Yakuza Rich: My meaningless thoughts on the game...


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Yakuza Rich;2425867 said:
1 - I actually thought the offense played pretty well, but those two picks inside the 30 just stymied them a bit.

2 - Stop running the reverse to Owens. Teams key in on him very intently, so you're not going to fool anybody by running a reverse to a guy that gets double teamed almost every down.

3 - Awesome catch by Martellus Bennett. As I pointed out in one of my previous posts, I thought he was a major key to get this offense rolling.

4 - I think teams are understanding how to beat the Skins offense. Contain the run and realize on those big plays...or the must have plays...or "could really use" type of plays that Campbell now looks for Moss first and then Cooley. That's exactly what they did in the 4th quarter when they went for it but Dallas seemed to recognize it. Teams weren't recognizing it earlier in the year.

5 - Seems like the special teams is good for one big return allowed a game. Thank you Bruce Read.

6 - Apparently, Al Michaels has never watched a punt downed before. I think my 5 year old niece knows that the punting team has to have possession of the ball in order to down it.

Good stuff... I look forward to your "thoughts" on the board.

1. In a way I am glad the picks came on that end of field. It gave us a chance to overcome the mistakes.

2. Agree. TO has eyeballs on him. You are not fooling any defender. Go to his strength plays and be done with already. SOOO frustrating.

3. The kid is a playmaker. I love this kid. I expect GREAT things from him.

4. If you force Campbell to beat you then the chances of your team winning go up. The Skins are about Portis and Moss. Take away Portis and Campbell cant consistently hit Moss. A better QB could.

5. We continue to give up points. Especially before the half. Bad news.

6. I agree with you. But felt the same way. I felt that with our luck the skins would block it and run it back for 7. I was nervous. I am glad that Barber did a Mariano Rivera.... enter Sandman.



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heard a stat that west coast teams coming to the east coast were 0-14 this year

Bob Sacamano

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Yakuza Rich;2425867 said:
- Why I think Ratliff is better than Ware? Because teams can't handle him one-on-one. Unfortunately, he plays the nose and doesn't get many one-on-ones.

I don't think Ratliff is better than Ware

but did you see how Rat used a swim move on TWO players, to get into the backfield in the 1st half?

btw, I don't think Flozell's deafness is the whole problem, he's also trying to get a jump on the speed players at RDE

Bob Sacamano

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casmith07;2425931 said:
This is certainly a meaningless thought. If Ratliff was better than Ware, teams would double and triple team him instead of Demarcus.

And Demarcus STILL got to the quarterback.

:laugh2: :laugh1: you know nothing about football

Ratliff gets double-teams, hell, he freakin' lines up between the OG and C


Kane Ala
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CanadianCowboysFan;2426976 said:
re the fear of the 49ers, tell me how they can possibly stop our offence?

They don't need to stop us. We do a very good job at that, thank you.


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YoMick;2426651 said:
4. If you force Campbell to beat you then the chances of your team winning go up. The Skins are about Portis and Moss. Take away Portis and Campbell cant consistently hit Moss. A better QB could.


I disagree...If you see that replay, Campbell put that ball only where Moss could get it (The deep pass) and Moss should've had it had he not gotten himself turned around...Even on the INT, that was simply a great play by Newman...Campbell didn't hurt their chances yesterday...Not having a healthy Portis or a WR or TE to compliment Moss did


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AdamJT13;2426268 said:
Ratliff doesn't dominate the interior. He rushes the passer well, he's OK against the run vs. single blocking but not very good against run double-teams. If you have Ratliffs at NT and both DE spots but no Ware on the outside, you're going to be worse off than we are now. Ware is far more important to our defense than just his 11 sacks in 10 games (which by themselves are extremely important), and we don't have anyone remotely capable of replacing him right now.

From the nose-tackle, maybe not.... BUT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT 3 RATLIFF'S... There is no way in hell anybody can tell me one Ware is equivalent to 3 Ratliff's, unless Ware is actually Clark Kent while playing football, and Superman the rest of the time... Ratliff at RDE and LDE against single coverage in the interior would play the run well, because of the single coverage they would be getting from the interior. Ratliff is explosive off the snap and maneuvers incredibly well in-between tackles.. Hell, on passing situations, the QB would flat out be destroyed, as opposed to a situation with just Ware...

Pressure from the interior is much better then pressure from the edges... It has the additional element of blocking more of the view of the QB... The line to the QB and RB are much shorter..

To me, it is just blind homerism to argue that one wouldn't trade one Ware for 3 Ratliff's...


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FCBarca;2427030 said:
I disagree...If you see that replay, Campbell put that ball only where Moss could get it (The deep pass) and Moss should've had it had he not gotten himself turned around...Even on the INT, that was simply a great play by Newman...Campbell didn't hurt their chances yesterday...Not having a healthy Portis or a WR or TE to compliment Moss did

Portis will beat us 7 out of 10 times.

Campbell will be us 4 out of 10 times... he is not that good.

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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Glad you mentioned going for it on 4th. I'd have kicked that ball without a second thought. It's the best percentage play you have.


Pixel Pusher
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I stopped after you said Ratliff is better than Ware. Nevermind that Ware sees constant double and even the occasional triple team, which is the entire reason Ratliff never sees anyone if he gets past his guy.


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khiladi;2427210 said:
From the nose-tackle, maybe not.... BUT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT 3 RATLIFF'S... There is no way in hell anybody can tell me one Ware is equivalent to 3 Ratliff's, unless Ware is actually Clark Kent while playing football, and Superman the rest of the time... Ratliff at RDE and LDE against single coverage in the interior would play the run well, because of the single coverage they would be getting from the interior. Ratliff is explosive off the snap and maneuvers incredibly well in-between tackles.. Hell, on passing situations, the QB would flat out be destroyed, as opposed to a situation with just Ware...

Pressure from the interior is much better then pressure from the edges... It has the additional element of blocking more of the view of the QB... The line to the QB and RB are much shorter..

To me, it is just blind homerism to argue that one wouldn't trade one Ware for 3 Ratliff's...

What he said!


Last of the Duke Street Kings
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We know of Flo's legal deafness in his right ear.

I would think it would put him behind the count instead of ahead of it.