Zeke in trouble

Lol, I’m just trying to figure out what a Zeke bobblehead looks like. Is his head twice the size of an average bobblehead or did they keep it normal so it would stay upright?

I think they tried but kept toppling over. Then they realized normal sized still looked like a bobblehead.
Unless he was arrested, the only thing he was guilty of was getting videoed again. People have the tendency to interpret those to fit their own needs. Don't get the cuffing though.
Yeah most only care if he can play football on sundays the others want to show how moral they are. We are selfish so I’m not surprised at either sides reaction just I don’t see this as too much of a big deal. It doesn’t matter what player it was. I guess because I’ve saw incidents like this before that were just arguments and those sometimes happen gasp even between men and women and not just same gendered people.
Once again if you don't see he's wrong you're either blind or a homer. There is a responsibility as a high profile athlete to make proper decisions even at the age of 23 (they have classes on this stuff once their drafted). You have to be aware that you already have strikes against you and so does the owner of the team you play for. You must exhibit extreme judgment in the decisions/actions you make in public especially in a world where the majority of people have a cell phone. You're probably just looking at the slight push, whereas I'm looking at the incident leading to the push such as being out at 3:00am (without a bodyguard), arguing with his girlfriend in public, and getting in the face of the security guard aggressively.
I have better vision than you guaranteed and homer never. I don’t agree with you but I understand online some of y’all are toooo fragile that your pov has to be gospel because offline it doesn’t go like that at all. The only responsibility is people who are most likely jealous just using this as a way to get on asked and other athletes for the $ they make.

I looked at all of that stuff you mentioned and I still don’t see nothing wrong. You seem like a boring person so of course you’d say being out at 3am is a big deal. I can agree maybe he should have security. The argument with a girl guess what my friend it happens but some guys just brown nose women so they wouldn’t get that. Probably shouldn’t gotten in the face of security either but when you’re upset and guys trying to play Superman sometimes that makes you switch the anger on them. I’ve saw that happen before but I’ll give you that.
Even if it is/was nothing, the media will analyze and debate and sermonize and ponticate way beyond all reasonable coverage. Endless drama, manufactured and regurgitated in their never-ending, totally insatiable appetite for rating$. They’ll force the league to take action to pacify the masses’ thirst for “justice”, the irony being that they’re blind to FAR worse things every single day.

I liken it to the government arresting people and demonizing weed for decades, but turning a blind eye to the far worse man made chemicals Big Pharma pushes. HYPOCRISY!

If I was the Cowboys, I’d do Zeke’s contract last. They have plenty of time.
So I assume you’re not familiar with Zeke’s history or the NFL and how they inconsistently handle player conduct issues?
Comical- lol... I just don't see anything he did in the video that would warrant any major disciplinary action. All the video has done is riled people up over bs.
Whoever shot the video couldn’t control where Zeke was walking. It’s always possible the security guard got baited into calling Zeke the N-word to get a reaction out of him, which could be another reason why he refused to press charges. The security guard was clearly the instigator but Zeke has to be smarter and walk away. He shouldn’t be walking around in public alone especially when he’s intoxicated.

This is a volatile world now. Calling people the N word is not an easy thing to walk away from. But I will say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
Comical- lol... I just don't see anything he did in the video that would warrant any major disciplinary action. All the video has done is riled people up over bs.
Did you see anything that would warrant any major disciplinary action when he was suspended for 6 games?

You clearly don’t get it.
Unless he was arrested, the only thing he was guilty of was getting videoed again. People have the tendency to interpret those to fit their own needs. Don't get the cuffing though.

He was also guilty of stupid and sloppy behavior and he opened himself up to league scrutiny and even though he wasn't arrested, he created a situation where he easily could have been. If he is a model citizen going forward none of this will amount to much (maybe a fine or a suspension for a game or two), but the fact that he has had multiple incidents involving less than smart behavior is a bit worrisome.
Did you see anything that would warrant any major disciplinary action when he was suspended for 6 games?

You clearly don’t get it.
The fact that I do get it means that you don't get your own stuff you write. I seen a lot of stuff in Zeke's first case that could have went either way. The commish made a decision to save face with the NFL. Open your eyes and mind. It really wasn't about Zeke it was perception.
Whoever shot the video couldn’t control where Zeke was walking. It’s always possible the security guard got baited into calling Zeke the N-word to get a reaction out of him, which could be another reason why he refused to press charges. The security guard was clearly the instigator but Zeke has to be smarter and walk away. He shouldn’t be walking around in public alone especially when he’s intoxicated.

Was the security guard clearly the instigator? The notion that he used a racial slur is speculation at best, and he wasn't the one that moved toward Zeke - Zeke advanced toward him.
The fact that I do get it means that you don't get your own stuff you write. I seen a lot of stuff in Zeke's first case that could have went either way. The commish made a decision to save face with the NFL. Open your eyes and mind. It really wasn't about Zeke it was perception.

