Youtube announces Sunday Ticket pricing

I like YouTube TV but don't use it because I can't get local sports. I may just stick with "alternative" streams once again.
'Cause business and stuff, lol. I'm not shocked. You test people's football addiction and let demand dictate what you do next.
As a consumer I want lower prices. But as a fair minded person who has been in manufacturing and service based industries, I understand it takes way more than a VCR for them to provide this service. They did pay $2 Billion per year to acquire the rights I believe. I was never expecting this to be free or cheap. I thought they might come in a little lower on the pricing though (at least for subscribers to their existing TV package) and I will be disappointed if they don't offer on demand purchase of games at a reasonable rate. I think they are crazy if they don't go after the spur of the moment purchases which would likely bring in as much or more than subscriptions.
Meh I'm good, I live in the Dallas market. Might miss 1-2 games max. Will Direct TV still have Sundays Ticket?
Because they paid a ton for the rights and want to be profitable?
Oh I agree but there's plenty of time for that IMO.......not to mention, so far we are hearing of anything more flexible packages. In other words, maybe there's more to come but right now, they are Direct TV 2.0
As a consumer I want lower prices. But as a fair minded person who has been in manufacturing and service based industries, I understand it takes way more than a VCR for them to provide this service. They did pay $2 Billion per year to acquire the rights I believe. I was never expecting this to be free or cheap. I thought they might come in a little lower on the pricing though (at least for subscribers to their existing TV package) and I will be disappointed if they don't offer on demand purchase of games at a reasonable rate. I think they are crazy if they don't go after the spur of the moment purchases which would likely bring in as much or more than subscriptions.
Perhaps they still plan on spur of the moment purchases. Can't announce those now or people might just wait. Let things get to desperation first then pump their wallets.
While I am not a subscriber to YouTube TV, I have been a subscriber to YouTube Premium for years. Was hoping they'd at least give us a little discount.

I don't know, on one hand it would be nice, on the other hand, StreamEast worked pretty dang well for me last year. I only had a couple games all season where the stream was subpar.
I’m a bit shocked at the reactions to the pricing….they are paying $2 billion per season for Sunday ticket. How will they get that back? by hitting the fans up for a significant some.

Of course I’d love it to be free or significantly cheaper but those that thought it would be are dreaming imo
I think YouTube is shooting themselves in the foot with this pricing. Just high enough that I don’t have any interest in getting it, and would assume many others won’t either.

Maybe they will release alternative options for watching a single team or a monthly pricing model. I don’t live in Texas bust still typically get 12 or so cowboys games, and have no problem keeping my nearly $400 and just streaming the handful of games I won’t get.

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