YOUR INPUT NEEDED for stadium music

A lot of the harder rock older Collective Soul songs would have killer intros and guitar solos. They used to be one of my favorite bands until they got all weeny and poppy with their music. They actually do get a lot of stadium play as I think about. A lot of baseball players use Heavy as their coming up to bat song.

Heavy -- Collective Soul

Where the River Flows -- Collective Soul

Praise - Sevendust

Crazy Train -- Ozzy Osbourne.

Bodies -- Drowning Pool

We Will Rock You -- Queen (don't do We are the Champions until we are in the SB and WIN)

Don't Stop Believin -- Journey (they actually play this when Romo comes on the field which I find too funny)

Sweet Home Alabama -- (can't go wrong with Southern Rock)

Fly from the Inside -- Shinedown

I Dare You - Shinedown

Aerosmith -- Walk this Way

Tom Petty -- Free Fallin

Darn copyright rules. Some bands have their videos on YouTube and the rest have crappy live quality videos up.

The Cowboys need new updated better music. As the concert queen I am I only remember Don't Stop Believin being played at Texas Stadium the last three years I have gone to a game there. So obviously the music wasn't too attention grabbing during time outs, etc. Good music does help with crowd partipation at key points of the game. Throw in some country like Johnny Cash too, but my forte is ROCK!

Good luck with your music choices -- make sure you post what you pick for the new stadium.
Future;2843010 said:
sorry i'm not hardcore enough for your...but why would you want to hear slayer at a football game? it's borderline absurd

This wouldn't pump you up before a game?

As the game's about to start, just before Cowboys players come out to the field from the tunnell, it would be cool to hear Bon Jovi's theme music, or perhaps the whole chorus, to "Dead or Alive".

The song's chorus goes like this: "I'm a Cowboy; On a steel horse I ride; I'm wanted (wanted); Dead or Alive". It's pretty cool and the music has a good mix of a country-music, rock-and-roll, and a hrd rock flair to it. So the song has mass appeal musically and is multidimesional, much like the Dallas Cowboys brand.

The chorus theme-line "wanted...dead or alive" also fits with the Cowboys because whenever opponents see Dallas on their schedules, they circle that game. So the cowboys always have that outlaw persona from the perspective of opposing teams and their fans; everyone wants to get htem "dead or alive". That comes with being America's Team I guess.

The song also has special menaing for me and my cousins. We all live in Chicago - born and raised - and during the 90s dynasty, we would all gather to a local sports bar to see the Cowboys on satellite. We never missed a game, whether the bar could play it with sound or not (no sound if they were also showing the Bears game and had the sound on that). And before each game, we would play "Dead or alive" to get us pumped for the game. It was the perfect song, perfect prelude, and perfect ritual. The song was a natural filt. And it drove Bears fans crazy when we would play it in their bar. :D

Ahh, those were some good times :)

Edit: I thought more and got some more mentions below:

After a big play that turns the drive or game around: Motley Crue's, "Kickstart My Heart"

After one of those weird/crazy plays - like Romo scrambling and thriwing 25 yards for a first: Ozzy Osbourne's, "Crazy Train".

After a Cowboys touchdown: The Scorpions' "(here I am) Rock you like a hurricane"

After an opponent's touchdown, just before they kickoff back to Dallas: Judas Priest's "You've got another thing comin"

After a win: Skid Row's "(we are the) Youth gone wild"

And littere's throughout all of that: Thin Lizzy's "The Boys are back in town"

And when the cheerleaders take midfield: ZZ Top's, "She's got legs"

And when Jerry Jones takes the filed: ZZ Top's, "Sharp dressed man"

Ahhh, good stuff! :D
TX_Yid;2842507 said:
Love AC/DC Hells Bells for before kick off.

More than Welcome to the Jungle?

Or the theme from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!?
GimmeTheBall!;2842606 said:
I think I detect a Jim Rome (I suspect it is Romulsky) fan.

Welcome to the jungle is an adolescent's cry of rebellion, nothing significant.
So leave it at junior high and go with something more befitting to the den of all that is good with America.

No no no. Not a Jim Rome fan at all. I just think jungles are crazy and dangerous, and that we should welcome our opponents to ours.

