Twitter: Zeke might be sued over "Feed Me" trademark


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
You can trademark just about anything these days. The phrase "let's get ready to rumble" is considered a trademark.

In order to have a Trademark fully in effect, someone has to prove that it originated from him (or her). If there is proof that showed that someone else using it before the trademark occurred than it is void.
Not sure that's true. I think trademarks go to whoever actually files for them. I'm not positive, but I'm fairly sure.


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Not sure that's true. I think trademarks go to whoever actually files for them. I'm not positive, but I'm fairly sure.

It will go to whoever files for it and they will be granted that trademark. They can charge royalties for it. But if someone shows the USPTO that the so-called trademark existed before in the open public before it was issued, then the trademark is voided.

An example would be If he trademarked it in 2019. And there were videos of Elliott doing that "feed me" action in 2016. The trademark can be voided because there is proof that it existed before it was trademarked and he can't lay claim to it.


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Not sure how these trade mark lawsuits work. But I watched a lot of WWE when Ryback was wrestling. He's whole catchphrase was "Feed Me More". He'd put his hands up and down and try to get the crowed to chant "Feed Me More"... So, that's not the same as Zeke's Feed me and the spoon gesture that he does. I don't think he has a case


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I've never heard of him, but I don't watch wrestling. That said, I know who The Rock is, and Lita, and probably a couple others.
Nice! Ryback was after those Icons, he was towards the tail end of when I stopped watching because the story lines and talent went to crap. Ryback was alright, I think the Wiki quote I posted earlier was a good assessment. He was a powerful human being with crazy eyes, a love child of Goldberg and ......someone? lol


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Not sure how these trade mark lawsuits work. But I watched a lot of WWE when Ryback was wrestling. He's whole catchphrase was "Feed Me More". He'd put his hands up and down and try to get the crowed to chant "Feed Me More"... So, that's not the same as Zeke's Feed me and the spoon gesture that he does. I don't think he has a case
I watched wrastlin too back in the day and this is probably the most accurate assessment I’ve heard.

Ryback doesn’t have a case and I’m sure it will amount to nothing, as it should, but I still enjoy this chode getting a taste of his own medicine.


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Are you being sarcastic or are/were you not a wrestling fan? I hardly watch anymore but I know who he is. Completely going out on a limb here but I’ll say he was pretty significant ~15 years ago.
Count me right there with those who have no idea who this clown is. But I stopped watching wrestling when I figured out it was fake.. I was 7 at the time.


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I would say if the guy actually filed a copyright on that phrase and the copyright office accepted it..

I would say he is a crafty dude.

Becuz that is no easy process to go thru. It takes time and goodly amounts of paperwork back and forth to secure it.

I believe you have to legal proclaim in a newspaper or journal of your intent to copyright something and that means money out of pocket and that can be expensive? etc.

If he does own it then Zeke either pays to transfer ownership or he can purchase usage of the term and ownership reverts back to the wrestler but Zeke can use it only in a specific way.

Like with how is using it.

I don't see a problem or he can do something else instead of "feed me". Create a new move. Patent it and move on.

It's sort of like a domain name for websites. I had a company once and the domain service. The time came to renew it and I was busy and a couple of months later I tried to renew it and somebody had bought it and wanted $10000 for it to sell it to me.

I laughed at first and thought he was joking. He wasn't. So I tweaked my company name and reserved it and moved on.

Poor Zeke.
Zeke's tattoo says "Feed Me" and Ryback's copyright says "Feed Me More" so I wonder what the legal ramifications are.


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Count me right there with those who have no idea who this clown is. But I stopped watching wrestling when I figured out it was fake.. I was 7 at the time.
I’m sorry you couldn’t enjoy the athleticism and acting. Granted, I don’t when you grew up but there was about a decade or so when the story lines and acting were incredible. I also think those actors/wrestlers/athletes were must seem entertainment, not so much anymore, it all sucks.

Redball Express

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Zeke's tattoo says "Feed Me" and Ryback's copyright says "Feed Me More" so I wonder what the legal ramifications are.
That is a distinction b/w the two phrases that would be defensible I believe.

Zeke certainly has the where with all to pursue an injunction of any motion by a court of law. Counter suing also then comes into play. Normally these get settled before it actually appears before a court.

Zeke has to decide it for himself. Several posters have suggested the guy suing is just trying to get some quick cash from Zeke. Certainly possible.

Zeke knows the origin of the phrase I am guessing. I would do my research and try to see if this guy suing him possibly 'borrowed' his term from someone else. If so it would considerably weaken his case.

I just hope it all blows over quickly.


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I thought it was going to be Little Shop of Horrors! lol The feed me thing is ridiculous at this point and the tattoo is even more ridiculous!

You got this in my head for the rest of the day now :laugh:


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Ryback entered the arena to sound track of bad music saying " Feed me more" Depending on his expired contract with WWE they my actually own a limited trademark on the phrase so he cant use it elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
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Are you being sarcastic or are/were you not a wrestling fan? I hardly watch anymore but I know who he is. Completely going out on a limb here but I’ll say he was pretty significant ~15 years ago.
I'm not surprised people don't know him, you could easily argue he wasn't even a top 50 wrestler for the decade. He was a fringe top 15 wrestler popularity wise for only 2 years (2013/2014) and then by 2015 they where already trying to get rid of him. Most hardcore fans actually found him to be generic and forgettable.