Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Beating a dead horse here but that only satisfies the people who don't care what he did as long as she didn't care. She may not have a problem with it now but she wouldn't have pulled her shirt up so quick if she didn't have a problem with it then.

Regardless, the guy clearly has poor judgement that could possibly land him in hot water if he doesn't settle down. He's also not a player I would want representing my team with those sort of actions (but we all know Jerrah's moral compass points directly south).

No matter what people say or think, kids do look up to athletes and they should behave accordingly. You want to make millions of dollars and put yourself in the spotlight by going to parties and acting afool then be ready to deal with the consequences.

So her wants and desires don't matter? How condescending can one get? It is up to her as to what sexual contact she wants to allow. You don't get to control her sex life as much as you might want to.

You have no idea what their relationship is. She left New Orleans with him and is now in Miami with him. You going to portray her as Stockholm or a battered woman now?

He was drunk at mardis gras with a woman that he likely has a sexual relationship with and he groped her. Oh noes!
Is this where I sign up for the witch hunt?
Will pitchforks and torches be provided or do I have to bring my own?

Just saw the video. Looked like a 21 yr old screwing around with a girl that likes him to me. Looked innocent and can't believe the big deal this has become.

Yep that was the gist of it 20 pages back, untill a few posters kept trying to impose 1600 morality and preach like Vicar Generals that Zeke was a vicious fanged beast defiling a pure virgin soul.

Maybe some will admit to themselves their missjudgments of the young man, and her also, even if they don't post it here.
So her wants and desires don't matter? How condescending can one get? It is up to her as to what sexual contact she wants to allow. You don't get to control her sex life as much as you might want to.

You have no idea what their relationship is. She left New Orleans with him and is now in Miami with him. You going to portray her as Stockholm or a battered woman now?

He was drunk at mardis gras with a woman that he likely has a sexual relationship with and he groped her. Oh noes!

Yessir. Liberate'em!
It's couldn't care less and I'll go with 5% chance of a suspension.
Phone won't let me post/type/delete/edit sometimes....android 4.3 what can you do...thats why the 10/90 is in there too. :(
so instead of exposing, what about any kind of contact? when does any type of physical contact become against the law for wife, girlfriend or anyone you just had s*x with?
i suspect based on the strict letter of the law, those would be illegal also?
According to the strict letter of the law it is illegal. But remember my speeding analogy from the other day. Everyone speeds. So most likely the cop won't pull you over for going 1 mile over the limit. So everyone has physical/sexual contact of some kind with their wife or GF or someone they just had s*x with. That's pretty normal and expected. So it comes down to does the sexual contact appear or is abusive in nature. So attitude and intent are huge if it is a arrestable or punishable crime. A guy out with his wife/GF and is grabs her butt without permission in public and she doesn't appreciate it and the guy picks up on the fact she isn't up for public display like that and he stops, then there's no problem with that. He's respecting her body but he just made a mistake with timing, that happens to everyone. The chances someone gets arrested for that would be almost none. Even if that whole interaction happened with no talking it would still be okay because the guy is paying attention to what his wife or GF is feeling. Now lets take the same situation and the guy grabs his GF's butt and she tells him to stop and he doesn't and he continues to then touch and grab anything on her and she is noticeably uncomfortable with it then that's a problem. That would be something that she could report, probably wouldn't get a prosecutor to take the case but it would be illegal. Or if a police officer saw this happening he might approach the couple and check things out and could arrest the guy, again depending on how aggressive he was and if he disregarded her feelings.

Everyone is going to guess wrong sometimes with sexual advances, even if you don't know the person and try to pick her up and she isn't feeling it, there's nothing wrong with that as long as the guy takes the hint, either the non-verbal hint or the verbal hint, and he backs off. What the law is concerned about is if the contact is abusive in nature, but the way they have to write the law is to involve just about anything they can think of to protect wives and GF's because most people believe if you're in a relationship with someone then sex is an ongoing implied consent. Which it is not. I've worked with many wives who were consistently raped by their husbands but didn't report it because they didn't think it was rape since they were married.

So in summary if the guy respects his woman but out in public, or private, he sexually advances on her and she's not good for it at that moment then there's nothing wrong with that as long as the guy stops. So public or private sexual acts like touching each other is not a crime if both parties are good with each other. I wouldn't recommend a lot of groping in public because of laws against public lewdness.

