Zeke to meet with the Commish on Tuesday


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my bad - the fight from the last time just made it seem longer.

that said, he should have done this *BEFORE* the meeting. better yet stop putting himself in these situations.
Lol. Yeah the year long investigation and the court appearances and appeals made it seem like longer or multiple. I hated waiting to hear if he was playing the next Sunday. Had to be rough on the team also. I just hope it’s the last time.


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I’m quite familiar with Pantera and their love for the Cowboys and I’m sorry I’m not going to cut some idiot slack just because he has a Star on his helmet and can’t stay out of trouble. Moral high ground? Lol, obviously you haven’t read most of my posts.

Your two blow hards are such homers it’s sickening. The Cowboys can do no wrong and are always the victim.

Speaking of which, you know what my definition of “namby pamby is”? An internet tough guy who says things to people over the internet that they wouldn’t say to them in person @Cannibal_Cowboy Under that definition are also people who cry, whine and use the “poor me” mentality about not being treated fairly and using that as an excuse throughout life.

Keep making excuses for the Cowboys and Zeke, I’m sure it translates to both of you personally in real life. It’s a weak, loser mentality which both of you excel at.

Lololol.... You think it wasn't a catch in GB don't you. That's so cute :-D


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Lololol.... You think it wasn't a catch in GB don't you. That's so cute :-D
Go cry and make some more excuses. Keep living in the past, that’s another obvious characteristic of a loser, can’t face the future or deal with the present so you sit around all day thinking of the past and unfortunately for you, you’re reliving another loser in that game, the Cowboys. I can smell the loser stench on you from here, pew!


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And while this incident isn’t near as bad there is video on him which doesn’t look like he’s learned anything.

Many are expecting more of a slap on the hand but I agree it could be more severe since he was warned.
That press release today from Zeke sounds Goodell driven. Might be the terms of just getting a warning.

CT Dal Fan

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That press release today from Zeke sounds Goodell driven. Might be the terms of just getting a warning.

That's what I was thinking. First Zeke apologizes on social media, then he probably gets fined, then we all move on with our lives until TMZ finds something else.


It's all in the reflexes
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Check my post history, you don’t know jack. I’ll make a bet with you right now that if I quote myself one time in the past year saying he got screwed then you publicly apologize to me and never post again. Deal? I’ll even say I’ll quote myself saying it OVER a year ago. Put up or shut up chump.
LOL. Okay, Mara Jr. Lucky for you, we can't search past 10 pages of posts. I, and multiple others, called you out when you only had 60-80 posts, a "rowdy" avatar, and was screaming from the hill tops in summer 2017 about Zeke being guilty as sin. You joined in 2013...had very few posts, and then BAM! Summer 2017, you had 1,000+ in just a month due to your insistent Zeke hate. You turned a Zeke thread into a 20-pager all by yourself.

At the same time, you hoisted your NYG shield and flooded the moat to the "Mara Castle" , thread after thread. Man...I really wish I could find those threads. Anyone give me a hand? You've changed the avatar, whipped up a story and stuck around (NYG forums suck...don't blame ya') but you were smelt out long ago. Just like that well known closeted Philly fan with a bazillion posts..

But hey...it's all just a coincidence. Just like all of the other Goodell/Mara conspiracies you've said are BS.
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It's all in the reflexes
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What happened to the Dak “scandal”? Remember, the fake signatures and all?
You comparing Eli’s charge of fraud that went to court and the simple accusation of Dak using an “auto-pen” from a collector that resulted in nothing? Keep that shield high.


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LOL. Okay, Mara Jr. Lucky for you, we can't search past 10 pages of posts. I, and multiple others, called you out when you only had 60-80 posts, a "rowdy" avatar, and was screaming from the hill tops in summer 2017 about Zeke being guilty as sin. You joined in 2013...had very few posts, and then BAM! Summer 2017, you had 1,000+ in just a month due to your insistent Zeke hate. You turned a Zeke thread into a 20-pager all by yourself.

At the same time, you hoisted your NYG shield and flooded the moat to the "Mara Castle" , thread after thread. Man...I really wish I could find those threads. Anyone give me a hand? You've changed the avatar, whipped up a story and stuck around (NYG forums suck...don't blame ya') but you were smelt out long ago. Just like that well known closeted Philly fan with a bazillion posts..