I am a huge fan of almost all of the NFL Films music by Tom Hedden and Sam Spence though.
Rampage;2843065 said:
cause it's a football game. you're supposed to go crazy and not have a voice by the time you leave the stadium. obviously Texans don't seem to grasp this concept with the evidence of all the weak crowds at Texas Stadium.
I don't like leaving the game with a voice...but if you played Slayer at a football game, you would have like 2000 people pumped, 67000 angry and frustrated, and 11000 children scared.

I like Slayer, just not at a sporting event.

ArmyCowboy;2843107 said:
This wouldn't pump you up before a game?

Not particularly...
"Walk"-Pantera for the players intro

"Seek & Destroy"-Metallica for just before Cowboys' kickoffs

and how about making a call to Marvel to get permission to use "HULK SMASH!!!" along with graphics on the big screen for every Ware sack. Or maybe make a custom "WARE SMASH!!!!!" audio and cartoony/comic bookish video???
RCowboyFan;2842293 said:
How about Kid Rock's I wanna be a cowboy? That's got to be a Cowboys anthem or something ;)

Kid Rock may be a bit of a tool, but the chorus of "Bawitaba" rocks. I could see that after a TD or a big hit/sack.

You can never go wrong with Metallica's "Enter Sandman"

"Boom" by P.O.D is great after a big hit or a big play.
Doomsday Duck;2843406 said:
"Walk"-Pantera for the players intro

"Seek & Destroy"-Metallica for just before Cowboys' kickoffs

and how about making a call to Marvel to get permission to use "HULK SMASH!!!" along with graphics on the big screen for every Ware sack. Or maybe make a custom "WARE SMASH!!!!!" audio and cartoony/comic bookish video???

"Walk" is AWESOME!!! I was gonna say that. Perfect suggestion. "You talkin' to me?!!!" That guitar never gets old. I always felt that Marilyin Manson's "Beautiful People" riff wouldn't have existed without that song.
Actually most metal riffs borrow in some way, shape, or form from Sabbath if you really want to go back.

I'm gonna go listen to some Pantera.
SaltwaterServr;2842165 said:
Some of you may or may not know, but I moderate another Cowboys forum on

I was asked today to gather input for the stadium production staff on what kind of music folks would like to hear at the games. Specifically when:

We score a TD

Team runs onto the field

Pre-kick off


Things of that nature, and anything else you can think of. There's a great number of folks from across the world here and please relay your thoughts and observations on what you've seen in other stadiums of any sporting event.

I did make sure to include from the start that our video board needs to educate our fans on home field advantage. Specifically that we need to quiet down with our offense on the field and get nasty when their offense is on the field and especially on 3rd downs. I suggested a pregame introduction on the video board for this as well as video board reminders during the game.

what are the odds of working with local music / bands?
These are the suggestions I really liked.

We score a TD.

Drowning Pool...Let the Bodies Hit the Floor


Team runs onto the field.

Story of the Year...Tell Me

Do it exactly as Future described it in his post.


Pre-kick off

Game On...Disciple (I couldn't find the Cowboys version, but it is perfect.)



Pantera...Cowboys From Hell



Saliva...Ladies & Gentlemen

You guys are way too much with the metal. This is 2009 Cowboys. Some is good but you need more variety. yes that means some rap, modern rock, etc.
Joe Realist;2843619 said:
You guys are way too much with the metal. This is 2009 Cowboys. Some is good but you need more variety. yes that means some rap, modern rock, etc.
I am a country music fan first and foremost but when I lift weights it can't be rap, hip hop, classical, country, or anything but hard rock.

Adrenaline. Pump it into the audience and the team will feed on it. Metal is adrenaline.
Hostile;2843628 said:
I am a country music fan first and foremost but when I lift weights it can't be rap, hip hop, classical, country, or anything but hard rock.

Adrenaline. Pump it into the audience and the team will feed on it. Metal is adrenaline.
For some it may be, for all it is not. I am sure many of the black players get pumped and lift to rap
Hostile;2843636 said:
They need to play some Free Reign.

They just need to establish a home field advantage. I don't care if they play Lawrence Welk as long as they win. i am concerned this will be too much of a carnival atmosphere than a place teams fear to play in.

What always got me pissed is when opposing teams fans (see Iggles) came in and took over Texas Stadium. That would not happen in Philly. I don't want to see that **** anymore at Cowboy games.

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