Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

You know nothing about me and my envy, Dr. Freud.
No that's not true you actually showed a glimpse of of it with bold. How did you know I was a doctor? Must've been a lucky guess lol. My name isn't Freud though.

Who cares?

You are defending sexual assaults.

Anyone who cares at all about women should care.
Why do some many go with the beyond silly ifnyou care about woman stuff? Life doesn't work like that on some if you don't agree with me you don't care about women flow. That makes no sense at all. You have women that have differing opinions on this topic guess they don't care about women either? We can disagree without it being some stupid referendum on concern of women or anything that is the topic of discussion.

So just gauging the temperature in the room here....so sexual assault is ok as long as the victim is okay with it afterwards or is it she deserved it for being at Marci Gras?
I think your thermometer is broken. I see disagreements and both sides at times making generalizations but I swear I don't see one person saying sexual assault is ok. People might disagree about how this is handled but what your seeing nah I'm not seeing that.
i can guess what the law is.
the law was constructed to protect the victim.
i think what you say even applies if she is not drunk.
practically, we would be bringing consent forms on dates.
you may be fine with that, but it would kind of kill the romantic mood to wipe out the legal documents.
Here's the Texas law on this subject. This would apply to Zeke in this situation. I pulled this from a national, state by state website on all laws. Legally what he did was sexual assault. He's got to get his act together. But here's the law:

Sexual Assault: Definition

Specific laws vary by state, but sexual assault generally refers to any crime in which the offender subjects the victim to sexual touching that is unwanted and offensive. These crimes can range from sexual groping or assault/battery, to attempted rape. All states prohibit sexual assault, but the exact definitions of the crimes that fall within the category of sexual assault differ from state to state. The laws share some basic elements, but the structures, wording and scope of sexual assault offenses vary considerably, so always check your local statutes for specific questions.

Proving Sexual Assault Charges

In general, sexual assault is involuntary sexual contact that occurs through the actor's use of force, coercion or the victim's incapacitation. The law will consider the victim incapacitated if he or she did not have the mental ability to understand the nature of the sexual acts, or if the victim was physically incapable of indicating their unwillingness to participate in the sexual conduct. Common examples of these charges may arise from the use of alcohol or date rape drugs, both of which can make it impossible for a victim to legally consent to sexual conduct.

Modern sexual assault laws cover nonconsensual sexual contact that occurs between any sex and between people of any age. For example, most sexual assault laws cover involuntary sexual contact occurring between two men, two women or two children, etc., not just an adult man and woman.

Most states have made sexual assault the umbrella term for other crimes, such as rape and unwanted sexual contact. Some states distinguish between crimes involving penetration and crimes involving coerced or involuntary touching, making the former an aggravated or first-degree sexual assault and the latter a lower-level sexual assault.
Here's the Texas law on this subject. This would apply to Zeke in this situation. I pulled this from a national, state by state website on all laws. Legally what he did was sexual assault. He's got to get his act together. But here's the law:

Sexual Assault: Definition

Specific laws vary by state, but sexual assault generally refers to any crime in which the offender subjects the victim to sexual touching that is unwanted and offensive. These crimes can range from sexual groping or assault/battery, to attempted rape. All states prohibit sexual assault, but the exact definitions of the crimes that fall within the category of sexual assault differ from state to state. The laws share some basic elements, but the structures, wording and scope of sexual assault offenses vary considerably, so always check your local statutes for specific questions.

Proving Sexual Assault Charges

In general, sexual assault is involuntary sexual contact that occurs through the actor's use of force, coercion or the victim's incapacitation. The law will consider the victim incapacitated if he or she did not have the mental ability to understand the nature of the sexual acts, or if the victim was physically incapable of indicating their unwillingness to participate in the sexual conduct. Common examples of these charges may arise from the use of alcohol or date rape drugs, both of which can make it impossible for a victim to legally consent to sexual conduct.

Modern sexual assault laws cover nonconsensual sexual contact that occurs between any sex and between people of any age. For example, most sexual assault laws cover involuntary sexual contact occurring between two men, two women or two children, etc., not just an adult man and woman.

Most states have made sexual assault the umbrella term for other crimes, such as rape and unwanted sexual contact. Some states distinguish between crimes involving penetration and crimes involving coerced or involuntary touching, making the former an aggravated or first-degree sexual assault and the latter a lower-level sexual assault.

so that is the law, big deal.
we could have guess that.

there is also common sense.
anyone who takes the law seriously would take a legal consent (and may be a notary) on a date.
how many people take a consent form or a notary with them on a date.

the bottom line that everyone cares about if zeke is continue to put himself at risk for stupid stuff.
at least that is all i worry about.
Do some research on Date Rape Laws. You might not agree with the law but it's still the law. In the state I live in if any chemicals are present at the time of sexual contact that could impede normal judgement then it is assault/rape.

