Zeke and NFL have discussed settlement


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Who approached who about a potential settlement?

A settlement may not be a horse trade over the number of games. It could be agreement on rehearing the matter in a manner that both parties regard as fair.

I asked a question in this vein on a previous page... can the court compel the NFL to go back and re-hear the case with testimony from the accusor and/or those with whom Thompson spoke (including the NFL investigator who found her to be non-credible)? I suppose they can do whatever they want, but I'm just wondering if that for some reason is a non-starter (?). I mean, if they find that he's not been given a fair hearing, then it only seems reasonable that that would be the court's mandate at some point.


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I asked a question in this vein on a previous page... can the court compel the NFL to go back and re-hear the case with testimony from the accusor and/or those with whom Thompson spoke (including the NFL investigator who found her to be non-credible)? I suppose they can do whatever they want, but I'm just wondering if that for some reason is a non-starter (?). I mean, if they find that he's not been given a fair hearing, then it only seems reasonable that that would be the court's mandate at some point.

NFL process is a non-court civil matter. Court cant compell anyone to testify.

In circumstances where both sides trashed her credibility and especially since the NFL didnt use it to impose the suspension I do not see what it would add to either sides case.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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I asked a question in this vein on a previous page... can the court compel the NFL to go back and re-hear the case with testimony from the accusor and/or those with whom Thompson spoke (including the NFL investigator who found her to be non-credible)? I suppose they can do whatever they want, but I'm just wondering if that for some reason is a non-starter (?). I mean, if they find that he's not been given a fair hearing, then it only seems reasonable that that would be the court's mandate at some point.
I stated a little earlier that even if that were to happen, the court couldn't force the NFL to be fair in the actual decision after a new hearing. The NFL could hold a new appeal and allow cross examination of Friel/Goodell (can't force the accuser, herself, to testify), etc. and still say that they believe Zeke is guilty and suspend him. Their credibility is too tainted at his point for any trust in a fair decision, IMO.

Reverend Conehead

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Ok if I'm Zeke, I'll take a settlement.
Here's my deal

  1. Drop everything, all suspension talks etc
  2. Public apology for wasting my time, and the cowboys time
  3. Cowboys get to host a Super Bowl
  4. Public apology for messing up the Dez catch in greenbay
  5. We get to swap BJones for Landon Collins
  6. He takes Taco back and gives us Reuben Foster
  7. We get Leary back
  8. Makes Belichek coach the cowboys
  9. Autographed photo of Ed Hochuli

ROFLMAO. Deal's not complete without that Ed Hochuli autograph.

Reverend Conehead

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NFL is nervous. Implications are huge. If Zeke wins then every player who gets suspension for DV will put accuser in chair to be questioned by bunch of lawyers who will try to discredit them. NFL has way more to lose than Zeke. Now that a NY Fed judge has major problems with fundamental fairness toward Zeke the NFL is realizing it over-stepped its boundary with article 46.

That would be a great outcome. IMO, the court system, not private companies like the NFL, should be deciding domestic violence cases. The NFL is not a branch of the government.


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I would take the deal if it were this:

Two game suspension for conduct detrimental.

NFL MUST drop any mention of domestic violence. No counseling, or future possibilities of being banned for life.
That was the deal back in August

Now that judges are siding with EE the deal is 0 games suspension and a verbal warning about his behavior....... NO ADMITTANCE or CHARGE of DV is most important thing


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NFL process is a non-court civil matter. Court cant compell anyone to testify.

In circumstances where both sides trashed her credibility and especially since the NFL didnt use it to impose the suspension I do not see what it would add to either sides case.

I stated a little earlier that even if that were to happen, the court couldn't force the NFL to be fair in the actual decision after a new hearing. The NFL could hold a new appeal and allow cross examination of Friel/Goodell (can't force the accuser, herself, to testify), etc. and still say that they believe Zeke is guilty and suspend him. Their credibility is too tainted at his point for any trust in a fair decision, IMO.

Right, but the court's interest here even in a ruling that finds in Zeke's favor is not technically to see that Zeke gets to avoid suspension, but that he receives a fair hearing.

