Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

it got a lot of mileage on the sports talk shows today and it wasnot in a very good light for either zeke or the team also make you go hmmmm about the other situation in was in with the other girl much more of this kind of behavior and he will be sitting down for some games this season
In this situation, it can take a few different forms. It can be legal or it can be public opinion or it can be in reference to economic impact. Any or all could play a role in this situation, IMO.

I would also not claim that he is or is not guilty of anything. I think it is certainly possible that he could be guilty of an offense, should the lady decide to bring case. That's probably a different discussion but again, as has been mentioned in several different instances in this thread, there are clauses that give the commissioner a great deal of latitude in situations like this. It does not have to be illegal for the Commissioner to take action. You may say, he should not be able to do that but that is of no consequence. He can so no amount of discussion will change that.

In this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, that is the staple and cornerstone of law in the US. So yes, he is innocent he has a right to be treated that way, that is not an inference it is fact, that’s why there are laws against slander and liable. The court of public opinion does not carry weight in court. Investigation, reason and doubt and testimony do.

Discipline from an employer doesn’t constitute guilt.

All men/women should hold those values dear and stand up to defend them when they are challenged.

Bonehead move, YES. HIS/HER bonehead move, end of story.
If the topic changed to Will he get Suspended, my odds are 20-80 against him getting suspended (if I even defined that right). I think The DV investigation would have to show something else to warrant a suspension and carry more weight in addition to anything else heaped in from here on out. Just the simple actions of other players like Gronk makes it so you cant pick and choose who to discipline without fairness. Like I said, bonehead move especially when your already on the radar, but innocent.

i dont care about the moralistic aspect of this because i dont think he is an intentional sex offender.
i think he is an idiotic entitled sports star that is not like the type that drugs a girl to get her in the sack.

zeke is sure doing everything he can to get suspended while being rather innocent.
i would argue that zeke is far more in the limelight than gronk ever was.
come on, pull a girl's top off in public for all to see.
take pictures at a pot shot for all to see.
are you kidding me?

that is why i keep saying - the cowboys FO should send him to play in some foreign country where this crap is not so scrutinized.
people in most of europe and south america do not have this type of purity views in the US.

heck some prostitute was a successful politician in italy?
jerry can go along to get his fill so that those pictures of the special scenes with those naughty girls become unnecessary.
hey, jerry and zeke can become the ultimate wingman...

i have been in the management capacity of an organization where we had to act just to say we have acted.
even though we know the employee did not mean it.
we would take the employee aside and say "you idiot, you forced us do it. we will make it up to you financially some how, but you are going to take the medicine"
I have an issue with the women's group getting involved. I feel the women's group is accurate in what they're saying because it was assault and they have a right to be mad because it was inappropriate. My issue with them being involved is the means they are going about it. I feel it would be more appropriate for the women's group to reach out to the district attorney or the police and demand he be arrested. That is how I feel the Group should get involved. I don't like how they have made it clear that the NFL should suspend him.

Zeke broke the law. The Women's Group do not like that he broke the law so they reach out to his job to get him in trouble. That's the part that bothers me. IMO the Women's Group should reach out to the police and ask for an arrest. Then the police can investigate and if they feel they have a case then they can prosecute. That's what the police and the justice system is for.

The NFL shouldn't get involved if the police do not get involved. This puts too much power in the NFL's hands because they get to punish people without due process.

But I'm not feeling too sorry for Zeke, he did the act that caused this mess and he let his fans and team mates down, and he set a bad example of how to act and treat women. Just plain stupid.
The league is going to have to start suspending half the players in the league after they attend gentlemen's clubs.

The woman was willing it's time for the baord puritans to move on.

Wait till games start in Vegas, Zeke can get in a lot of trouble there! :p
The league is going to have to start suspending half the players in the league after they attend gentlemen's clubs.

