Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Any of you think the Cowboys will suspend him in the hopes of getting out in front of league action?
I do enjoy arguing with objectivists. Bottom line is that a desire to help others does not mean you believe you are the chosen one. Your diatribe falls flat.
Never said such so your whole point of quoting me with your bs falls flat. I don't know how many times I've said the two aren't the same. In the words of Jim Calhoun get some facts and come back and see me. If you don't have facts please don't quote me with made up stuff buddy.
Never said such so your whole point of quoting me with your bs falls flat. I don't know how many times I've said the two aren't the same. In the words of Jim Calhoun get some facts and come back and see me. If you don't have facts please don't quote me with made up stuff buddy.

Sounds good troll.

Its a job youre getting paid money for so it's not the same thing as your concern on this issue but you've constantly compared apples and oranges so no surprise here. TBH even your profession is one that those with savior complexes are frequently in. Also not even being funny but constant concern of others more than themselves and thinking saving them is the right thing to do is a sign of savior complex. Don't believe me look it up you will articles that speak on it.

I do think me and you can agree to disagree though? I think we can have that in common.

Keep dissembling. It's funny to me.

Youre clearly saying that selflessness is a sign of mental illness.
Keep dissembling. It's funny to me.

Youre clearly saying that selflessness is a sign of mental illness.
It is funny that you're still trying to make up stuff to be right. It clearly has two different things listed meaning they aren't the same so try again. Try again champ.
Any of you think the Cowboys will suspend him in the hopes of getting out in front of league action?
No but I wouldn't mind a one game suspension either way just to serve as a wake up call, it could prevent a bigger issue from occurring in the future.
No but I wouldn't mind a one game suspension either way just to serve as a wake up call, it could prevent a bigger issue from occurring in the future.

Lol no! He shouldn't be suspended for this. Slap on the wrist maybe.

This story has only grown because it's Ezekiel Elliot.

If this was the Browns starting RB nobody would care and it would be over by now but everyone wants the chance to grandstand their opinion.
It is funny that you're still trying to make up stuff to be right. It clearly has two different things listed meaning they aren't the same so try again. Try again champ.

So a messiah complex is not mental illness? Or are you claiming that selflessness is not indicative of a messiah complex.

Your problem is that people can read what you wrote.
So a messiah complex is not mental illness? Or are you claiming that selflessness is not indicative of a messiah complex.

Your problem is that people can read what you wrote.
I have no problems my friend. I think its funny I have people like you hype to make me wrong. Signs I'm doing something right. Messiah complex is whatever the definition is. As far as your question ask yourself since you're the one who made it up out of thin air. I never said or implied such in any post. I did say I don't see how folks can have more concern for others than that person has for themselves. I also said a sign of savior complex is doing that consistently but a sign of something doesn't necessarily that's whats going on. I'll be waiting for your next post happy I keep responding to you. Would you like an autograph because this isn't the first time you've done this to me. I think I've found an online admirer.
Lol no! He shouldn't be suspended for this. Slap on the wrist maybe.

This story has only grown because it's Ezekiel Elliot.

If this was the Browns starting RB nobody would care and it would be over by now but everyone wants the chance to grandstand their opinion.
I don't see an suspension either. It better not be one. Poor judgment by Zeke but a suspension, it would be the first of it's kind I'll say that much.
#746 should haver given you a clue ... Oh, so slight, about sarcasm or scorn toward a knucklehead like Zeke.
But you just have to put yourself up on a pedestal, next to the Ruebenesque nude, to let is know how all high and mighty and moral you are.
Next time you watch a linebacker crash into a human being, perhaps breaking a rib or a back or femur, feel your morality, brutha. Feel that specialness that is you.:cool:

You're too sensitive. Just because I cite morality doesn't mean I'm being "all high and mighty". It simply means we may have different morality. Some people think listening to rap music is bad; some believe rock music is bad. That's an example of morality, but it doesn't have anything to do with "High and mighty."

Somehow whenever morality is mentioned, some react as if you're putting them down. Sorry, that's not what I was doing. And any morality I have or possess higher than what I practice is because of Christ.

