he has more roots in telling a factual good story and doing it with less of a "columnsy" style. He did some great writing for SI. Writers like him are fairly rare these days with everyone else going the ESPN shock route.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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So the Joneses shed 224 pounds of combustible material, reasoning that it was preferable to get rid of a 35-year-old receiver on the downside of his career than to restrict the clout of a 29-year-old quarterback who’s on the front end of a six-year, $67 million contract.

I always thought this was the one thing that could convince Jerry to get rid of his project TO: If someone convinced him that Romo could possibly be ruined for life if TO stayed around. And after the six long years we (and he) had to suffer through go-nowhere scrubs at QB, he couldn't under any circumstances take a chance of that happening.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Very nice read.

Kind of rare anymore when get the likes of the local dallas media alway having to use goofy nicknames for their agenda or the likes of espn that are just in it for the shock and attention of things.


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It is going to be interesting to see how Stephen runs the team whenever that time may come


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In related news, water found to be wet :rolleyes:

Worst kept 'secret' as to why TO was released...It all had to do with Tony Romo.

Put up or shut up time for Romo...As other posters have mentioned, it'll be up to Romo to show this season whether the right decision was made.

No point in rehashing the whole Tony vs TO debate but I don't have much faith that Tony has what it takes to be a leader of this football team

That being said, I liked Jerry's comments on the topic - He's come a long ways from the Landry fiasco