Your Special Sammich

Mayo is the devil's spread.
I ******* hate it, too, Cal. Over the years, I've learned to deal with it. I wish I liked it, as everyone wants to put it on everything.

I just don't get it. It would be like putting ranch dressing on a sandwich. Only more bland. Ketchup is horrible, too, unless it's with fries (albeit much, much less unappetizing than mayo is). It masks the taste of whatever you're grubbing on (burger, hotdog, etc). Mustard or gtho :) (love good thousand island dressing/spread [In N Out's is the gold standard])
I ******* hate it, too, Cal. Over the years, I've learned to deal with it. I wish I liked it, as everyone wants to put it on everything.

I just don't get it. It would be like putting ranch dressing on a sandwich. Only more bland. Ketchup is horrible, too, unless it's with fries (albeit much, much less unappetizing than mayo is). It masks the taste of whatever you're grubbing on (burger, hotdog, etc). Mustard or gtho :) (love good thousand island dressing/spread [In N Out's is the gold standard])
I don't even know you anymore! I could eat a jar of mayo by the spoonfuls...........albeit a very small jar.
BLT sandwich

Toasted bread
fresh lettuce
Tomato(from my garden
Very crisp bacon
Miracle Whip(mayo is gross)

Reuben sandwich
Rye bread
corned beef
Lots of sourkrut
1000 island dressing

And the plain ole Grill cheese.
My sister used to eat butter and ketchup sandwich when she was a teenager ... yuck.
I had friends growing up that ate mayo and peanut butter sammiches. I was raised with Miracle Whip until I got married and was switched to a mayo man. Now Miracle Whip's sweetness gags me.

My favorite marketing ploy was when CarbSmart did carb free mayo. Mayo doesn't have any carbs.

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