As with speeding the speeding law is not meant for the guy who drives 5 miles over the limit, it's meant for the guy who drives 30 miles over the limit and endangers people. The sex assault laws are not written for the guy and girl who will occasionally grab each other's butts, or kiss, or whatever in public. The laws are written for the abusers who are going to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and it doesn't matter if their girl is okay with it or not. But they had to add all the possible scenarios to protect all types of victims. The sex assault laws were not written for 95% of the population that go about the dating and flirting and sexual activities of a normal couple. The laws were written for the 5% of the population that see their woman as an object for their own pleasure but they had to protect the wives and the GF's so they had to include everything.

My guess is what did Zeke in on this one is one of the videos shows his girl slapping his hand away and immediately covering up the breast he exposed. That was non-verbal communication that she didn't appreciate it. So even if they have an ongoing relationship, her reaction and his reaction of not appearing to care that she didn't appreciate it is the problem. And they appeared to be drunk which will always bring up the question would she have allowed him to do that in public, in front of everyone, if she was sober.

That make sense, sorry it was so long.
According to the strict letter of the law it is illegal. But remember my speeding analogy from the other day. Everyone speeds. So most likely the cop won't pull you over for going 1 mile over the limit. So everyone has physical/sexual contact of some kind with their wife or GF or someone they just had s*x with. That's pretty normal and expected. So it comes down to does the sexual contact appear or is abusive in nature. So attitude and intent are huge if it is a arrestable or punishable crime. A guy out with his wife/GF and is grabs her butt without permission in public and she doesn't appreciate it and the guy picks up on the fact she isn't up for public display like that and he stops, then there's no problem with that. He's respecting her body but he just made a mistake with timing, that happens to everyone. The chances someone gets arrested for that would be almost none. Even if that whole interaction happened with no talking it would still be okay because the guy is paying attention to what his wife or GF is feeling. Now lets take the same situation and the guy grabs his GF's butt and she tells him to stop and he doesn't and he continues to then touch and grab anything on her and she is noticeably uncomfortable with it then that's a problem. That would be something that she could report, probably wouldn't get a prosecutor to take the case but it would be illegal. Or if a police officer saw this happening he might approach the couple and check things out and could arrest the guy, again depending on how aggressive he was and if he disregarded her feelings.

Everyone is going to guess wrong sometimes with sexual advances, even if you don't know the person and try to pick her up and she isn't feeling it, there's nothing wrong with that as long as the guy takes the hint, either the non-verbal hint or the verbal hint, and he backs off. What the law is concerned about is if the contact is abusive in nature, but the way they have to write the law is to involve just about anything they can think of to protect wives and GF's because most people believe if you're in a relationship with someone then sex is an ongoing implied consent. Which it is not. I've worked with many wives who were consistently raped by their husbands but didn't report it because they didn't think it was rape since they were married.

So in summary if the guy respects his woman but out in public, or private, he sexually advances on her and she's not good for it at that moment then there's nothing wrong with that as long as the guy stops. So public or private sexual acts like touching each other is not a crime if both parties are good with each other. I wouldn't recommend a lot of groping in public because of laws against public lewdness.

As with speeding the speeding law is not meant for the guy who drives 5 miles over the limit, it's meant for the guy who drives 30 miles over the limit and endangers people. The sex assault laws are not written for the guy and girl who will occasionally grab each other's butts, or kiss, or whatever in public. The laws are written for the abusers who are going to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and it doesn't matter if their girl is okay with it or not. But they had to add all the possible scenarios to protect all types of victims. The sex assault laws were not written for 95% of the population that go about the dating and flirting and sexual activities of a normal couple. The laws were written for the 5% of the population that see their woman as an object for their own pleasure but they had to protect the wives and the GF's so they had to include everything.

My guess is what did Zeke in on this one is one of the videos shows his girl slapping his hand away and immediately covering up the breast he exposed. That was non-verbal communication that she didn't appreciate it. So even if they have an ongoing relationship, her reaction and his reaction of not appearing to care that she didn't appreciate it is the problem. And they appeared to be drunk which will always bring up the question would she have allowed him to do that in public, in front of everyone, if she was sober.

That make sense, sorry it was so long.

so fact of the matter is that the letter of the law gives complete discretion to the woman (mostly) and the authorities.

still zeke is an idiot who needs some type of punishment so he stop putting himself in compromising circumstances.

i guess he does deserve to wake up in the morning and she is totally hideous.
but he must stay with her for the next 5 days to immunize himself from the women's groups.

