Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

I got one more thing to say about this topic and then I'm out. One thing I did not see in that video was Dak Prescott. Dak has been training with coach Shaw the last 3 weeks getting ready for the season. Can you guys imagine the nightmare if it was Dak and Zeke and both of them could be suspended. I fear that Zeke may be a knucklehead and he might not have a long career with his decision making off the field. I hope not but that's what I'm worried about. But Dak is the only player we can't lose. And there's been nothing but positive vibes coming from him. I love that guy. I love him in a non sexually offensive way. But man are we blessed to have him and he is definitely not a knucklehead. Hopefully some of Dak and Witten will rub off on Zeke. I'm also hoping Bryant pulls Zeke aside and mentors him on how to act and not bring attention to yourself. Dez would be good since Dez lived through some rough times early in his career and can help steer him in a positive direction.

Also on the positive side think about this. Prescott, Witten, Dez, Martin, Lee,Tyron, Frederick. We got some good leaders on this team that want to win. This is not the 90's Cowboys all over again. This is one bad mistake by one player who needs to learn some respect for women and the situation he is in. And we got the leaders who can bring him along. Dak and Zeke are close, Dak is a leader of men and Zeke hopefully will follow his example.
This is what Dak has been doing in his free time...fishing down in Grant, FL and taking pics with fans!


Smiling, laughing, pretending to be ok with it, none of that gives someone the right to expose someone else in public. How she "seems" is not what is going to be on trial.
Let say she changes her mind (women) and says she didnt consent... can he be charged with sexual assualt??
I really hope someone tells him to become more mature/aware of his surroundings.

These small things add up, even if nothing sticks. Second thought, he could be in some trouble, especially if the mainstream media picks it up. Bad image for NFL = bad news for Zeke(terms of Goodell)
I really hope someone tells him to become more mature/aware of his surroundings.

These small things add up, even if nothing sticks. Second thought, he could be in some trouble, especially if the mainstream media picks it up. Bad image for NFL = bad news for Zeke(terms of Goodell)

Goodell will tell him soon
So far with Zeke....

1. Father had to move to Columbus to watch after Zeke because of his excessive partying (drugs and alcohol heavily rumored along with Bosa).
2. Accusations of physical assault from girlfriend in Columbus
3. Said openly that he could knew how to beat the league drug tests
4. Seen at pot shop the day before his NFL debut in Seattle
5. Pulled girls top down at alcohol fueled street party in Dallas

He's been here less than a year. This isn't trending well.

Zeke is a very good-natured kid who absolutely loves to party. The problem is, he isn't maturing and he has no sense of awareness, particularly as it relates to being the most high profile running back on the most high profile team in the NFL.

A suspension is probably coming, and it might be exactly what he needs.
So far with Zeke....

1. Father had to move to Columbus to watch after Zeke because of his excessive partying (drugs and alcohol heavily rumored along with Bosa).
2. Accusations of physical assault from girlfriend in Columbus
3. Said openly that he could knew how to beat the league drug tests
4. Seen at pot shop the day before his NFL debut in Seattle
5. Pulled girls top down at alcohol fueled street party in Dallas

He's been here less than a year. This isn't trending well.

Zeke is a very good-natured kid who absolutely loves to party. The problem is, he isn't maturing and he has no sense of awareness, particularly as it relates to being the most high profile running back on the most high profile team in the NFL.

A suspension is probably coming, and it might be exactly what he needs.

Exactly. He has established a pattern of behaviour which will eventually come back to haunt us.

Edit: if not corrected
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This kid is an idiot !!!

RB better be on our draft radar cause we can't rely on Zeke.
Not saying Zeke needs to live a life of celibacy, but he needs to be careful about this kinda stuff. Typically its not a good idea to lift up a women's shirt or skirt in public, in fact that is a good way to end up spending the night in jail. However, this was not at the freaking shopping mall or grocery store, it was at a mardi gras parade where it is very common to see women exposing their boobs. I have been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras before, and the stuff you see on Bourbon Street is NSFW if you get my drift. Some women were exposing more than just their boobs if you know what I mean.

Zeke just needs to be careful.
FWIW this was a St Patrick's Day parade in Dallas, not Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street.
Lol you're right. Some people while they dont agree with Zekes behavior, have the sense to take it in CONTEXT. Others are apparently blinded with rage for how awful this is and how awful anyone else is that doesnt follow thier line of thought. These are the same cry babies that love to use words like racism, and sexism and believe in safe spaces, protesting in the middle of freeways and giving every child a trophy. These people are too stupid and reactionary to realize most are not the monsters theyd have us be. Its going to be a long road to making America great again, and many will be butt hurt along the way.
So will it be a sign that America is great again when men can rip down women's tops without condemnation?
Let me ask if you understand this. A child spills his drink in my brand new car, ruining the carpet. I smack the kid leaving a mark but he feels its his fault because he spilled the drink, would that bother you? Is something determined as being right or wrong based upon only how the victim perceives it?

