There is a time one must fight. I saw a comment made by someone yesterday (not on this board). He referenced Elliott as an "animal." Of course, this is the Internet and a great many folks write a great many stupid things. But this is a fight worth whatever trouble and money it costs. Two people know whether Elliott is guilty -- he and his accuser. Virtually ever scintilla of evidence supports Elliott. Surely we are not at the point at which any one of us is comfortable with justice meted merely on the basis of accusation.
Roger Goodell has proven himself hypocritical and craven in his pursuit of league image. He has also proven himself incompetent. But we have contributed to this obscene circus. We reference "The Shield" as if the NFL were some noble, righteous institution above any other business. It is merely a business that produces a product we enjoy. We have allowed the NFL to take on an image far beyond its being. And in doing so we have allowed the conversation to become muddled.
Elliott is far from perfect. I am far from perfect. But he is a young man being branded as abhorrent over a specific circumstance when there is scant evidence of his guilt. We do not say that because a man has failed to pay a credit card he must then be tried for murder. We do not assume that a person has told the truth merely because of gender, color, religion or occupation. We weigh the evidence.
If Elliott is innocent of these accusations, as the evidence clearly suggests, better the Cowboys lose every game for three seasons than that he be forced to wear a scarlet letter for the rest of his life. Our entertainment doesn't trump his responsibility to himself and his family to protect his reputation.
Zeke Elliott could squat on The Shield and take a dump and he would not have soiled it as much as it's been soiled by the Goodell regime and the owners who have enabled this power-hungry egomaniac in pursuit of the almighty dollar.