in my college, we had a saying where the guy wakes up in the morning and rather bites off his arms so he can escape from whom he woke up next to :lmao:
According to the strict letter of the law it is illegal. But remember my speeding analogy from the other day. Everyone speeds. So most likely the cop won't pull you over for going 1 mile over the limit. So everyone has physical/sexual contact of some kind with their wife or GF or someone they just had s*x with. That's pretty normal and expected. So it comes down to does the sexual contact appear or is abusive in nature. So attitude and intent are huge if it is a arrestable or punishable crime. A guy out with his wife/GF and is grabs her butt without permission in public and she doesn't appreciate it and the guy picks up on the fact she isn't up for public display like that and he stops, then there's no problem with that. He's respecting her body but he just made a mistake with timing, that happens to everyone. The chances someone gets arrested for that would be almost none. Even if that whole interaction happened with no talking it would still be okay because the guy is paying attention to what his wife or GF is feeling. Now lets take the same situation and the guy grabs his GF's butt and she tells him to stop and he doesn't and he continues to then touch and grab anything on her and she is noticeably uncomfortable with it then that's a problem. That would be something that she could report, probably wouldn't get a prosecutor to take the case but it would be illegal. Or if a police officer saw this happening he might approach the couple and check things out and could arrest the guy, again depending on how aggressive he was and if he disregarded her feelings.

Everyone is going to guess wrong sometimes with sexual advances, even if you don't know the person and try to pick her up and she isn't feeling it, there's nothing wrong with that as long as the guy takes the hint, either the non-verbal hint or the verbal hint, and he backs off. What the law is concerned about is if the contact is abusive in nature, but the way they have to write the law is to involve just about anything they can think of to protect wives and GF's because most people believe if you're in a relationship with someone then sex is an ongoing implied consent. Which it is not. I've worked with many wives who were consistently raped by their husbands but didn't report it because they didn't think it was rape since they were married.

So in summary if the guy respects his woman but out in public, or private, he sexually advances on her and she's not good for it at that moment then there's nothing wrong with that as long as the guy stops. So public or private sexual acts like touching each other is not a crime if both parties are good with each other. I wouldn't recommend a lot of groping in public because of laws against public lewdness.

As with speeding the speeding law is not meant for the guy who drives 5 miles over the limit, it's meant for the guy who drives 30 miles over the limit and endangers people. The sex assault laws are not written for the guy and girl who will occasionally grab each other's butts, or kiss, or whatever in public. The laws are written for the abusers who are going to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and it doesn't matter if their girl is okay with it or not. But they had to add all the possible scenarios to protect all types of victims. The sex assault laws were not written for 95% of the population that go about the dating and flirting and sexual activities of a normal couple. The laws were written for the 5% of the population that see their woman as an object for their own pleasure but they had to protect the wives and the GF's so they had to include everything.

My guess is what did Zeke in on this one is one of the videos shows his girl slapping his hand away and immediately covering up the breast he exposed. That was non-verbal communication that she didn't appreciate it. So even if they have an ongoing relationship, her reaction and his reaction of not appearing to care that she didn't appreciate it is the problem. And they appeared to be drunk which will always bring up the question would she have allowed him to do that in public, in front of everyone, if she was sober.

That make sense, sorry it was so long.
The slap wasn't a slap. She was trying to catch the beads.
You're too sensitive. Just because I cite morality doesn't mean I'm being "all high and mighty". It simply means we may have different morality. Some people think listening to rap music is bad; some believe rock music is bad. That's an example of morality, but it doesn't have anything to do with "High and mighty."

Somehow whenever morality is mentioned, some react as if you're putting them down. Sorry, that's not what I was doing. And any morality I have or possess higher than what I practice is because of Christ.

And that's all I'll say about that. :)

No you are wrong. You mistake morality for values and standards. If you and I disagree on capital punishment, those are morals/morality. If we disagree on music, those are subjective standards and values.
I believe the Jet Sharks, my bowling team, would back me up on that. They all graduated from magnet schools, have GEDs or trade school equivalencies.
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Yeah, G, seriously. This thread could easily just be the OP and post 871 and everything else a big cluster-rant
It's been milked for all it's worth. Squeezed from every angle. Been patted sideways and back and forth to no avail. Got to nipple it in the bud, suck it up and continue our manly march. Hey, that reminds me of a story: I needed a 44 double D gauge flow capacitor ...
So her wants and desires don't matter? How condescending can one get? It is up to her as to what sexual contact she wants to allow. You don't get to control her sex life as much as you might want to.

You have no idea what their relationship is. She left New Orleans with him and is now in Miami with him. You going to portray her as Stockholm or a battered woman now?

He was drunk at mardis gras with a woman that he likely has a sexual relationship with and he groped her. Oh noes!
Lol, you're a total nutter dude. This has nothing to do with controlling anyones sex life. I just can't drop my pants and start fornicating with my girlfriend on the town square because she (or anyone else for that matter) doesn't object. I also never said anything about her being a battered woman or anything close to that so try again chief. All I said is she clearly did care, at the time, otherwise she wouldn't have pulled her shirt up.