So you are completely correct. Just coming on to your girlfriend for the first and she has had some chemical(doesn't need to be intoxicated btw) in her system then a person can be arrested for rape.

It pretty intense and not a lot of young men know this.

Doesn't make that law right..

Public opinion should not tred into the relm of factual investigation and lawful due justice...lest we create a witch hunt where each is guilty on solely accusation and hearsay alone.

Nor should youthful people be afraid to exercise their life and experiences, like she obviously is enjoying, just becouse she plays the game of attraction on her terms.
i can guess what the law is.
the law was constructed to protect the victim.
i think what you say even applies if she is not drunk.
practically, we would be bringing consent forms on dates.
you may be fine with that, but it would kind of kill the romantic mood to wipe out the legal documents.

"Hi, and thanks for comming to this tinder date, if I could just point you to article 12 in our consent contract, before we have a drink..."

Yea best pickup line ever.
we care because it can lead to more stuff and worse stuff.
athletes are so entitled that they think they can do anything
there are lots of golddiggers and other things that can happen.
I agree with this. I'd care if it was any player because of the nature of the act but I'm much more concerned with it being Zeke because Zeke hasn't shown the best off the field judgement since he was drafted. Also with the ongoing investigation with the DV charges, that were dropped by the woman but continued by the NFL, I'd expect Zeke to lay low for a while and make better decisions. I'm concerned with the act itself but also the lack of perspective Zeke is displaying right now. His employer is still looking into his behavior after the fact on one issue and now he created another issue that would put him on the NFL radar by itself.

I don't like the combination of a DV charge against a woman and now another incident involving a woman. I'm getting worried about all the smoke and hoping it doesn't mean there's a fire. But someone needs to work with Zeke on how he interacts with the ladies. I'm worried that he just doesn't seem to care. I hope this is the last thing we discuss about Zeke and women for the rest of his career and not the beginning of the problems.
I agree with this. I'd care if it was any player because of the nature of the act but I'm much more concerned with it being Zeke because Zeke hasn't shown the best off the field judgement since he was drafted. Also with the ongoing investigation with the DV charges, that were dropped by the woman but continued by the NFL, I'd expect Zeke to lay low for a while and make better decisions. I'm concerned with the act itself but also the lack of perspective Zeke is displaying right now. His employer is still looking into his behavior after the fact on one issue and now he created another issue that would put him on the NFL radar by itself.

I don't like the combination of a DV charge against a woman and now another incident involving a woman. I'm getting worried about all the smoke and hoping it doesn't mean there's a fire. But someone needs to work with Zeke on how he interacts with the ladies. I'm worried that he just doesn't seem to care. I hope this is the last thing we discuss about Zeke and women for the rest of his career and not the beginning of the problems.

you and i both know this will not be the last time.
he is an entitled athlete and unfortunately will not learn until the lesson is severe enough.
how severe, i dont know.

look at the woman who charged him with dv.
i think it was some type of 'dancer'
he is mixing with the wrong type.
unfortunately it will probably not end well.
i actually hope he gets suspended for 1-2 games and hope that is enough to avoid a major disaster.
"Hi, and thanks for comming to this tinder date, if I could just point you to article 12 in our consent contract, before we have a drink..."

Yea best pickup line ever.

your forgot the notary public who has to be there along for the date to witness the signatures.

dont get me wrong, rape is horrible and so is dv.
however, the most likely scenario is something far more innocent here.
Here's the Texas law on this subject. This would apply to Zeke in this situation. I pulled this from a national, state by state website on all laws. Legally what he did was sexual assault. He's got to get his act together. But here's the law:

Sexual Assault: Definition

Specific laws vary by state, but sexual assault generally refers to any crime in which the offender subjects the victim to sexual touching that is unwanted and offensive. These crimes can range from sexual groping or assault/battery, to attempted rape. All states prohibit sexual assault, but the exact definitions of the crimes that fall within the category of sexual assault differ from state to state. The laws share some basic elements, but the structures, wording and scope of sexual assault offenses vary considerably, so always check your local statutes for specific questions.

Proving Sexual Assault Charges

In general, sexual assault is involuntary sexual contact that occurs through the actor's use of force, coercion or the victim's incapacitation. The law will consider the victim incapacitated if he or she did not have the mental ability to understand the nature of the sexual acts, or if the victim was physically incapable of indicating their unwillingness to participate in the sexual conduct. Common examples of these charges may arise from the use of alcohol or date rape drugs, both of which can make it impossible for a victim to legally consent to sexual conduct.

Modern sexual assault laws cover nonconsensual sexual contact that occurs between any sex and between people of any age. For example, most sexual assault laws cover involuntary sexual contact occurring between two men, two women or two children, etc., not just an adult man and woman.

Most states have made sexual assault the umbrella term for other crimes, such as rape and unwanted sexual contact. Some states distinguish between crimes involving penetration and crimes involving coerced or involuntary touching, making the former an aggravated or first-degree sexual assault and the latter a lower-level sexual assault.

