Youtube announces Sunday Ticket pricing

Almost 20 years ago I was looking to buy this. But I had to switch providers to get it. So I didn't. Now I'm not getting it because I don't think the product on the field is worth it. I realize a lot of people still love the game, good for them. I just watch the Cowboys.

When are companies going to realize that if they charged a reasonable price for their products, MORE people would buy them. It's unfortunate that companies charge high for less, doesn't make sense to me. If YouTube came in at $175 per season, they'd probably have more customers than they know what to do with them. Oh well, can't wait for the NFL Channel reruns.................LOL!
When are companies going to realize that if they charged a reasonable price for their products, MORE people would buy them. It's unfortunate that companies charge high for less, doesn't make sense to me. If YouTube came in at $175 per season, they'd probably have more customers than they know what to do with them. Oh well, can't wait for the NFL Channel reruns.................LOL!
Those additional customers also come at the cost of more support staff, server capacity, and bandwidth. The NFL, like Disney, knows they have die hards that are willing to pay a premium.
Yeah I remember on a couple other forums I posted on years ago (maybe 2017 era) I was calling out the whole cutting the cord narrative that was getting thrown around.

Everyone was like screw the cable companies streaming is cheaper. I posted it was B.S, the networks were going to take a temporary profit loss to gain entry into the market but once it grew prices would increase and they would make all time high profits. You would 100% be paying more money than cable for less channels.

People loved to blame the cable company but in reality, it was the network setting the high prices and always renegotiating. They could get away with it because at the end of the day they knew the average person would just blame the cable company.

It's not easy to con the average person. It's the same group of people who also rant about how they're getting such a deal on their free upgrade phone. It's like no dummy, once your phone is paid off it's supposed to drop to $40-50 a month range for the bill. The phone company is giving you a new phone so they can keep your bill over $100 and just advertising it as "free upgrade"....... :facepalm:

Yes, cable is WAY too high....but, I knew with 100% certainty that all the "Cut the cable" snobs were gonna end up looking foolish, and searching for Cowboy game coordinates 5 minutes before kickoff....not worth the hassle and constant uncertainty.
Those additional customers also come at the cost of more support staff, server capacity, and bandwidth. The NFL, like Disney, knows they have die hards that are willing to pay a premium.
You might have a real good point there. A price point that both throttles the traffic AND make money.

These people are ruthless. :)
Yes, cable is WAY too high....but, I knew with 100% certainty that all the "Cut the cable" snobs were gonna end up looking foolish, and searching for Cowboy game coordinates 5 minutes before kickoff....not worth the hassle and constant uncertainty.
So how do a cable subscriber...get games not presented in your market?
How much in the hell is you tube TV??
$70 per month which includes local channels for most areas.
So if you live in texas you can get all cowboy games just with the basic option.
Also any games that those channels are airing in your area. It includes espn 1 also and nfl network.

If you live out of cowboy areas, you would get whatever is on your local channels +espn & NN
Has dvr so just select games you want to record then watch live or even start late, so you can skip thru commercials.
for games not aired in your area, there are sites that stream all games, just have to jump thru some hoops to watch those for free.

I recorded all nfl games, then watched whatever ones I wanted to at my convenience.
I would start watching cowboys game 1 hour after it came on so I could skip commercials and halftime.

That was more games than I could watch lol, so no need for sun ticket.
and redzone imo is the dumbest channel ever, I have no interest in that.
They are offering for $250 if you sign up by June 6th.
that is $50 per month on top of $70 per month for basic = 120 per month.
or just sunday ticket for $70 a month (5 months for season)
For the $350 (not a youtube subscriber) I think I will just enjoy by 14-15 Cowboy games on Network Tv and hit the sports bar or crack streams for the other 2 or 3
For the $350 (not a youtube subscriber) I think I will just enjoy by 14-15 Cowboy games on Network Tv and hit the sports bar or crack streams for the other 2 or 3
Pretty much this for me with Hulu Live.
Bingo. You're not going to pay the same price per unit while buying less units, you're going to pay more.
I don't need to buy 17 Cowboys games, I only need to buy a handfull of games. I am willing to pay a bit of premium per unit to have that luxury. If I want to watch other teams or I live in an area where the Cowboys aren't on locally that many times, then yes, the whole package is probably a better option. NFL has left me a choice, I can pay $350 for a service where I only need a few games, or I can just use other methods to watch those few games. Would I rather watch the Cowboys legally?, absolutely, but in my opinion YT and the NFL is not giving me a financially viable means to do that.
I could do 389 with redzone. That's not bad. Red zone alone is nice to have.
Yes....but you don't get to see games in real time if your teams home network is carrying it...I almost made a BIG mistake and signed up last year.
It’s for out of market games - if you get your team already why would you even want it?

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