I will never get posters bothered by someone else's negative or positive posts but really don't get calling them out for either.
When I disagree with an opinion, I don't get upset with the poster for having that opinion.
Some feel this is an underachieving and most talented team in the NFL and I don't agree but I sure as hell don't mind them feeling that way.
And just because a poster may be negative about this team and the way it's run doesn't make them a negative person. When I see that here, it really pisses me off. We don't know enough about the personal lives of our fellow posters here to be making that blanket accusation about them in their personal life. Like those "oh, you must be the life of the party". I know plenty of positive people I wouldn't want at the party because they're boring. Positively boring.
What the hell, let's stir the pot but remember all us spoons gotta go back in the same drawer later.