If you don't like that analogy, what if I beat my wife because she upset me? She doesn't tell anyone or defend herself because she thinks she deserves it and that its ok for me to hit her. Is what I did right or wrong based only on her reaction?
More childish insults under the guise of understanding or something else smh. Again my friend why are acting as if you are some superior genius talking to a moron? We just disagree somewhat no more no less. You aren't sooo deep I can't understand aka agree in your language it appears I just think differently love it or hate it.

Your examples are honestly bad please try again. If you smack the child because you're angry that would bother me because you smacked someone that really has no way to come back at you. You wouldn't do that to an adult so you are being a bully and mostly likely a coward so that's why that would upset me. I don't see how that relates to Zeke. Same line of thought with your second example. You really need to stop being more emotional than logical with this back and forth and come with examples that better align with what happened. The examples have the same ending but everything before that makes no sense compared to what is being discussed in this thread.

Funny thing is I wouldn't do this myself and I'm not famous. I think some are too hard about this issue but that's why we have these back and forths
Tell ya what guys, I follow and what I'm tracking is a trend in this thread to turn it political. Get right with the rules and don't start down this path. I deleted the posts that I thought were too close to the line but if you guys continue, there are going to be benchings. I don't want to do that so please don't make me.

Lets stay on point here and leave politics out of it please and thank you.
More childish insults under the guise of understanding or something else smh. Again my friend why are acting as if you are some superior genius talking to a moron? We just disagree somewhat no more no less. You aren't sooo deep I can't understand aka agree in your language it appears I just think differently love it or hate it.

Your examples are honestly bad please try again. If you smack the child because you're angry that would bother me because you smacked someone that really has no way to come back at you. You wouldn't do that to an adult so you are being a bully and mostly likely a coward so that's why that would upset me. I don't see how that relates to Zeke. Same line of thought with your second example. You really need to stop being more emotional than logical with this back and forth and come with examples that better align with what happened. The examples have the same ending but everything before that makes no sense compared to what is being discussed in this thread.

Funny thing is I wouldn't do this myself and I'm not famous. I think some are too hard about this issue but that's why we have these back and forths
Perhaps you just have an inferiority complex, I wasn't trying to act superior yet you continue to bring that up.

Anyways, I gave the examples (although different) because if I understood you correctly you didn't have a problem with what Zeke did based solely on her reaction. If she complained then Zeke is guilty in your opinion, if she didn't complain then nothing he did was wrong. Am I right or did I misread your post?

Even though my examples were apples and oranges the point was it seems as if, according to you, being guilty of something has to do with the reaction of the victim not the act itself.

Here's an apples to apples example. I'm at a party, resch over and pull a girls shirt down without her permission. Did I do anything wrong? Or do you think it's up to the girl to decide that?
So will it be a sign that America is great again when men can rip down women's tops without condemnation?

Not at all and I wrote very clearly that I did not agree with his behavior. As expected some overly sensitive poster was bound to pick and choose my words and use them in an entirely different context. Making America great again in my mind consist of stopping with the over reactions and pc garbage.

I have read about "diet" rape and heard posters tell others they should never have children and so on in this thread. That is the kind of pc garbage that drags us all down.

All in all I agree Zeke was stupid and immature in his actions. Which is a disturbing trend that may cost him eventually. But I refuse to pretend the woman didnt turn around and flash the crowd directly afterwards. I refuse to pretend I know what happened before and after the 15 second clip also. It could be better or worse, I just dont know.
My 2 cents
We, football fans, kids whoever need to stop looking at sport athletes as hero's. There are FAR MORE IMPORTANT people in this world than professional athletes. I for one could care less what these guys do as long as it doesn't mess with the integrity of the sport (PEDs). If we all just thought of these guys as entertainers (which they are) then we wouldn't really look at this stuff and freak out. I will try teach my kid to have a hero like his Dad, Mom, Military, etc.
There was a time when you could look up to sport athletes as hero's but these guys are given so much money at a young age that it's hard for them to really Mature and grow up.

Zeke pulls a Justin Timberlake. Notice that Justin Timberlake is huge and the world loves him. Why? Because he's just an entertainer.

I could keep rambling on but I think I got my point out there.

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