You Cowboy Fans Are A Joke...

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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The original poster is a Cowboys fan trying to make a point. I guess.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Is this the "Biggest Loser Thread"? Does that refer to those complaining or those complaining about the complaining. :rolleyes:

Velvet Jones

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nyc;2315619 said:
Is this the "Biggest Loser Thread"? Does that refer to those complaining or those complaining about the complaining. :rolleyes:

I am waiting for the obligatroy WG post about how we have yet another thread with a fan of an opposing team whineing about the whiners..


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R8erFan4Ever;2314151 said:
So the only thing acceptable to some of the complainers is a 5-0 record where you guys scored a total of 200 points and gave up a total of 0? I just think you guys are gonna get every teams best shot. Giants barely beat the Bengals, I wonder if they panicked this much. Doesn't the fact that you guys played a very desperate 0-4 team count for anything? I'm just saying, about 90 percent of the leagues teams wish they were in the same shape and position as you guys. I guess you want to be 5-0 like the Titans and have Kerry Collins running the offense.

You'd have a few here that would probably be quite thrilled by that.

Vintage;2314156 said:
Nope. People would still ***** and moan (here comes another infraction!!!!!!!) about us only scoring 200... and allowing 0 points.

We'd have to hold them to negative points.

Yep. There is nothing this defense could ever do (And yes I know they've got things they can do better, every single defense in the league does) would be enough. If they held teams to 14 points a game and 200 yards they'd still get pissed on for not getting 8 sacks a game, not picking off 4 passes a game, or they'd get roasted for that one catch they allowed so and so to have underneath for a 12 yard gain.


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cowheel;2315490 said:
Uh... no offense... but our expectations are a liiiiittle bit higher for our Cowboys than what you have for your Raiders.

Coming into the season, pretty much everyone expected the Raiders to suck... again.

The Cowboys came into this season off a 13-3 record - with 13 pro bowlers.

Add to that... a Zach Thomas upgrade over Akin Ayodele... Mike Jenkins upgrade over Reeves, a Pac Man upgrade over Nate Jones, and a Felix Jones upgrade over Julius Jones.

Yeah - we expect big things.

So us criticicizing our teams' less than inspiring play isn't panic... it's having the foresight to see what's gonna come in January if we don't pick it up drastically.

Another 1st round defeat is unacceptable.

I don't buy that "a win is a win" crap.
The WAY you win has a lot to do with how you play down the road...

I guess the Giants were showing so many signs last year that they were gonna turn into the super bowl champs. You probably could tell by how Eli was doing a better job at throwing it to the other team that he was gonna all of a sudden turn into a road warrior with a ridiculous TD to INT ratio. In my opinion tested teams are much better off in the playoffs. Teams that have gone through bad lapses and still managed to win are better teams. San Diego Chargers were 14-2 the year b4 last and they won zero playoff games that year. Last year the Chargers started 1-3 went on to make the playoffs and made it to the AFC championship game. My raiders were 11-5 when we made the super bowl run, we started 4-0, by midseason we were 4-4, by playoffs we were 11-5 and on the way to a super bowl. The Colts won the super bowl when they were 12-4 and battle hardened not when they were 14-2 the year b4 that. The steelers that won the super bowl in 2005 were a battle hardened 11-5 team.


That Guy
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R8erFan4Ever;2316808 said:
I guess the Giants were showing so many signs last year that they were gonna turn into the super bowl champs. You probably could tell by how Eli was doing a better job at throwing it to the other team that he was gonna all of a sudden turn into a road warrior with a ridiculous TD to INT ratio. In my opinion tested teams are much better off in the playoffs. Teams that have gone through bad lapses and still managed to win are better teams. San Diego Chargers were 14-2 the year b4 last and they won zero playoff games that year. Last year the Chargers started 1-3 went on to make the playoffs and made it to the AFC championship game. My raiders were 11-5 when we made the super bowl run, we started 4-0, by midseason we were 4-4, by playoffs we were 11-5 and on the way to a super bowl. The Colts won the super bowl when they were 12-4 and battle hardened not when they were 14-2 the year b4 that. The steelers that won the super bowl in 2005 were a battle hardened 11-5 team.
Remember though this is panic.

A good panic defies all logic... and most facts.


This is a house of learned doctors
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All this stuff makes for lively conversation, but what happened to the days where people would come and give their two cents be it good or bad and others would give their two cents back without anyone getting so touchy about it? You can't have no fun no more without getting someone bent out of shape.

Man, you'd think Wade Phillips was coaching this forum or something.


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Spectre;2317131 said:
4-1 in our division is not what it may seem.

Isn't there some 11 games to go? ONLY 1 loss up to this point is BAD?

So how do you feel about the Eagles 2-3 record?


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R8erFan4Ever;2316808 said:
I guess the Giants were showing so many signs last year that they were gonna turn into the super bowl champs. You probably could tell by how Eli was doing a better job at throwing it to the other team that he was gonna all of a sudden turn into a road warrior with a ridiculous TD to INT ratio. In my opinion tested teams are much better off in the playoffs. Teams that have gone through bad lapses and still managed to win are better teams. San Diego Chargers were 14-2 the year b4 last and they won zero playoff games that year. Last year the Chargers started 1-3 went on to make the playoffs and made it to the AFC championship game. My raiders were 11-5 when we made the super bowl run, we started 4-0, by midseason we were 4-4, by playoffs we were 11-5 and on the way to a super bowl. The Colts won the super bowl when they were 12-4 and battle hardened not when they were 14-2 the year b4 that. The steelers that won the super bowl in 2005 were a battle hardened 11-5 team.

well when you got wade as you HC adversity might now be the best thing as he seems to be in denial about some of the mistakes being made and thinks it's ok not to give 100% as long as you win. so i doubt they learn from it at all they'll just keep doing what their doing cause wade thinks it's good enough


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silverbear;2314762 said:
And yet, the Cowboys are 17-4 over the last coupla seasons... even though you and those like you would have us believe that they lack "Experience, intensity, passion, desire, work ethic, and who wants it more"...

