Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

My 2 cents
We, football fans, kids whoever need to stop looking at sport athletes as hero's. There are FAR MORE IMPORTANT people in this world than professional athletes. I for one could care less what these guys do as long as it doesn't mess with the integrity of the sport (PEDs). If we all just thought of these guys as entertainers (which they are) then we wouldn't really look at this stuff and freak out. I will try teach my kid to have a hero like his Dad, Mom, Military, etc.
There was a time when you could look up to sport athletes as hero's but these guys are given so much money at a young age that it's hard for them to really Mature and grow up.

Zeke pulls a Justin Timberlake. Notice that Justin Timberlake is huge and the world loves him. Why? Because he's just an entertainer.

I could keep rambling on but I think I got my point out there.

Thats correct, your child should need look no further than his/her parents for role models. It is our job to set an example and show them the way. We are in a sad state if we pass the buck to professional athletes and entertainers.
Perhaps you just have an inferiority complex, I wasn't trying to act superior yet you continue to bring that up.

Anyways, I gave the examples (although different) because if I understood you correctly you didn't have a problem with what Zeke did based solely on her reaction. If she complained then Zeke is guilty in your opinion, if she didn't complain then nothing he did was wrong. Am I right or did I misread your post?

Even though my examples were apples and oranges the point was it seems as if, according to you, being guilty of something has to do with the reaction of the victim not the act itself.

Here's an apples to apples example. I'm at a party, resch over and pull a girls shirt down without her permission. Did I do anything wrong? Or do you think it's up to the girl to decide that?
See the downside of online debate. Living life wise I'm like someone who is 6'7. I might not be the tallest ever but taller than most so when that's the case how can I be/feel inferior esp to people who for the most part aren't doing as good as I am? It realistically makes no sense so like your past examples try again. Lastly don't try the bogus I'm bring it up so it must be me when I'm bringing up what you're actually doing not made up stuff. You keep trying to add little jabs I know for a fact your not adding to those who agree with you so stop trying to make me out to be some delusional person my friend. I'm just calling it like I see it.

No your understanding is quite low on this matter if that's what you got. I never said what he did is right never. I said I don't get people being more outraged than her and that's why I mentioned her response to it.. I said I've have more of a problem if she reported him or if this was done in a different environment where stuff like this doesn't happen at.. Not the same thing in the least but when people are on their agree with me or else tours they see what they want to. Why don't you stop assuming and do like you did at first and ask instead of making yourself look bad by making things up basically?

Your apples to apples comparison is still stupid as it applies to me because again I never said what he did was right. If I did show me where I said such but you won't cause I never said such.. Why can't you see the difference?
Well, ESPN First Take was covering this today so this isn't going to go away any time soon.
See the downside of online debate. Living life wise I'm like someone who is 6'7. I might not be the tallest ever but taller than most so when that's the case how can I be/feel inferior esp to people who for the most part aren't doing as good as I am? It realistically makes no sense so like your past examples try again. Lastly don't try the bogus I'm bring it up so it must be me when I'm bringing up what you're actually doing not made up stuff. You keep trying to add little jabs I know for a fact your not adding to those who agree with you so stop trying to make me out to be some delusional person my friend. I'm just calling it like I see it.

No your understanding is quite low on this matter if that's what you got. I never said what he did is right never. I said I don't get people being more outraged than her and that's why I mentioned her response to it.. I said I've have more of a problem if she reported him or if this was done in a different environment where stuff like this doesn't happen at.. Not the same thing in the least but when people are on their agree with me or else tours they see what they want to. Why don't you stop assuming and do like you did at first and ask instead of making yourself look bad by making things up basically?

Your apples to apples comparison is still stupid as it applies to me because again I never said what he did was right. If I did show me where I said such but you won't cause I never said such.. Why can't you see the difference?
Lol, you're something else. Fine, I'm out to get you and make you feel inferior by using words on the internet. Glad we got that out of the way so you can stop bringing it up.

So to get this straight, you never said what he did was right, you just don't have a problem with it because the girl didn't either. Is that right?
So far with Zeke....

1. Father had to move to Columbus to watch after Zeke because of his excessive partying (drugs and alcohol heavily rumored along with Bosa).
2. Accusations of physical assault from girlfriend in Columbus
3. Said openly that he could knew how to beat the league drug tests
4. Seen at pot shop the day before his NFL debut in Seattle
5. Pulled girls top down at alcohol fueled street party in Dallas

He's been here less than a year. This isn't trending well.

Zeke is a very good-natured kid who absolutely loves to party. The problem is, he isn't maturing and he has no sense of awareness, particularly as it relates to being the most high profile running back on the most high profile team in the NFL.