The woman was willing it's time for the baord puritans to move on.

walking in a gentleman's club does not mean committing sex crimes.
if what goes on in gentleman's clubs were broadcasted in videos, there would be a problem.
you will have an absolute firestorm.

the fact is she hit his hand meaning there was no consent.
this was just plain stupid.

of course i dont think this means he is a sex predator.
it makes him an idiot who is going to get in deep trouble sooner or later.

if the Cowboys take a pragmatic view of this, take Zeke to Argentina so Jerry and Zeke can party all they want without this type of crap.
i dont care about the moralistic aspect of this because i dont think he is an intentional sex offender.
i think he is an idiotic entitled sports star that is not like the type that drugs a girl to get her in the sack.

zeke is sure doing everything he can to get suspended while being rather innocent.
i would argue that zeke is far more in the limelight than gronk ever was.
come on, pull a girl's top off in public for all to see.
take pictures at a pot shot for all to see.
are you kidding me?

that is why i keep saying - the cowboys FO should send him to play in some foreign country where this crap is not so scrutinized.
people in most of europe and south america do not have this type of purity views in the US.

heck some prostitute was a successful politician in italy?
jerry can go along to get his fill so that those pictures of the special scenes with those naughty girls become unnecessary.
hey, jerry and zeke can become the ultimate wingman...

i have been in the management capacity of an organization where we had to act just to say we have acted.
even though we know the employee did not mean it.
we would take the employee aside and say "you idiot, you forced us do it. we will make it up to you financially some how, but you are going to take the medicine"

Different men are made of different stuff, I wouldn't go blindly following into anyone plan without giving my full brain first if it affects me, and on the same token if I'm wrong I take my lumps, but to take medicine when you aren't necessarily wrong or proven wrong of something, well that should get your convictions up.

Look up Gronks motorboat video circa 2015 and tell me what you think. He hasn't seen one iota of discipline or hate speech for being a man.

Lets keep it even and fair Goodel, non issue here keep it moving.
I have an issue with the women's group getting involved. I feel the women's group is accurate in what they're saying because it was assault and they have a right to be mad because it was inappropriate. My issue with them being involved is the means they are going about it. I feel it would be more appropriate for the women's group to reach out to the district attorney or the police and demand he be arrested. That is how I feel the Group should get involved. I don't like how they have made it clear that the NFL should suspend him.

Zeke broke the law. The Women's Group do not like that he broke the law so they reach out to his job to get him in trouble. That's the part that bothers me. IMO the Women's Group should reach out to the police and ask for an arrest. Then the police can investigate and if they feel they have a case then they can prosecute. That's what the police and the justice system is for.

The NFL shouldn't get involved if the police do not get involved. This puts too much power in the NFL's hands because they get to punish people without due process.

But I'm not feeling too sorry for Zeke, he did the act that caused this mess and he let his fans and team mates down, and he set a bad example of how to act and treat women. Just plain stupid.

why should any group not take full advantage of the situation to get as much free press and publicity they can?
they can use zeke's celebrity to get out their message for free.
zeke did it to himself.
Different men are made of different stuff, I wouldn't go blindly following into anyone plan without giving my full brain first if it affects me, and on the same token if I'm wrong I take my lumps, but to take medicine when you aren't necessarily wrong or proven wrong of something, well that should get your convictions up.

Look up Gronks motorboat video circa 2015 and tell me what you think. He hasn't seen one iota of discipline or hate speech for being a man.

Lets keep it even and fair Goodel, non issue here keep it moving.

i just looked at the video.
as graphic as it was, the woman raised her arms and obviously allowed gronk to be gronk.
in zeke's case, she slapped his hand to push it away - is that right?
why should any group not take full advantage of the situation to get as much free press and publicity they can?
they can use zeke's celebrity to get out their message for free.
zeke did it to himself.
Yeah I agree, Zeke did it to himself and yeah the Women's Group can get mileage out of the publicity. I just feel when someone does an illegal act the police should get involved and not their jobs. So I wish the group would petition the police to go after Zeke and not the NFL. But if the group getting involved can use this to bring about more awareness of sexual assault and what is and what is not acceptable to do then I'm happy with them getting involved.

I guess my issue is more with the NFL and how they have the power to discipline players when or if the court system decides not to. If the woman who Zeke assaulted does not press charges and the DA does not press charges then I feel it's inappropriate for the league to punish him.

I would like to see the Women's Group approach the young lady in the video and talk to her. Again use this situation to bring about awareness for younger girls in high school or college. Use this situation as a means to educate younger girls that no one has a right to touch you without consent, even if your partying. I just want something positive to happen from this event
I help strangers all the time. In the south we call those "manners". If you don't, you're just a jerk. :)

My point still stands.

Do you help even if they may disagree with you on something, or is it all convenience/judgment based?
Zeke deserves to be treated like what he is, 21yrs old and making a mistake when it come to the perception of celebrity. That's all.
i just looked at the video.
as graphic as it was, the woman raised her arms and obviously allowed gronk to be gronk.
in zeke's case, she slapped his hand to push it away - is that right?