A fair hearing. (Hopefully, but not necessarily, a fair verdict... that's beyond the court's interest.)

And no, they can't compel anyone to testify, true, I get that, but the point being, it seems they ought to be able to say, "NFL, this wasn't a fair hearing, and so, if you want to take action on this, you're going to have to achieve that... so it is incumbent upon you, then, to do due diligence to get entered into the record the salient information... all of it. Ms. Thompson does not have to testify, but the NFL investigator and anyone else who spoke with her should be pursued to gain their testimony."

And a fair hearing, seemingly, would also be defined as being heard by someone that has not already passed judgment... so not Goodell, not Henderson.


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By the way, let's not be naive... in the short term, Zeke's already been harmed in terms of endorsement money, but he still has some reasonable chance at serious endorsement money somewhere in the future that's hanging in this balance.

(Forgive me if that point has already been made several times... just don't have the time right now to read as much as I would like.)


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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Right, but the court's interest here even in a ruling that finds in Zeke's favor is not technically to see that Zeke gets to avoid suspension, but that he receives a fair hearing.

A fair hearing. (Hopefully, but not necessarily, a fair verdict... that's beyond the court's interest.)

And no, they can't compel anyone to testify, true, I get that, but the point being, it seems they ought to be able to say, "NFL, this wasn't a fair hearing, and so, if you want to take action on this, you're going to have to achieve that... so it is incumbent upon you, then, to do due diligence to get entered into the record the salient information... all of it. Ms. Thompson does not have to testify, but the NFL investigator and anyone else who spoke with her should be pursued to gain their testimony."

And a fair hearing, seemingly, would also be defined as being heard by someone that has not already passed judgment... so not Goodell, not Henderson.
That (bolded) would be the key. For a "fair hearing" to be truly fair at this point, a truly neutral arbitrator would be necessary, IMO.


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Yea I'm a little shocked the NFL is even negotiating. Not like them at all.
They will be asked to negotiate by any reasonable judge....... they had talks in the Brady case.....

The last thing the League wants is a player's victory that establishes a precedent in Federal Court


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That (bolded) would be the key. For a "fair hearing" to be truly fair at this point, a truly neutral arbitrator would be necessary, IMO.

Indeed... and yet, it would also seem that the court would feel compelled to not step-in to that degree to say so, because the league and the union already agreed to what that process/determination should look like.

Seems Goodell still would be allowed to appoint someone (assuming I'm understanding correctly that that's how Henderson got put in that place).

No, not good for Zeke, but again, the court's only dealing with the fairness issue itself. Doesn't seem likely to me that they're going to impose themselves and steamroll over the current agreement's instructions.


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Ok if I'm Zeke, I'll take a settlement.
Here's my deal

  1. Drop everything, all suspension talks etc
  2. Public apology for wasting my time, and the cowboys time
  3. Cowboys get to host a Super Bowl
  4. Public apology for messing up the Dez catch in greenbay
  5. We get to swap BJones for Landon Collins
  6. He takes Taco back and gives us Reuben Foster
  7. We get Leary back
  8. Makes Belichek coach the cowboys
  9. Autographed photo of Ed Hochuli


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@LocimusPrime ......... I picture William Wallace at Stirling with his terms for the Brits

Ok if I'm Zeke, I'll take a settlement.
Here's my deal

  1. Drop everything, all suspension talks etc
  2. Public apology for wasting my time, and the cowboys time
  3. Cowboys get to host a Super Bowl
  4. Public apology for messing up the Dez catch in greenbay
  5. We get to swap BJones for Landon Collins
  6. He takes Taco back and gives us Reuben Foster
  7. We get Leary back
  8. Makes Belichek coach the cowboys
  9. Autographed photo of Ed Hochuli


Well-Known Member
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That was the deal back in August

Now that judges are siding with EE the deal is 0 games suspension and a verbal warning about his behavior....... NO ADMITTANCE or CHARGE of DV is most important thing
The NFL offered that deal in August?