Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

I'm no English major or grammar expert, I literally couldn't understand your argument due to the reasons I stated.

You're saying I can only use one argument because I initially said its illegal and later I used the analogy if it was a family member, wife, etc?

It doesn't appear as if she'll press charges but that doesn't mean it wasn't illegal or that she couldn't come back and press charges later.
Sounds good. If it was just you couldn't understand what I was saying you wouldn't drop them cheap shots in. It's okay but the lying that you weren't trying to get some cheap shots off is unnecessary. We are all online friends here lol.

I'm not saying jack like that regarding the mothers. I said I get tired of people using that sympathy tactic because some like me still feel the same way. I never said you can use just that one argument. I said I get tired of people using that as if that is some argument ender.

She could press charges later but if she won't personally I don't get how others act as if it is them it happened to. That's been my thing the whole time for the most part. How people are reacting even though everyone is allowed to react however they please within legal limits of course. It's just online debate stuff that I don't really have offline talks about so it's weird to me to see this online.

The girls gone wild guy is an idiot too. Making millions means nothing about character and being an adult. Young people do make mistakes and if Zeke acknowledges that good for him. Partying doesn't have to include exposing someone's breasts. You say most who weren't party types wouldn't understand. I would say most with daughters or even a sensitivity to what women face in general also don't understand others excusing or qualifying this behavior. Not to imply you condone it at all. However, the discussion about what he did should start and stop with acknowledging its idiotic behavior. i'd like to know your definition of partying sometime. My friends, liver and gut might beg to differ with you.
If it's not the what about your moms defense it's the you don't understand women troupe. Not agreeing doesn't necessarily mean people don't understand what someone else goes through. We can't use that as a way to basically try to shame someone to agree on both sides. Let's be real my friend you do mean to say I condone with the talk before but that's what happens in these discussions. I don't condone it it's just if she isn't concerned I'm not. When she or another person says he did them wrong we have something but otherwise this is just morality views for each one of us.

You might just be lazy because I've partied and both those parts are in top working order lol.

I don't see many people outraged. The hyperbole seems to be coming just from you.

In any case I think it's the height of silliness to say it was ok because after the fact she was OK with it. Acting without consent is the issue at hand. Not how the aggrieved party reacts. To think anything else is wrong. Unambiguously.

What part of touching someone in a suggestive manner, without their consent, is not OK even if after the fact they are not upset don't you understand?
I bet you would think the hyperbole is coming from me. Well be happy you've got internet fans who agree with you. I guess I'm the Yaoming of silliness then because right or wrong if she doesn't care I can't really be to hyped. That's my point and has been but y'all see what you want just like me so I don't know what I can tell y'all. I don't see this as a big problem could've been but it's not but y'all can feel however you want just like me. You can disagree or think I'm whatever that makes you feel more better than me . It's all good we will all be just fine I'm sure of it.
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Whether or not the girl cared and whether it is legal does NOT matter. The NFL has shown multiple times that the NFL Court does not care at all what the the Legal Court rules. In turn, it cares a great deal about the Court of Public Opinion.

Elliot has got to be smarter than this. And coming on the heels of his domestic violence investigation, this is just plain brain dead. It speaks volumes to the mind set of modern athletes.
lol, some of y'all clearly have no idea what consent is.

Wearing revealing clothing isn't consent.
Shaking your boobs at a crowd isn't consent.
Pointing to someone and then to your breasts isn't consent.
Even pulling your own bra down to show your bare breasts isn't consent.
Exactly, it doesn't matter what she was wearing or what she was doing. The idea that she may also be intoxicated makes her verbal consent null and void, if she gave her verbal consent. If a woman is impaired in any way by any chemical or drug then she was not in the right state of mind to offer consent.

Zeke was wrong. No questions asked. This is sexual assault. He did a very bad thing, it's illegal and stupid. This behavior should not be excused or minimized.

Do I think Zeke is a bad person? No, not yet, but if he keeps doing things like this then my opinion of him may change.
Grabbing a women's breast in public without initial consent is just stupid, especially when you know NFL gonna be all over this to save face. That stuff should have stopped at the teen years, 22 is just too old to do something like that without consequences.
Just make sure it's not on video next time. This type of stuff happens all the time with young people. Get over it. I was never naive enough to think he was a choir boy. He's a football player. Unless she sues him, who cares?
Exactly, it doesn't matter what she was wearing or what she was doing. The idea that she may also be intoxicated makes her verbal consent null and void, if she gave her verbal consent. If a woman is impaired in any way by any chemical or drug then she was not in the right state of mind to offer consent.

Zeke was wrong. No questions asked. This is sexual assault. He did a very bad thing, it's illegal and stupid. This behavior should not be excused or minimized.