But hey...it's all just a coincidence. Just like all of the other Goodell/Mara conspiracies you've said are BS.
So in other words you deny the challenge?

To sum it up, with what we know at the time I leaned towards Zeke being guilty but never said it was a slam dunk. Unlike homers like yourself, I said I wanted to wait until all the evidence came out before screaming and hollering he was innocent. I figured the league had more information that would come out which is why it was taking so long. I also stated I didn’t think he would get 6 games and when he did I was surprised. I was further surprised that the league came out with no new evidence which is when I said he got screwed. As I said, unlike you, I wait for the facts to come out instead of assuming it’s all a conspiracy and every Cowboy is innocent even if they have blood on their hands.

Further, I’ve made it very clear I think he is a top 3 RB in the league and have always said that. As a player I like him, as a person I think he’s an immature, egotistical, entitled scum bag that puts this team at risk and brings unwanted attention to the team. Whether he was innocent or not is irrelevant at this point, he knew he was being watched and continued to act like an idiot which is why he had a little sit down with Goodell today. You can continue to minimize all his questionable behavior but it’s been made clear to him to stay out of trouble. So if and when he screws up again, don’t start stomping your feet and acting like a child if he gets suspended. His original suspension may have been bogus but everything since then he’s brought upon himself.

You seem to be such an expert on my posts, you don’t have to look back that far. I still call out conspiracy theorists and the Mara BS, did it today IMOF, because there’s ZERO to probe any of it. Goodell has been inconsistent across the league. People use to say Kraft and Goodell were besties, how did that work out? I could go on and on but it’s pointless with a homer like you.

BTW, who cares when my join and post date was? That’s irrelevant. I mainly stick to Zeke threads because a) he’s our best player b) he’s the biggest liability and c) I don’t like him as a person so I don’t mind trying to explain to homers like you why I think he’s trash and if he played for another team you would do the same but you would never admit that because your a homer.

BTW, I think my original posts were bashing the Greg Hardy signing because I think he was trash too, caught a lot of flak for that, maybe even more than Zeke but once he wasn’t a Cowboy and once he didn’t deliver in the field then people started agreeing with me, funny how that works, isn’t it?

No idea what closeted Philly fan you’re talking about, I only know the closeted Giants fans because their easy to spot...they think Zeke is an idiot and don’t believe in conspiracy theories, which would mean a good percentage of people here. I just happen to be one of the more vocal ones for reasons I already explained.

BTW, since YOU brought it up, let’s dance. What proof do you have that Mara and Goodell are conspiring against the Cowboys? Josh Brown? ok, that seemed a little shady but more on the Giants FO than the NFL since the sheriff who had all the files refused to turn them over to the NFL investigators. On the other hand, we have a guy who I’m sure you’ve heard of who KILLED someone and was allowed to come back an play for the team. Wanna bring up the Eli gear? Ok, lets bring up the Dak faked signed cards he was aware of. Wanna bring up Odell with cocaine? Ok, lets bring up Dak with a “cigar” or the fact that a Giant posted a picture of himself on instagram smoking a hand rolled cigar in the Dominican and coincidentally received a call a day or two later that he needed to come in for “random” drug testing. Wanna talk about fines and penalties? The refs are in on it too, right? Then since 2010 why do the Giants have about 30-40 more fines and penalties than the Cowboys and decent percentage of the Cowboys are self inflicted with Jerry’s drug projects (ie substance abuse). What about Odell, NY’s golden child, right? Why was he suspended for a playoff implication game after he had already been flagged 3 times for personal fouls in the game before? Kinda seems like double jeopardy, doesn’t it? Has that even happened before.

What else you got and please answer all those questions first, I’m curious to hear how the Giants are so favored over the Cowboys. I have plenty more.

And again, you said I’ve never said Zeke got screwed until yesterday and I challenged you to a bet so would like to take a bet or admit your a lying scumbag who makes things up?

Take your time answering these questions.


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You comparing Eli’s charge of fraud that went to court and the simple accusation of Dak using an “auto-pen” from a collector that resulted in nothing? Keep that shield high.
Yeah, it was settled out court, no charges filed and it was clear Eli had no idea. I believe the equipment managers were fired as a result. There was one email that I believe Eli said “got it, one game used looking jersey” which many memorabilia collectors request and that has been acknowledged by other athletes. Some of the jerseys are worn for a short time and changed out, just for the purpose of selling them because they have contracts with the sellers therefore some of the actual game used jerseys look immaculate, who wants that? No one.