A suspension is probably coming, and it might be exactly what he needs.
Please don't hold this against me.... but I agree.
Well, ESPN First Take was covering this today so this isn't going to go away any time soon.

yes it was on foxsports webpage yesterday already.
zeke really has 10% of Johnny Football in him, whether we like it or not.
between the dv thing and this and the weed shop, i really hope a 1-2 game suspension convinces him he cannot just do whatever he want for his exhibitionist tendencies.
the dv gal is like some type of exotic dancer?
if he wants loose woman, he needs to play overseas.
i already suggested argentina, philipines and korea.
12,000 views. All you need to do is post "Zeke" and "Breasts" in the topic. What is this world coming to?
Call me a pessimist, but he probably deserves 4 for this at least. If this is a second offense, next season might be a problem.
Wait....she was asking for it? Smh!!

Not saying she was asking for it or defending Zeke in the slightest, but a second video was posted in an update on the TMZ story that shows her exposing her breasts all by herself to the crowd below... So who knows what was going on up on that roof...

Not going to link to it but you can find it on TMZ.

(Note: Again I am not condoning what happened - just pointing out an update to the original story.)
Not at all and I wrote very clearly that I did not agree with his behavior. As expected some overly sensitive poster was bound to pick and choose my words and use them in an entirely different context. Making America great again in my mind consist of stopping with the over reactions and pc garbage.

You do know that America (and all societies for that matter) has always been "PC", right?

My ancestors couldn't say or do what they wanted. The culture at the time was "sensitive" to my ancestors telling it like it is/was.

The difference, of course, is that this generation that moans and complains about "PC" merely has to withstand insults and criticism. My ancestors would be swinging from a tree if what they said "offended" the majority culture.

Be careful not to make your experience the end-all be-all definition of what constitutes "PC." Just saying. ;)
12,000 views. All you need to do is post "Zeke" and "Breasts" in the topic. What is this world coming to?

wow, zeke is becoming a woman?
hormone injections may affect his level of play.
they may also be banned and he could get suspended.
Call me a pessimist, but he probably deserves 4 for this at least. If this is a second offense, next season might be a problem.
4 games for what exactly? She said it was fine. There is nothing wrong with two consenting adults doing what they want. Also, what was his first offense. A made up story by some woman who lied about domestic violence? Please stop trying to drag this kid through the mud over nothing.
4 games for what exactly? She said it was fine. There is nothing wrong with two consenting adults doing what they want. Also, what was his first offense. A made up story by some woman who lied about domestic violence? Please stop trying to drag this kid through the mud over nothing.

Exposing female breasts in public is a crime in most states. Maybe it shouldn't be, but it is. In any event, this incident shows exceedingly poor judgement on Zeke's part.
Lol, you're something else. Fine, I'm out to get you and make you feel inferior by using words on the internet. Glad we got that out of the way so you can stop bringing it up.

So to get this straight, you never said what he did was right, you just don't have a problem with it because the girl didn't either. Is that right?
I don't know what you're out to do I'm just calling a spade a spade period. You can't make me feel inferior that's my point. I don't know you. You could be a fry cook like spongebob for all I know and I'd be quite disappointed that a fry cook would make me feel inferior. I will stop bringing it up when you stop doing it simple.

Yeah that's about it regarding the incident. How are y'all more mad than the person it happened to?
My 2 cents
We, football fans, kids whoever need to stop looking at sport athletes as hero's. There are FAR MORE IMPORTANT people in this world than professional athletes. I for one could care less what these guys do as long as it doesn't mess with the integrity of the sport (PEDs). If we all just thought of these guys as entertainers (which they are) then we wouldn't really look at this stuff and freak out. I will try teach my kid to have a hero like his Dad, Mom, Military, etc.
There was a time when you could look up to sport athletes as hero's but these guys are given so much money at a young age that it's hard for them to really Mature and grow up.

Zeke pulls a Justin Timberlake. Notice that Justin Timberlake is huge and the world loves him. Why? Because he's just an entertainer.

I could keep rambling on but I think I got my point out there.
You sound bitter and I never got the whole athletes aren't heros stuff. Most people that aren't little kids look at them as vessels for happiness not actual heroes anyway. I don't understand why you would tell little kids not to like athletes but the military. Most of them go there because they have no choice. They aren't heroes either they just doing a job. I guess because I don't have "heroes" I think the whole point is crazy outside of little kids and even crazier when we try to have hero levels like you do. If it works for you raising your kids that way though I wish you continued success because we can all get to the same goal even by different routes.
4 games for what exactly? She said it was fine. There is nothing wrong with two consenting adults doing what they want. Also, what was his first offense. A made up story by some woman who lied about domestic violence? Please stop trying to drag this kid through the mud over nothing.

i would be surprised if roger does not punish zeke for this.
seriously, it is not good for the image and brand of the game.
nfl does care what its females fans think.
it may not be half the market but it is not insignificant.
forget the law, it makes nfl players look like a bunch of $%#$%^