Do I think Zeke is a bad person? No, not yet, but if he keeps doing things like this then my opinion of him may change.

stupid yes
incredibly stupid yes
deserves a suspension, yes and it would be good for him.

sexual assault, i dont agree.
we dont know the circumstances between the 2 people or group of people.

this definition of sexual assault would literally make anyone coming onto their girlfriend for the first time sexual assault.
especially when both are drunk.
Just make sure it's not on video next time. This type of stuff happens all the time with young people. Get over it. I was never naive enough to think he was a choir boy. He's a football player. Unless she sues him, who cares?

we care because it can lead to more stuff and worse stuff.
athletes are so entitled that they think they can do anything
there are lots of golddiggers and other things that can happen.
Whether or not the girl cared and whether it is legal does NOT matter. The NFL has shown multiple times that the NFL Court does not care at all what the the Legal Court rules. In turn, it cares a great deal about the Court of Public Opinion.

Elliot has got to be smarter than this. And coming on the heels of his domestic violence investigation, this is just plain brain dead. It speaks volumes to the mind set of modern athletes.
Your envy is showing. Seek doesn't represent all athletes. Same stuff that has isms so prevalent smh.

I do agree about the NFL though.

@Wizarus stop it with teen years. Send us at the limit but still young enough where this is still something people his age might do. Most on here are way out of that age so of course you see the problems but at his age it's many more doing stuff just like this. Teen years come on my friend. After college is when this stuff normally isn't done because you aren't in them environments as much if at all but before then nah.
we care because it can lead to more stuff and worse stuff.
athletes are so entitled that they think they can do anything
there are lots of golddiggers and other things that can happen.
Like I told the other person y'all need to check your envious views. Would you like to be stereotyped esp whatever negative ones that can apply to you?
Based on some of the opinions, Zeke is going to the commissioner's office and I'm descending into the realm of Hades, to put it in non-delete form.

It was a party, some of them were getting wild, girls were drinking and allowing liberties, there was no controversy until the media had an opportunity to blow it all out of proportion.

The whole point to being rich, young, and great looking is so you can pull a girls shirt up and get giggles instead of handcuffs. I've only had one if the above attributes and that didn't stop me from trying to get the clear signal that such a move would not only be allowed but welcomed. Predictably, I was never as lucky as Zeke.
Your envy is showing. Seek doesn't represent all athletes. Same stuff that has isms so prevalent smh.

I do agree about the NFL though.

@Wizarus stop it with teen years. Send us at the limit but still young enough where this is still something people his age might do. Most on here are way out of that age so of course you see the problems but at his age it's many more doing stuff just like this. Teen years come on my friend. After college is when this stuff normally isn't done because you aren't in them environments as much if at all but before then nah.

You know nothing about me and my envy, Dr. Freud.
we care because it can lead to more stuff and worse stuff.
athletes are so entitled that they think they can do anything
there are lots of golddiggers and other things that can happen.
They're put on a pedestal by everyone at 21 years old. But you expect them to act like a normal joe and not be entitled? It doesn't work that way. He needs to be a little smarter about it but I'm not going to condemn him.
stupid yes
incredibly stupid yes
deserves a suspension, yes and it would be good for him.

sexual assault, i dont agree.
we dont know the circumstances between the 2 people or group of people.

this definition of sexual assault would literally make anyone coming onto their girlfriend for the first time sexual assault.
especially when both are drunk.
Do some research on Date Rape Laws. You might not agree with the law but it's still the law. In the state I live in if any chemicals are present at the time of sexual contact that could impede normal judgement then it is assault/rape.

So you are completely correct. Just coming on to your girlfriend for the first and she has had some chemical(doesn't need to be intoxicated btw) in her system then a person can be arrested for rape.

It pretty intense and not a lot of young men know this.
Like I told the other person y'all need to check your envious views. Would you like to be stereotyped esp whatever negative ones that can apply to you?

I am not here to pyschoanalyze anyone.
I just want our franchise RB not to get in trouble.

Zeke, if you want to be bad, here are my suggestions:
1. if you like wild woman, go play in Argentina
2. if you like asians, go to Korea or Philippines.

With your $ and resources, you can play all you want and not jeopardize yourself or the team.
Just dont get killed, stabbed, shot or beat up by a bunch of thugs.
Also golddiggers can really cost you serious bing inside the US.
you can get all you want outside the US.
dont %$^% in your own backyard...
Do some research on Date Rape Laws. You might not agree with the law but it's still the law. In the state I live in if any chemicals are present at the time of sexual contact that could impede normal judgement then it is assault/rape.

So you are completely correct. Just coming on to your girlfriend for the first and she has had some chemical(doesn't need to be intoxicated btw) in her system then a person can be arrested for rape.

It pretty intense and not a lot of young men know this.

i can guess what the law is.
the law was constructed to protect the victim.
i think what you say even applies if she is not drunk.
practically, we would be bringing consent forms on dates.
you may be fine with that, but it would kind of kill the romantic mood to wipe out the legal documents.
Just make sure it's not on video next time. This type of stuff happens all the time with young people. Get over it. I was never naive enough to think he was a choir boy. He's a football player. Unless she sues him, who cares?

Who cares?

You are defending sexual assaults.

Anyone who cares at all about women should care.

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