CFZ You Guys Are Ready for the Zeke Return. Right?

It means the doctor cleared you. Either you can take the field or you can't. It's not conjecture. This idea that the team had to ask is nothing but conjecture when you have a medical staff. You make it sound like Zeke really took one for the team and it's all the teams fault? lol This is professional football. Play or don't play. Every player has the right to make that call and are well represented to do so.
Where did I say it was the teams fault.

GOD can't you people just read what's written instead of making sht up? Come on.

I didn't. In fact I let it be known zeke WANTS to play. MOST players do. Emmitt played hurt. Aikman played hurt. If the team says NO...then that's it. NO playing.

But if they say can ya play? You think a tough player like Zeke says...."nah....I don't want to play". OF course he ALWASY wants to play. If the team lets him.

It's not really anyone's fault...UNLESS.....the team docs and coaches see he's hurting himself or the team. He just might have. I still don;t "blame" anyone"...just staing the FACT...that zeke DID play hurt.

That;s it...mkay?. I have no other agenda. YOU/ Have one Obviously.
Once a player is medically cleared it's full steam ahead for the team and the player. Period. This idea that the team had to ask and the player stepped up to the plate like a true super hero. lol It's ridiculous. He was medically cleared. Doesn't matter how injured you think he was or his pain tolerance.
Did he play hurt or not. Simple question.

I said nothing about "cleared" or "fault".

You a politician?
See...this is where you think you are SO smart...and boy did you really get one over on GOD you showed him.

Except you got lost in your own stats. Tony and Zeke did not always run the same plays. So...oh great us those stats up the middle with all those HUGE holes. Show us Zeke and Tony running the same plays up the middle through "the holes"...and the stats the go with those runs.

Now...when we get Tony our in the flats or running wide...yes....he had greater speed and elusiveness. Up the middle? Not so much.

EVeyrone yammered on and on about how tony flashed his "speed to the edge", Now ask yourself..slowly...why was he FORCEDE to do that...instead of chewing REAL yards straight up the field?

Because he couldn't get any more than zeke did...and his fresh young legs took over. GOOD FOR HIM!

Fine....if only their plays were exactly comparable. They weren't. Zeke was generally the #1RB and Tony the "change of pace". ALWAYS been WAY easier to get those obscene stats. Until the go #1 get game planned for and take the punishment.
Tony ain't been #1 lead back since high school. Let's hope he can withstand more punishment than he did as #2.
Look up the game that Pollard started when Zeke went out. How you can even try to defend Zekes performance last year and the yesr before is laughable. Even in the 9er play off game, Zeke wasn't the lead back and yet couldn't do squat when Pollard went down. Paint it and call it what you want but there's no reason to even think Pollard hasn't been better than Zeke.
Look up the game that Pollard started when Zeke went out. How you can even try to defend Zekes performance last year and the yesr before is laughable. Even in the 9er play off game, Zeke wasn't the lead back and yet couldn't do squat when Pollard went down. Paint it and call it what you want but there's no reason to even think Pollard hasn't been better than Zeke.
Pollard didnt do squat in the 9ers game either. One more yard per carry isnt gonna cut it. Pollards production declined as the season went on.
Pollard surely has been more productive than zeke. But its too lazy to just leave it at that. If thats your gig...if you dont want to factually dissect it...we have nothing to talk about.
Lordy this thread!

Did he play hurt or not. Simple question.

I said nothing about "cleared" or "fault".

You a politician?
You have no relevant information related to any of it. Spewing garbage as facts like a true politician.

How bad was it doc?

Maybe it was the doctor who curb stomped him? lol that’s a twist I didn’t see coming. The team curb stomped him??? That doesn’t sound like you blame them at all?

Funny that you don’t think of the flip side of that. A player is medically cleared to play, yet you think the team is going to hold them back anyway and the player isn’t going to look to union reps and call them out. Again.. this isn’t high school.

He’s a declining RB who got hurt. You’re the one trying to turn that into a major achievement while fooling yourself on what’s actually been happening for a few years now. He lost a big step and a 17 game season will not go injury free at this point.
You have no relevant information related to any of it. Spewing garbage as facts like a true politician.

How bad was it doc?

Maybe it was the doctor who curb stomped him? lol that’s a twist I didn’t see coming. The team curb stomped him??? That doesn’t sound like you blame them at all?

Funny that you don’t think of the flip side of that. A player is medically cleared to play, yet you think the team is going to hold them back anyway and the player isn’t going to look to union reps and call them out. Again.. this isn’t high school.

He’s a declining RB who got hurt. You’re the one trying to turn that into a major achievement while fooling yourself on what’s actually been happening for a few years now. He lost a big step and a 17 game season will not go injury free at this point.
Okaybuddy. You got more info than me. Nobody plays injured....since "medically cleared to play" means they must by 100% healthy.
Nobody plays hurt.
Later dude.
Okaybuddy. You got more info than me. Nobody plays injured....since "medically cleared to play" means they must by 100% healthy.
Nobody plays hurt.
Later dude.
You’re the one over selling it. Lot players are out there banged up but Zeke is really taking one for the team and the team sucks for allowing it. Nothing but excuses.

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