Good luck trying to convict with the definitions on this post without her actually feeling there was any offense. The DA would have his case thrown out by a judge before you could say booby beads.
your forgot the notary public who has to be there along for the date to witness the signatures.

dont get me wrong, rape is horrible and so is dv.
however, the most likely scenario is something far more innocent here.

"Great I'm glad we both want a drink, now if my mobile notary could just take a look at your ID and thumb for a print please..."

Oh man that just rolls off the tounge...gonna get sum of that article 25 consensual heavy patness tonight!
Based on some of the opinions, Zeke is going to the commissioner's office and I'm descending into the realm of Hades, to put it in non-delete form.

It was a party, some of them were getting wild, girls were drinking and allowing liberties, there was no controversy until the media had an opportunity to blow it all out of proportion.

The whole point to being rich, young, and great looking is so you can pull a girls shirt up and get giggles instead of handcuffs. I've only had one if the above attributes and that didn't stop me from trying to get the clear signal that such a move would not only be allowed but welcomed. Predictably, I was never as lucky as Zeke.

I'm so glad I'm not having a daughter, knowing some of you actually believe this garbage and will teach it to your sons.

A bunch of y'all are sounding like diet sexual predators in this thread, good Lord.
Sooner or later Zeke needs to realize he is in the limelight and is a giant target. Placing himself in harms way by making decisions like this will eventually come back to bite him.

I am not speaking specifically about any single thing he has done and I am not trying to justify or villanize his behavior. I am only saying he needs to proceed with caution. Hes already found himself in the middle of one scandal, erroneous as it may have been, he may not be so fortunate and/or prepared next time.

I think he is a good kid, with a larger than life personality, but sadly I am certain there will be people that try to take advantage of him.

You would think the team or a vet would sit him down and discuss some of the pitfalls that await an athlete of his stature.
I'm so glad I'm not having a daughter, knowing some of you actually believe this garbage and will teach it to your sons.

A bunch of y'all are sounding like diet sexual predators in this thread, good Lord.
I am the father of 3 daughters and 2 sons, and if I caught one of my sons doing this, no matter what their age or size, I'd be opening a can of whoop@$$ on them. Sounds like Zeke needs some of that. Maybe Witt or someone in a leadership position over there will lay down some ground rules.
I am the father of 3 daughters and 2 sons, and if I caught one of my sons doing this, no matter what their age or size, I'd be opening a can of whoop@$$ on them. Sounds like Zeke needs some of that. Maybe Witt or someone in a leadership position over there will lay down some ground rules.

Good for you, but is Zeke your son? If not then I'm sure he doesn't have to live by your dogma, neither does the young lady who is and did party with him.

Before anyone takes it there, unless you know both his mother and father, we also shouldn't assume they aren't good parents or haven't or wont talk to him, that would just be beyond arrogant and ignorant.
so that is the law, big deal.
we could have guess that.

there is also common sense.
anyone who takes the law seriously would take a legal consent (and may be a notary) on a date.
how many people take a consent form or a notary with them on a date.

the bottom line that everyone cares about if zeke is continue to put himself at risk for stupid stuff.
at least that is all i worry about.
Yes there is common sense and Zeke showed none of it. If this woman or the NFL wants to hit Zeke with consequences then he is screwed because he broke the law. Whether you agree with the law or not, it's still the law. If you guys feel this strongly about it being wrong then petition the Texas governor or something. But if Zeke gets charged and he says that the law does not make common sense then he is going to blasted by the prosecutor. If your whole defense is based on the notion that the law isn't common sense then all I can say is good luck, because that will not hold up in court.
I also agree with you that this is probably not the last time this will come up. I also agree that I hope he gets tagged for a 1-2 game suspension to wake him up. Or I would like to see the Cowboys step in and discipline him before the Dictator Goodell does. Definitely get him some counseling.
Who cares?

You are defending sexual assaults.

Anyone who cares at all about women should care.
All in good fun. She didn't seem to mind if she hung out with him after the parade. Hardly a real sexual assault. Unless you were on that balcony you don't know what the circumstances were. You don't know what signals she was putting off. I have a pretty good idea though. If youve never been around the younger generation and the parties then you may be more shocked by this behavior. But it is not uncommon. His biggest mistake is thinking he is still in college. He's now a pro and should be much more discreet and that frat boy crap doesn't fly anymore.

Please save me the PC bro response about how you think I secretly hate women. Nobody loves women more than I.
I am the father of 3 daughters and 2 sons, and if I caught one of my sons doing this, no matter what their age or size, I'd be opening a can of whoop@$$ on them. Sounds like Zeke needs some of that. Maybe Witt or someone in a leadership position over there will lay down some ground rules.

FFS, we have the leader of the free world admitting, on record, to worse.

Yes it wasn't the smartest decision, but I'm willing to give Zeke a little benefit of the doubt here.

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