being branded without due process is the problem, it is costing him because the league is being ridiculous.
Look I get it that you come from a religious social conservative bent and likely would never do 1/10 of the stuff Zeke did, but you cannot judge Zeke by your moral standards. He did nothing wrong in the situation, the NFL's own investigator said that they should not suspend him, the police did not even charge him, the skank asked her friends to lie, she threatened him etc.
No normal individual doesn't fight that crap. He probably will lose because the US justice system is in collusion with Roger the Good. There is no way the wife of the lawyer who helped draft the CBA should be allowed to hear the case, especially when she is likely a Giants' fan. Yet the NFL is fighting this case to the death because they want to grind Zeke, screw the Cowboys, and appear to be fighting spousal violence.