You seriously see the Cowboys going 5-6 the rest of the way, do you?? The only way I could ever see that happening is if they got completely devastated by injury...
You should know that the playoffs is what counts. And the boys are 0-2 in the playoffs. Until the cowboys win where it matters the most the cowboys regulars season is pointless and will be heavily critsized, period. Being in this tough division makes every single division game more and more important. I don't think the cowboys will go 9-7 but in this tough division we might have a 10-6 team and 2 9-7 teams maybe 3. Like I said every game is critical and every division game is very important. This is not a 162 game season it's only 16 games. Every game matters period. Another 13 win season won't mean crap if we don't win atleast one playoff game.


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Boysboy;2317135 said:
Isn't there some 11 games to go? ONLY 1 loss up to this point is BAD?

So how do you feel about the Eagles 2-3 record?
I never said it was "BAD".

I'm saying that criticising this team at the 4-1 point is a legitimate concern when another team in our division sits at 4-1 and another at 4-0. We've struggled in 3 of those wins against (IMO) lesser opponents. Yea, if you're a Raiders fan, 4-1 looks peachy.
But I don't see anything wrong in demanding the very best out of this team because that's what it's going to take to win this division and we've invested enough time and money in this roster to expect nothing less.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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CowboyMark;2317452 said:
You should know that the playoffs is what counts.

You don't make the playoffs if you don't play well in the regular season...

And the boys are 0-2 in the playoffs.

Which often happens to YOUNG teams, they need to learn how to win in the playoffs... the Cowboys were a young team these last two seasons, hopefully they've learned from their previous mistakes and will be better prepared for postseason pressure this time around...

Or are you suggesting that because they've lost their last 2 playoff games, they're fated to forever lose playoff games??

Another 13 win season won't mean crap if we don't win atleast one playoff game.

That, I agree with... but what's happening NOW has little relevance on what kind of team the Boys will have come January... I'd rather have them hit this little lull now rather than in December...

And that's all I believe this is, a lull... they started out as hot as any team in the NFL, for the first 3 weeks, and maybe they started to believe their own hype... the last 2 weeks have hopefully served as a reality check for them...

Over the years I have found that although it's just a 16 game season, there are peaks and valleys for most every team in the course of that season... we hit a valley last year at the worst possible time, at the end of the season... better to hit it in week 5, I think...

This is why I find the current overreaction of so many fans on these message boards (this isn't the only board going through that) to be both comical and frustrating, all at the same time... the NFL season is not a sprint, it's a marathon...


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silverbear;2317992 said:
You don't make the playoffs if you don't play well in the regular season...

Which often happens to YOUNG teams, they need to learn how to win in the playoffs... the Cowboys were a young team these last two seasons, hopefully they've learned from their previous mistakes and will be better prepared for postseason pressure this time around...

Or are you suggesting that because they've lost their last 2 playoff games, they're fated to forever lose playoff games??

That, I agree with... but what's happening NOW has little relevance on what kind of team the Boys will have come January... I'd rather have them hit this little lull now rather than in December...

And that's all I believe this is, a lull... they started out as hot as any team in the NFL, for the first 3 weeks, and maybe they started to believe their own hype... the last 2 weeks have hopefully served as a reality check for them...

Over the years I have found that although it's just a 16 game season, there are peaks and valleys for most every team in the course of that season... we hit a valley last year at the worst possible time, at the end of the season... better to hit it in week 5, I think...

This is why I find the current overreaction of so many fans on these message boards (this isn't the only board going through that) to be both comical and frustrating, all at the same time... the NFL season is not a sprint, it's a marathon...
Yes the boys are young. Unlike Skip I havn't confused can't for hasn't. All i'm saying is until they win a playoff game they will be heavily critisized period. By the fans, media, and most importantly themselves. This is what happens to a team that is one of the most successful, expensive, popular, profitable, and recognized teams in all of sports. A team that hasn't won a playoff game in 12 years for god sake. Not good thing for a team like the cowboys. Teams like the boys will be heavily critisized all the time. While teams like the rangers noone is going to care because they are used to losing. Plain and simple win or face the heavy critisizm by everyone!


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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CowboyMark;2318036 said:
Yes the boys are young. Unlike Skip I havn't confused can't for hasn't. All i'm saying is until they win a playoff game they will be heavily critisized period. By the fans, media, and most importantly themselves. This is what happens to a team that is one of the most successful, expensive, popular, profitable, and recognized teams in all of sports. A team that hasn't won a playoff game in 12 years for god sake. Not good thing for a team like the cowboys. Teams like the boys will be heavily critisized all the time. While teams like the rangers noone is going to care because they are used to losing. Plain and simple win or face the heavy critisizm by everyone!

OK, I think we've reached a level of agreement here, at least I don't have any real arguments with what you just wrote...


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So, which one of you is actually this "Raiders" fan trying to rally us Cowboys fans?


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R8erFan4Ever;2318829 said:
I'm not a Cowboy fan disguised as a Raider fan.

FWIW-I too hang out on other teams' MBs b/c I get bored sometimes reading the same things for hours on end here. Not just our NFCE opponents' boards, but I'm also a frequent poster on the Pats and Bears boards, FWIW.