Do you help even if they may disagree with you on something, or is it all convenience/judgment based?
Zeke deserves to be treated like what he is, 21yrs old and making a mistake when it come to the perception of celebrity. That's all.
LOL, so now your excusing Gronk for the motorboat based on her reaction to it, even though it wasn't something she expected?
Well heck, how is Zeke different, the initial vid showed the swat, but subsequent vids show her acting on her own accord to the pleasure of the crowd, and she left with Zeke....she has a right to play the game of seduction, she has the right to play hard to get or coy(do you know her intent or state of mind?) just saying, read a romance novel if you don't get my gist. Women aren't as docile and flat as you think, there is a complex dance going on there. Been happening since the times of loin leafs