So anyways, how did Daks fake signature cards just disappear from the news? BTW, why didn’t the leagje investigate Zeke’s nightclub incident if they were so out to get him?


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Ya know what, the more I think about it the less I care. If he gets suspended it will be against 1 or 2 of the worst teams we face, divisional rivals or not. I’m just glad they’re getting it out of way now. I’m not saying it’s ideal, it’s not, but we should be able to beat the gnats and/or skins without him.


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Ya know what, the more I think about it the less I care. If he gets suspended it will be against 1 or 2 of the worst teams we face, divisional rivals or not. I’m just glad they’re getting it out of way now. I’m not saying it’s ideal, it’s not, but we should be able to beat the gnats and/or skins without him.
Don’t let other players bother you. Lol. Your a Cowboys fan right..


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Conspiracy I think..
Let me predict it now. If he gets suspended for a game and it’s the first game which is the most logical, then it’s obviously the Giants which would mean Mara and Goodell strike again even though the Giants were the first game on the schedule well before this happened.

If Zeke appeals it and it gets dragged on to say...the Eagles game, or New Orleans game or NE game than it’s also a conspiracy because Mara knew they would lose anyways so he wanted them to go up against someone where Zeke’s presence may actually mean a win or loss. Amiright?

So really, the only way it won’t be a conspiracy is if the suspension is against the Jets or Dolphins.

People will believe it, sad but true.


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Let me predict it now. If he gets suspended for a game and it’s the first game which is the most logical, then it’s obviously the Giants which would mean Mara and Goodell strike again even though the Giants were the first game on the schedule well before this happened.

If Zeke appeals it and it gets dragged on to say...the Eagles game, or New Orleans game or NE game than it’s also a conspiracy because Mara knew they would lose anyways so he wanted them to go up against someone where Zeke’s presence may actually mean a win or loss. Amiright?

So really, the only way it won’t be a conspiracy is if the suspension is against the Jets or Dolphins.

People will believe it, sad but true.
Lol. Like I said don’t let the other POSTERS bother you. Last last post my auto correct put in players. Lmao. How convenient.. You are A Cowboys fan correct..

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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Let me predict it now. If he gets suspended for a game and it’s the first game which is the most logical, then it’s obviously the Giants which would mean Mara and Goodell strike again even though the Giants were the first game on the schedule well before this happened.

If Zeke appeals it and it gets dragged on to say...the Eagles game, or New Orleans game or NE game than it’s also a conspiracy because Mara knew they would lose anyways so he wanted them to go up against someone where Zeke’s presence may actually mean a win or loss. Amiright?

So really, the only way it won’t be a conspiracy is if the suspension is against the Jets or Dolphins.

People will believe it, sad but true.
If he gets one game, I hope he and his reps are smart enough to know that he's not going to win an appeal. Take it for the Giants game because that's one of our easiest. Then everyone can yell about a conspiracy anyway and get it over with. :laugh:


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If he gets one game, I hope he and his reps are smart enough to know that he's not going to win an appeal. Take it for the Giants game because that's one of our easiest. Then everyone can yell about a conspiracy anyway and get it over with. :laugh:
We beat them last year without them, granted it was close but we didn’t even play some of our starters half the game. They’re O line should be better but other than that they are in full rebuild, no edge rushers, rookie secondary, ELI, lol...shouldn’t be a problem without Zeke.


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If he gets one game, I hope he and his reps are smart enough to know that he's not going to win an appeal. Take it for the Giants game because that's one of our easiest. Then everyone can yell about a conspiracy anyway and get it over with. :laugh:
I agree, but he should put out another public statement saying he isn't appealing because of the joke process just rubberstamps anything Goddell doles out.

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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We beat them last year without them, granted it was close but we didn’t even play some of our starters half the game. They’re O line should be better but other than that they are in full rebuild, no edge rushers, rookie secondary, ELI, lol...shouldn’t be a problem without Zeke.
I hope so, you just never know about those division games. Hopefully, the rook takes over and hasn't worked out his deal with Satan yet that Eli got.