LOL, so now your excusing Gronk for the motorboat based on her reaction to it, even though it wasn't something she expected?
Well heck, how is Zeke different, the initial vid showed the swat, but subsequent vids show her acting on her own accord to the pleasure of the crowd, and she left with Zeke....she has a right to play the game of seduction, she has the right to play hard to get or coy(do you know her intent or state of mind?)...im just saying, read a romance novel if you don't get my gist. Women aren't as docile and flat as you think, there is a complex dance going on there. Been happening since the times of loin leafs
I help strangers all the time. In the south we call those "manners". If you don't, you're just a jerk. :)

My point still stands.
Y'all are twisting words up like none other I swear. Helping strangers isn't the same thing as having more concern for others than they have for themselves. Why is everybody making these two things the same? They aren't so your point doesn't stand lol.

No they are not. Saving strangers is not a sign of mental illness. A messiah complex implies you think you are the chosen one almost always by some godhead.

They are not remotely the same thing.
What are you talking about man? Who said saving strangers is a sign of mental illness? Smh emotions have some of y'all saying any ole thing.
Y'all are twisting words up like none other I swear. Helping strangers isn't the same thing as having more concern for others than they have for themselves. Why is everybody making these two things the same? They aren't so your point doesn't stand lol.

What are you talking about man? Who said saving strangers is a sign of mental illness? Smh emotions have some of y'all saying any ole thing.

A messiah complex is a sign of mental illness. Your problem is you have no idea what you are talking about.
Whatever makes you feel better champ.

Send up the white flag.

You said a messiah complex and a savior complex are the same thing. You were wrong. Wanting to help others is not a bad thing.

Snarky comments are not going to change it. Go read Fountainhead or something.
Send up the white flag.

You said a messiah complex and a savior complex are the same thing. You were wrong. Wanting to help others is not a bad thing.

Snarky comments are not going to change it. Go read Fountainhead or something.
Sounds good champ but they are and you can easily look it up to see they can be used interchangeably. Again whatever makes you feel good champ.
Do you help even if they may disagree with you on something, or is it all convenience/judgment based?
Zeke deserves to be treated like what he is, 21yrs old and making a mistake when it come to the perception of celebrity. That's all.

LOL, so now your excusing Gronk for the motorboat based on her reaction to it, even though it wasn't something she expected?
Well heck, how is Zeke different, the initial vid showed the swat, but subsequent vids show her acting on her own accord to the pleasure of the crowd, and she left with Zeke....she has a right to play the game of seduction, she has the right to play hard to get or coy(do you know her intent or state of mind?)...im just saying, read a romance novel if you don't get my gist. Women aren't as docile and flat as you think, there is a complex dance going on there. Been happening since the times of loin leafs

i am not excusing anything myself.
as far as i am concerned personally, gronk and zeke should be able to do whatever they want and this is plain stupid stuff goign on.
however, it is not me they have to satisfy.

i did not see the subsequent video.
it does help from what you said.
it makes it sound like it was not really against her will.

but what matters is what the league is going to think.
what the league is going to do is to decide whether zeke pull the shirt down in public in front of cameras is behavior deterimental to the league.
if i were the commissioner, i would not want athletes to be doing that in public and i would hand then some type of suspension to get the point across.
zeke really did this to himself by playing to the camera.
I didn't say money did have bearing on what you did or if you thought that my apologies. I just said it's not the same imo as doing it for free or something. Of course we would disagree about the complex just like you may feel I have an inferiority complex and I disagree. It's life. Of course not everybody has a complex that is obvious but I'm not talking about everybody I'm talking about you.

I'm not sorry I feel different that's what makes life worth living most of the time. Just saying I don't care about someone more than themselves doesn't mean I don't care about people at all. Again my friend don't make me out to be something I'm not because we disagree. I care about people a lot and those who know me irl not people on messagebaords agree. I'm certain it is the same for you also and those who really know you.

At least we found one thing in common with are agreeing to disagree. Have a great day my friend.
I'll drink to that. Cheers buddy!
Sounds good champ but they are and you can easily look it up to see they can be used interchangeably. Again whatever makes you feel good champ.

I do enjoy arguing with objectivists. Bottom line is that a desire to help others does not mean you believe you are the chosen one. Your diatribe falls flat.

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