Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Oh the"snowflake" bs comes up!

Yes, special snowflake doesn't want women groped.

You don't have to be special to want that. Just not ignorant and sexist
Its not bs and here you go proving it again. You aren't the only one that wants that but special snowflakes think they are so they can be special. Dale Carnegie was right folks will do anything to get a feeling of importance even act like they are the only ones championing something nobody in this whole threads is actually against. Smh
I got one more thing to say about this topic and then I'm out. One thing I did not see in that video was Dak Prescott. Dak has been training with coach Shaw the last 3 weeks getting ready for the season. Can you guys imagine the nightmare if it was Dak and Zeke and both of them could be suspended. I fear that Zeke may be a knucklehead and he might not have a long career with his decision making off the field. I hope not but that's what I'm worried about. But Dak is the only player we can't lose. And there's been nothing but positive vibes coming from him. I love that guy. I love him in a non sexually offensive way. But man are we blessed to have him and he is definitely not a knucklehead. Hopefully some of Dak and Witten will rub off on Zeke. I'm also hoping Bryant pulls Zeke aside and mentors him on how to act and not bring attention to yourself. Dez would be good since Dez lived through some rough times early in his career and can help steer him in a positive direction.

Also on the positive side think about this. Prescott, Witten, Dez, Martin, Lee,Tyron, Frederick. We got some good leaders on this team that want to win. This is not the 90's Cowboys all over again. This is one bad mistake by one player who needs to learn some respect for women and the situation he is in. And we got the leaders who can bring him along. Dak and Zeke are close, Dak is a leader of men and Zeke hopefully will follow his example.
Irvin is the biggest knucklehead of them all and was completely immature especially at the age of 29-31.
I'm so glad I'm not having a daughter, knowing some of you actually believe this garbage and will teach it to your sons.

A bunch of y'all are sounding like diet sexual predators in this thread, good Lord.

All sexual contact is assault, right?


When Chad is deciding whether or not he is finally going to kiss Muffy, he is actually contemplating sexual assault..... right?

In any sexual encounter, there can only be two possible results......getting lucky or getting 10 years followed by a lifetime of ankle monitors and signs in the front yard......right?

And, if you were to have a daughter, she is either going to be a nun or a victim......right?

Now, perhaps Zeke's "style" is a little aggressive and public, or maybe......just maybe.......he knew a lot more about this girl than any yellow journalist or totally uninformed, jump-to-conclusions, self righteous, hypocrite............


I teach my sons about the concept of chivalry, be a woman's protector. "NO" means STOP! DESIST! GAME OVER! Never, under any circumstances, hurt a woman, no matter how right you might have been before the argument and violence, you are now automatically wrong because you unfairly invoked a biological advantage, you have become a bully.

This incidence with Zeke is nothing remotely similar to assault, but don't let that interrupt your hysteria.

When Zeke did this, the woman was offended, slapped Zeke, ran out from the parade, called police, and immediately filed charges. Many of the other men and woman at the parade immediately came to her aide, verbalized their shock and displeasure with Zeke's behavior and demanded he leave...........right?

.....or did she arrive at the parade with Zeke, gesture to the crowd and cameras that Zeke liked what she had, laughed at his response, then flashed her cleavage without Zeke's "assistance" before leaving with him?
Not saying Zeke needs to live a life of celibacy, but he needs to be careful about this kinda stuff. Typically its not a good idea to lift up a women's shirt or skirt in public, in fact that is a good way to end up spending the night in jail. However, this was not at the freaking shopping mall or grocery store, it was at a mardi gras parade where it is very common to see women exposing their boobs. I have been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras before, and the stuff you see on Bourbon Street is NSFW if you get my drift. Some women were exposing more than just their boobs if you know what I mean.

Zeke just needs to be careful.
I'm so glad I'm not having a daughter, knowing some of you actually believe this garbage and will teach it to your sons.

A bunch of y'all are sounding like diet sexual predators in this thread, good Lord.

Let's be real...do you think for one second that if this was Paul Perkins of the Giants or Ryan Mathews of the Eagles instead of Zeke that some of the same guys on this thread would take the same apologetic stance?

I don't. This just falls in line with my theory that there are folks in here whose misguided fandom is so severe it renders them useless in terms of processing information honestly and objectively. In other words, Zeke could be caught on tape slapping their daughter and some of these guys would say "well, what she do to deserve that?"
Not saying Zeke needs to live a life of celibacy, but he needs to be careful about this kinda stuff. Typically its not a good idea to lift up a women's shirt or skirt in public, in fact that is a good way to end up spending the night in jail. However, this was not at the freaking shopping mall or grocery store, it was at a mardi gras parade where it is very common to see women exposing their boobs. I have been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras before, and the stuff you see on Bourbon Street is NSFW if you get my drift. Some women were exposing more than just their boobs if you know what I mean.

Zeke just needs to be careful.
Big difference between Zeke exposing her breast and her exposing her own breast. One can potentially get Zeke in trouble and the other will not.
Right now lawyers are lining up ... he already under investigation by the nfl.. this just adds to the story the nfl trying to tell!
Lawyers will be lining up at this young woman's door and get in her ear. It's not unreasonable to think they may convince her to press charges when the potential dollars signs are made real to her.
This is some 15 min of fame if that at most. I seriously doubt this will damage her and if it does I'll apologize and say I was wrong. I don't even think we know her name. I just think some don't share the same the world is over view some do that's all. I've saw girls do stuff like this and worse with nobodies at these types of events and if she felt wronged I'd understand but people in here going harder than the actual victim I still don't understand.
Let me ask if you understand this. A child spills his drink in my brand new car, ruining the carpet. I smack the kid leaving a mark but he feels its his fault because he spilled the drink, would that bother you? Is something determined as being right or wrong based upon only how the victim perceives it?

If you don't like that analogy, what if I beat my wife because she upset me? She doesn't tell anyone or defend herself because she thinks she deserves it and that its ok for me to hit her. Is what I did right or wrong based only on her reaction?
He needs to start growing up however I remember being 21 sooooooo........ I can't say too much LMAO!
Oh yeah those were good years... but i didnt play
The difference between you and him is that you weren't a multimillionaire celebrity whose actions come under scrutiny by the league's commissioner and who by virtue of your status have people looking at you as a meal ticket and waiting to accuse you of some impropriety just so they can make a buck. Nor are people who call themselves fans of yours dreading that you may not be available to them (because of your lack of discretion), depriving them of the pleasures of watching your talent.

But other than that, you're both the same. ;)
@ this!!!!!
Let's be real...do you think for one second that if this was Paul Perkins of the Giants or Ryan Mathews of the Eagles instead of Zeke that some of the same guys on this thread would take the same apologetic stance?

I don't. This just falls in line with my theory that there are folks in here whose misguided fandom is so severe it renders them useless in terms of processing information honestly and objectively. In other words, Zeke could be caught on tape slapping their daughter and some of these guys would say "well, what she do to deserve that?"
I believe a lot of the people you're speaking of are also the same ones who defended Hardy (which I was against from the beginning). As soon as Hardy didn't produce the support withered away.
It's too bad when a youngster like Zeke isn't keen enough to avoid negative publicity. I'm hoping he'll mature in time, before it's too late.

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