CFZ You Guys Are Ready for the Zeke Return. Right?

I have been following zeke for 12 years now. It seems to me he'd rather BE on a team at reduced rate and role...then sit at home.

Kinda like...I am certain they did...when Cowboys asked him to play hurt. But of course he said yes...knowing he would be hampered.

He wants to play. He's just seeing things through here. Patience will serve him well.

“when Cowboys asked him to play hurt. But of course he said yes...knowing he would be hampered”

The finest of doctors and medical staff but the team had to ask him to play hurt?! And of course he said yes? lol that’s good stuff. This isn’t high school.
“when Cowboys asked him to play hurt. But of course he said yes...knowing he would be hampered”

The finest of doctors and medical staff but the team had to ask him to play hurt?! And of course he said yes? lol that’s good stuff. This isn’t high school.
So he DIDN'T play hurt?
So he DIDN'T play hurt?

Once a player is medically cleared it's full steam ahead for the team and the player. Period. This idea that the team had to ask and the player stepped up to the plate like a true super hero. lol It's ridiculous. He was medically cleared. Doesn't matter how injured you think he was or his pain tolerance.
Once a player is medically cleared it's full steam ahead for the team and the player. Period. This idea that the team had to ask and the player stepped up to the plate like a true super hero. lol It's ridiculous. He was medically cleared. Doesn't matter how injured you think he was or his pain tolerance. it's conjecture on your part. You admonish me for mine...yet do the same yourself.

"medically cleared to play"...means you have no injury effects? Nobody plays injured...ever.

Right. it's conjecture on your part. You admonish me for mine...yet do the same yourself.

"medically cleared to play"...means you have no injury effects? Nobody plays injured...ever.


It means the doctor cleared you. Either you can take the field or you can't. It's not conjecture. This idea that the team had to ask is nothing but conjecture when you have a medical staff. You make it sound like Zeke really took one for the team and it's all the teams fault? lol This is professional football. Play or don't play. Every player has the right to make that call and are well represented to do so.
With any other team your point is true, but with this team, he has the "pull" to have some carries allocated for him.

Rather not have that dynamic going on in the locker room. Best man deserves the playing time.
You’re still not listening or paying attention. He is not a complete running back. He’s a specialty player and not many teams want one. . He doesn’t have the patience to let his blocks develop. He doesn’t see the opening like he wants did. He’s 2 anxious. But everything I stated was an absolute fact . Just don’t look further than what I said.
You’re still not listening or paying attention. He is not a complete running back. He’s a specialty player and not many teams want one. . He doesn’t have the patience to let his blocks develop. He doesn’t see the opening like he wants did. He’s 2 anxious. But everything I stated was an absolute fact . Just don’t look further than what I said.
You're beyond lost. Dude was hitting the same holes zeke had last year yet his average yards per carry was what again? His longest run was what again? His pass blocking was rated what again? :lmao2:
Move on. He's made plenty of money to last a life time.
Enjoy your money, Zeke and stay healthy.
You're beyond lost. Dude was hitting the same holes zeke had last year yet his average yards per carry was what again? His longest run was what again? His pass blocking was rated what again? :lmao2:
I’m talking about Elliot, that’s what the conversation was I’m not the one that’s lost LMAO
You're beyond lost. Dude was hitting the same holes zeke had last year yet his average yards per carry was what again? His longest run was what again? His pass blocking was rated what again? :lmao2:
This is about Elliot. Try to keep up.
Zeke would probably rather play somewhere else than play second fiddle to Pollard. You would also think he would be tired of the fan abuse. Once a player declines with this organization the fans crap all over them. Just look at the current players we have that take abuse from the fans. When a player moves on from the Cowboys, there’s no thanks for the memories from fans, it’s good riddance.
I was all in for drafting Zeke and he was a great RB when he 1st came here, but RBs don't last forever.
Sooner or later their cost surpasses their serviceability, it's inevitable. That time has arrived for Zeke.
In Zeke's case that cost was a high cost.
I doubt Zeke is likely to make his comeback with the Cowboys, if there is one. If he does, we'll deserve exactly what we'll get. Our front office is known for making foolish mistakes, so I wouldn't be surprised, in the least, if it somehow occurs. :rolleyes:
Well here's hoping it doesn't occur.
You're beyond lost. Dude was hitting the same holes zeke had last year yet his average yards per carry was what again? His longest run was what again? His pass blocking was rated what again? :lmao2:
See...this is where you think you are SO smart...and boy did you really get one over on GOD you showed him.

Except you got lost in your own stats. Tony and Zeke did not always run the same plays. So...oh great us those stats up the middle with all those HUGE holes. Show us Zeke and Tony running the same plays up the middle through "the holes"...and the stats the go with those runs.

Now...when we get Tony our in the flats or running wide...yes....he had greater speed and elusiveness. Up the middle? Not so much.

EVeyrone yammered on and on about how tony flashed his "speed to the edge", Now ask yourself..slowly...why was he FORCEDE to do that...instead of chewing REAL yards straight up the field?

Because he couldn't get any more than zeke did...and his fresh young legs took over. GOOD FOR HIM!

Dude was hitting the same holes zeke had last year yet his average yards per carry was what again?

Fine....if only their plays were exactly comparable. They weren't. Zeke was generally the #1RB and Tony the "change of pace". ALWAYS been WAY easier to get those obscene stats. Until the go #1 get game planned for and take the punishment.
Tony ain't been #1 lead back since high school. Let's hope he can withstand more punishment than he did as #2.

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