They should still show .. they are just not listed out completely due to space.Oh on mobile they’re there when my phone is sideways. I guess vertically it’s goes away. My bad.
It's fine. I kicked in some ridiculously small amount of money years ago and don't feel entitled to render an opinion on a free site that provides me with entertainment. Just do your thing and we'll all fall in line.Now that the move to new software and new servers has been completed and I have designed the still-work-in-progress Light theme for the site, what are your thoughts on it so far?
Common Questions
*** NOTE: I will continue to add questions and answers here as they get asked multiple times.
Why did you upgrade now?
We were having issues with a couple of things and the older software and servers were limiting our ability to add new features that we have planned.
Are you done with the new site design?
No, not even close. I keep finding things that need to be updated or improved.
Will there be a dark theme?
Yes, once everything else gets settled, I will work on creating a dark theme for the site.
Will there be a chatroom like the old site had?
Yes, we will be adding a new chatroom system, but it will be a few days before we work on that.
Will member stats be added back below the avatar/username/title area of thread posts?
Yes, hopefully. It will have to be manually implemented so it will depend on what is available and possible.
Sounds like the well-known android issue with Rich Text editors.
Click on the .. [ ] .. icon in the editor menu bar to switch to "BB Code" mode.
Read the Q&A in the first post.Seems ok. Where are the dark themes? You or another mod said that that was an upcoming option.
Read the Q&A in the first post.Seems ok. Where are the dark themes? You or another mod said that that was an upcoming option.
Yeah, I have a wide background of experience beyond the tech stuff, but the tech stuff is a big part of it. The original version of CZ actually launched on a forum service I developed before eventually moving it to commercial software.It’s looks a little different . The last upgrade a few years ago was much improvement. What all can we look forward to with this one? New features .
I’m not a tech guy but a few things I’ve noticed like it tells you when your time has run out to edit. 10 minutes it said. I never knew how long we had. But I thought I had longer.
I haven’t tried to load or copy post a pic yet but hopefully it’s the same. I didn’t see the the same options . And I haven’t seen signatures or post and likes count. Guess those are all coming back. And or the fans who have donated.
I do like you can see what the first part of response is before you open it. I’m sure like most upgrades it will be much improved. Just take awhile for some us more tech challenged to figure it all out.
Awesome that the owner and administrator is also the IT guy as well. You’re obviously very talented to put this all together. Thanks
I will look into it but the problem is the XF search system (at least in the old software) was horrible. When people would perform obscure searches it brought the site to a standstill for everyone despite running on enterprise level servers.I have been a member of (another) forum that uses XenForo.
What I like about that forum, is that there is a Search tab and Search Box. Inform me again pls, as to why Cowboys Zone does not provide a search option within the site. I don't know of any other forum that does not have a search function within the site.
Dark mode in Brave works ok for cowboyszone.Staff, can we PLEASE get a dark/night mode already. I know I already asked this, I almost need to wear sunglasses to use the site right now.