And that's all I'll say about that. :)
Lol no! He shouldn't be suspended for this. Slap on the wrist maybe.

This story has only grown because it's Ezekiel Elliot.

If this was the Browns starting RB nobody would care and it would be over by now but everyone wants the chance to grandstand their opinion.
Well clearly something needs to be done for his iwn goid snd the good of the team. I honestly don't think a fine will get the message through to his thick skull. I thought a one game suspension was a slap on the wrist.
I don't see an suspension either. It better not be one. Poor judgment by Zeke but a suspension, it would be the first of it's kind I'll say that much.
I figure it's in his own best interest.
I have no problems my friend. I think its funny I have people like you hype to make me wrong. Signs I'm doing something right. Messiah complex is whatever the definition is. As far as your question ask yourself since you're the one who made it up out of thin air. I never said or implied such in any post. I did say I don't see how folks can have more concern for others than that person has for themselves. I also said a sign of savior complex is doing that consistently but a sign of something doesn't necessarily that's whats going on. I'll be waiting for your next post happy I keep responding to you. Would you like an autograph because this isn't the first time you've done this to me. I think I've found an online admirer.

Learn to use paragraphs to divide your writing into separate thoughts. Else it looks a lot like incoherent babbling.

You dodged my questions and instead instead try to equivocate. Your dissembling remains amusing.

I asked whether you thought a messiah complex was not mental illness. You backtracked saying it does not necessarily mean it is the case. Here is the definition:

an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.

So what probability do you put on selflessness meaning someone is mentally ill? It's obvious that you are disparaging the behavior and you juke poorly.

As for the last bit where you act proud that I have addressed you in the past you should know that this is the part of my schtick where I do not suffer foolishness and other droll nonsense. That is not something you want repeat consideration for.
I haven't read any of this thread or really paid attention to this story at all. Have any details come out at all? My instinct tells that breast was exposed many more times that day then the one they caught on camera. No guy does that out of the blue to someone they don't know in front of a camera. It had to be an ongoing thing and just seeing the video doesn't begin to tell the whole story. I hope my instinct is right because if he just did this without her consent, it's definately a crime.
I haven't read any of this thread or really paid attention to this story at all. Have any details come out at all? My instinct tells that breast was exposed many more times that day then the one they caught on camera. No guy does that out of the blue to someone they don't know in front of a camera. It had to be an ongoing thing and just seeing the video doesn't begin to tell the whole story. I hope my instinct is right because if he just did this without her consent, it's definately a crime.

so here is a question.
if you expose your wife's breast in public, is that a crime?
how about a girl friend?
or how about someone you just had s*x with?
if you use the most strict application of letter of the law, I suspect it is yes to all of them.

however, there are also many laws that could apply.
such as some type of public drunken behavior thing.

none of us know.
if would be had to believe that Zeke knowing broke the law in front of cameras for the world to see.
it was idiotic but he does not have a death wish.
Learn to use paragraphs to divide your writing into separate thoughts. Else it looks a lot like incoherent babbling.

You dodged my questions and instead instead try to equivocate. Your dissembling remains amusing.

I asked whether you thought a messiah complex was not mental illness. You backtracked saying it does not necessarily mean it is the case. Here is the definition:

an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.

So what probability do you put on selflessness meaning someone is mentally ill? It's obvious that you are disparaging the behavior and you juke poorly.

As for the last bit where you act proud that I have addressed you in the past you should know that this is the part of my schtick where I do not suffer foolishness and other droll nonsense. That is not something you want repeat consideration for.
I don't care if it looks Ike incoherent babbling. This doesn't make or take any money off my table so its whatever at the end of the day. I dodged nothing but if I did so what? What you going to do about it? Say some slick stuff, insult me, quote me again? Again who cares its a messageboard. I don't know who you think you are in messageboard land but I don't have to answer your questions esp made up ones by you. If that makes your feel you've won some online discussion have it. I'm not disparaging nothing but if that's what you think okay and now what? I just look at people like you as those looking for online friends and or ways to be someone you're not offline. So read the babble you think I wrote and send your next garbage trying to claim some type of online victory champ. Rambling done

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