Wow, that's nasty, ... what an unappealing characteristic to exhibit.
Nasty, but wrong.
h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y would be if I gave the pretense of having a virtuous character, or if I preached moral or religious beliefs or principles, that I didn't possess or practice, ... that's hypocritical.
If I pretended to have qualities or beliefs that I didn't really have, that's h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y
But I don't think that applies to condoning one players actions that to some resembles another players actions that I don't condon.
(even though I don't consider anything Owens has done to rate up there with what I saw during last night's game, ... I can only imagine what would transpire if Owens had thrown his helmet 50 ft)
WG called it ironic, which maybe closer but I'm not sure that is quite right either.
Maybe contradictory is the right word.
Maybe what I said was an ironic contradiction. :laugh2:
You might say that about me, but I am not a hypocrite.
You may not like me, but what you see is what you get from me, I am not a hypocrite.