Whether it was about perception or not is aside from his point. His point was that it doesn't matter if fans see a player's actions as worthy of disciplinary action, the league can impose it anyway. Zeke has to quit opening up the opportunity for it.
I have better vision than you guaranteed and homer never. I don’t agree with you but I understand online some of y’all are toooo fragile that your pov has to be gospel because offline it doesn’t go like that at all. The only responsibility is people who are most likely jealous just using this as a way to get on asked and other athletes for the $ they make.

I looked at all of that stuff you mentioned and I still don’t see nothing wrong. You seem like a boring person so of course you’d say being out at 3am is a big deal. I can agree maybe he should have security. The argument with a girl guess what my friend it happens but some guys just brown nose women so they wouldn’t get that. Probably shouldn’t gotten in the face of security either but when you’re upset and guys trying to play Superman sometimes that makes you switch the anger on them. I’ve saw that happen before but I’ll give you that.

Lol, dude being jealous of their money is not a good point for you when it comes to me. Furthermore, you must be young and you're either blind, ignorant, lack morals, or have lived an irresponsible life if you don't see the wrong in this video. Once again Zeke is already skating on thin ice with the league. Just so you know, I have close friends who were a part of the group that hid Zeke's situation (by settlement) when he punched the DJ in the face. It's not about my point being gospel or me being fragile, however it's the clear lack of control Zeke exhibits, and the lack of respect Zeke has for himself, his family, his teammates, his fans, and the ownership of the team. Even if nothing happens to him from this issue, it just adds to his immaturity and irresponsibility as a professional athlete, and with that title COMES THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING AWARE OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT AND BEING AWARE OF PEOPLE WITH MONEY-GRAB AGENDAS. Also thank you for agreeing to my points lol - rookie.
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Lol, dude I am a successful attorney and my wife is an anesthesiologist so being jealous of their money is not a good point for you when it comes to me. Furthermore, you must be young and you're either blind, ignorant, lack morals, or have lived an irresponsible life if you don't see the wrong in this video. Once again Zeke is already skating on thin ice with the league. Just so you know, I have close friends who were a part of the group that hid Zeke's situation (by settlement) when he punched the DJ in the face. It's not about my point being gospel or me being fragile, however it's the clear lack of control Zeke exhibits, and the lack of respect Zeke has for himself, his family, his teammates, his fans, and the ownership of the team. Even if nothing happens to him from this issue, it just adds to his immaturity and irresponsibility as a professional athlete, and with that title COMES THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING AWARE OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT AND BEING AWARE OF PEOPLE WITH MONEY-GRAB AGENDAS. Also thank you for agreeing to my points lol - rookie.
I agree with this post.

People that think what he was doing with this girl wasn't a big deal must not have daughters.

If I saw a guy in my daughter's face like this, I'd drop him.
Comical- lol... I just don't see anything he did in the video that would warrant any major disciplinary action. All the video has done is riled people up over bs.

unfortunately, NFL has rules in place that one man gets to abuse as he sees fits

From the code of conduct policy:

Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following:

 Actual or threatened physical violence against another person;
 Violent or threatening behavior toward another employee or a third party in any workplace setting;
 Stalking, harassment, or similar forms of intimidation;
Did you see the video. Zeke was flat out of it. Drunk at least, potentially on drugs. Camera is on him the whole time, and he looked right toward it. Then he's stumbling around aimlessly until he got in a confrontational stance with that security guard. Didn't push him, but somewhat steered him into the movable steel railing until he fell over it.
Yeah, I saw it. An idiot drunk. Drunk in public? No doubt. but , to throw the book at them, like the NFL will, is absurd. Course , the bright side is his big money contract just took a hit. Tag him now. Sign Cooper.
Lol, dude being jealous of their money is not a good point for you when it comes to me. Furthermore, you must be young and you're either blind, ignorant, lack morals, or have lived an irresponsible life if you don't see the wrong in this video. Once again Zeke is already skating on thin ice with the league. Just so you know, I have close friends who were a part of the group that hid Zeke's situation (by settlement) when he punched the DJ in the face. It's not about my point being gospel or me being fragile, however it's the clear lack of control Zeke exhibits, and the lack of respect Zeke has for himself, his family, his teammates, his fans, and the ownership of the team. Even if nothing happens to him from this issue, it just adds to his immaturity and irresponsibility as a professional athlete, and with that title COMES THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING AWARE OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT AND BEING AWARE OF PEOPLE WITH MONEY-GRAB AGENDAS. Also thank you for agreeing to my points lol - rookie.

As an attorney, can you interpret some of his language for me? The sentences seem to be a bit disjointed, and in cases, undecipherable.
I agree with this post.

People that think what he was doing with this girl wasn't a big deal must not have daughters.

If I saw a guy in my daughter's face like this, I'd drop him.
Exactly, no control. The best thing for him would've been to say, "let's leave and discuss this later." However he likes to party and be a part of the social scene.
arent all wives one way or another :D
The fact that I do get it means that you don't get your own stuff you write. I seen a lot of stuff in Zeke's first case that could have went either way. The commish made a decision to save face with the NFL. Open your eyes and mind. It really wasn't about Zeke it was perception.
Ok, so please inform all of us what specifically could have gone either way in the first case and why the same thing couldn’t happen in this case but to a lesser degree?

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