Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Who reads posts that are longer than the original story? What the Heck. Get a life!!
No need to be insulting. I was answering the man's question. If you don't want to read my posts then don't but I didn't disrespect you in any way so I don't get the anger directed at me.
Mainly everything I do I would not do in front of my mother, lol...
Is your mother orthodox or liberal?
I ask because me mum is Calvinist and is like a sharia judge on me. I would not do most things in front of me mum, but me own time is me own time, ruffians of the gridiron.
I gotta be me. I've gotta be me.
Poor judgement by EE the optics are bad for him. Not sure the deed was so tragic considering the context of the situation. The message that the camera is always on has not been grasped by his mind at this point in his life.
Is your mother orthodox or liberal?
I ask because me mum is Calvinist and is like a sharia judge on me. I would not do most things in front of me mum, but me own time is me own time, ruffians of the gridiron.
I gotta be me. I've gotta be me.

where did ur mom go wrong...
FYI-the video was shot during the St Patty's day on Greenville avenue in Dallas, Tx

I haven't been in years but I don't recall any flashing. When it does happen, I don't think its any where close to the level of what goes on in New Orleans but if it is, maybe I need to get my *** down there next year

Thanks for the info. I figured the timing was around Mardi Gras with the beads at whatnot and that NO, LA is the only place I had seen it too.

Makes sense her worry considering the moral police in the area.
In this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, that is the staple and cornerstone of law in the US. So yes, he is innocent he has a right to be treated that way, that is not an inference it is fact, that’s why there are laws against slander and liable. The court of public opinion does not carry weight in court. Investigation, reason and doubt and testimony do.

Discipline from an employer doesn’t constitute guilt.

All men/women should hold those values dear and stand up to defend them when they are challenged.

Bonehead move, YES. HIS/HER bonehead move, end of story.

In this Country, the NFL does not work by those set of "rules". I mean, this is not a debate, this is a fact. There is no arguing this point. This is how it works here so it's pointless to make statements like the above. Nobody in this thread, that I have read, is discussing legal aspects of this. Everybody is trying to explain to you that the NFL works by a different set of rules. You are just refusing to acknowledge the obvious. If you want to do that, it's cool but it's also clear that the position you are taking is wrong.
Shan Shariff‏ @1053SS 33m33 minutes ago
Zeke update (Part 1): Source indicates @EzekielElliott is vacationing in Miami right now with same girl from St Patrick's video. @TMZ_Sports

Shan Shariff‏ @1053SS 32m32 minutes ago
(Part 2) This can only help perception that she doesn't have a problem with @EzekielElliott or view herself as a victim from the incident.

Thank you. This is the information I was looking for and all that really matters. The video means nothing without context. They are in a relationship and she had already flashed the crowd. That tells me all I need to know. It was still stupid but at least he wasn't sexually assaulting some drunk girl he didn't even know.
Thank you. This is the information I was looking for and all that really matters. The video means nothing without context. They are in a relationship and she had already flashed the crowd. That tells me all I need to know. It was still stupid but at least he wasn't sexually assaulting some drunk girl he didn't even know.
the viral nature of everything these days is completely out of control. It seems like so many are a pack of rabid dogs just waiting to pounce on the next scoop.
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Thank you. This is the information I was looking for and all that really matters. The video means nothing without context. They are in a relationship and she had already flashed the crowd. That tells me all I need to know. It was still stupid but at least he wasn't sexually assaulting some drunk girl he didn't even know.
No no no, this is 2017, where women must be treated like helpless children and protected by overbearing men at all times.
I think it's fantastic that we live in a society where wealthy entitled alpha-male athletes think it's acceptable to publicly expose a woman's body. I'd have no problem if some celebrity did that to my daughter and would rail against insulting and infantilizing attempts to defend her. Perhaps some day, a brave woman will depants Zeke at a parade so he can experience the fun himself.
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I think it's fantastic that we live in a society where wealthy entitled alpha-male athletes think it's acceptable to publicly expose a woman's body. I'd have no problem if some celebrity did that to my daughter and would rail against insulting and infantilizing attempts to defend her. Perhaps some day, a brave woman will depants Zeke at a parade so he experience the fun himself.


This is a pretty good post Sas.
I think it's fantastic that we live in a society where wealthy entitled alpha-male athletes think it's acceptable to publicly expose a woman's body. I'd have no problem if some celebrity did that to my daughter and would rail against insulting and infantilizing attempts to defend her. Perhaps some day, a brave woman will depants Zeke at a parade so he can experience the fun himself.

actually i think he would enjoy it and may do a dance for the camera...
I think it's fantastic that we live in a society where wealthy entitled alpha-male athletes think it's acceptable to publicly expose a woman's body. I'd have no problem if some celebrity did that to my daughter and would rail against insulting and infantilizing attempts to defend her. Perhaps some day, a brave woman will depants Zeke at a parade so he can experience the fun himself.


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