Condescending?! Are you kidding me? Why don't you look up the definition before you try to use "big" words. If anything is considered condescending it would be Zeke pulling down her shirt without her permission. Based on her initial reaction, it's not going out on a limb to say she wanted nor expected him to do that.

Cool, so if I'm drunk and my girlfriend has no problem with me taking off her clothes in public than that's not a problem?

The weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow, perhaps I'll take a stroll around the park naked. After all, it's my choice and I'm not doing anything wrong (according to some of you) unless someone complains.

I'm sure the girl didn't care after the fact but that doesnt excuse what he did or make it ok. Maybe some of you will eventually grow up and admit what he did wasn't appropriate, sets a bad example and brings unwanted attention to the team and organization as a whole.

Whatever though, I'm so sick of wasting my time on this conversation that I think I'll go expose myself and hope no one is offended. After all, it's all good unless someone complains.
It's been milked for all it's worth. Squeezed from every angle. Been patted sideways and back and forth to no avail. Got to nipple it in the bud, suck it up and continue our manly march. Hey, that reminds me of a story: I needed a 44 double D gauge flow capacitor ...
Ah!!! Nothing like breasts to get our writing juices flowing!
Just like we are back in junior high and Peggy Sue is acting agreeable ...
According to the strict letter of the law it is illegal. But remember my speeding analogy from the other day. Everyone speeds. So most likely the cop won't pull you over for going 1 mile over the limit. So everyone has physical/sexual contact of some kind with their wife or GF or someone they just had s*x with. That's pretty normal and expected. So it comes down to does the sexual contact appear or is abusive in nature. So attitude and intent are huge if it is a arrestable or punishable crime. A guy out with his wife/GF and is grabs her butt without permission in public and she doesn't appreciate it and the guy picks up on the fact she isn't up for public display like that and he stops, then there's no problem with that. He's respecting her body but he just made a mistake with timing, that happens to everyone. The chances someone gets arrested for that would be almost none. Even if that whole interaction happened with no talking it would still be okay because the guy is paying attention to what his wife or GF is feeling. Now lets take the same situation and the guy grabs his GF's butt and she tells him to stop and he doesn't and he continues to then touch and grab anything on her and she is noticeably uncomfortable with it then that's a problem. That would be something that she could report, probably wouldn't get a prosecutor to take the case but it would be illegal. Or if a police officer saw this happening he might approach the couple and check things out and could arrest the guy, again depending on how aggressive he was and if he disregarded her feelings.

Everyone is going to guess wrong sometimes with sexual advances, even if you don't know the person and try to pick her up and she isn't feeling it, there's nothing wrong with that as long as the guy takes the hint, either the non-verbal hint or the verbal hint, and he backs off. What the law is concerned about is if the contact is abusive in nature, but the way they have to write the law is to involve just about anything they can think of to protect wives and GF's because most people believe if you're in a relationship with someone then sex is an ongoing implied consent. Which it is not. I've worked with many wives who were consistently raped by their husbands but didn't report it because they didn't think it was rape since they were married.

So in summary if the guy respects his woman but out in public, or private, he sexually advances on her and she's not good for it at that moment then there's nothing wrong with that as long as the guy stops. So public or private sexual acts like touching each other is not a crime if both parties are good with each other. I wouldn't recommend a lot of groping in public because of laws against public lewdness.

As with speeding the speeding law is not meant for the guy who drives 5 miles over the limit, it's meant for the guy who drives 30 miles over the limit and endangers people. The sex assault laws are not written for the guy and girl who will occasionally grab each other's butts, or kiss, or whatever in public. The laws are written for the abusers who are going to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and it doesn't matter if their girl is okay with it or not. But they had to add all the possible scenarios to protect all types of victims. The sex assault laws were not written for 95% of the population that go about the dating and flirting and sexual activities of a normal couple. The laws were written for the 5% of the population that see their woman as an object for their own pleasure but they had to protect the wives and the GF's so they had to include everything.

My guess is what did Zeke in on this one is one of the videos shows his girl slapping his hand away and immediately covering up the breast he exposed. That was non-verbal communication that she didn't appreciate it. So even if they have an ongoing relationship, her reaction and his reaction of not appearing to care that she didn't appreciate it is the problem. And they appeared to be drunk which will always bring up the question would she have allowed him to do that in public, in front of everyone, if she was sober.

That make sense, sorry it was so long.
Who reads posts that are longer than the original story? What the Heck. Get a life!!

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