CC, you are a seasoned Cowboy fan, and I have to give due respects in answering the tough question that you present...
First, Jones is a young adult, even if he has finely tune talent and sport abilities. I was a MP for a period in the Army, have served for four years as a court reporter, and was a drug and alcohol counselor for my respective units, for a period of about twelve over lapping years....
At any point in a young man's life, he has to be held accountable for the effects of HIS OWN actions...The individual has to be made to shoulder the effects of his selection process, or in this case, lack of a socially motivated set of acceptable conduct. He set sail on a route of self against the world, early on in his life, and sought seemy satisfactions and pleasures.
He was as criminal in intent, as those getting continually arrested around him...having benefited from the cloak of protection, that a worker protection umbrella that the union headed by Eugene Upshaw provides it's co-workers. By the way, Upshaw was unanimously re-elected again, yesterday, for another three year stint as President of the NFL Player's association....
As people corageously fight to win over and protect other's lives and the quality that the individual can recover and start to contribute with, they are continually asked to open their souls up to the need that remains in that injured and suffering person. Now, Jones is not a poster child as to a 'suffering' and persecuted person, but his whole being in reality, is in that endangered region, for the rest of his life. He will have to live with either resurrecting his life, and hence, his NFL career, or he will much more quickly not match up to the 'gamble' that is immediately implied with a player having his potential on the field impact.
The Cowboy franchise has prided itself in being stallwart, and progressing, in attempting to give back to it's players, what level of life should be afforded to each and every one of players that it has taken into the organization. It has steadfastly, and against social ridicule and name calling, continued to give recourse and ability to each and every player that was a member of it's team, until, for what-ever-the-reason, it no longer was a Dallas Cowboy. Here, the organization, headed by Jerry Jones, still never turned a deaf side to a former person in it's organization....
This situation involving Pac Man Jones, is a little on the outside of a pure Dallas consideration as to a possible consideration for adding to the organization. It well could even be a mute possibility, as this current season, should see the secondary situation ironed out and given a stable road of dissent for about three or four years forward, so any consideration dealing with a future availability of Jones, well could in the infacy, be a mute diatribe.
Additionally, he is the current 'problem child' of the Tennessee organization...who will probably own up to it's league responsibility of trying to walk the proper path of player support...and this is where the true function of the NFL Player's association comes to light, and ensures that the base priviledges and earned rights of Jones, or not swept under the rug, for organizational convenience....
Giving track records and individual commitment to a particular life-style, I sure would hate to fund a gambling undertaking that paid off an unsuccessful attempt for him to remain in the NFL....but, alas, a Pro Football player can approach actual murder, and walk under a generalized veil of leniency....
Here in Corpus Christi, see, I'm not afraid of reprisal-myself, a Judge allowed a convicted felon, who received a conviction of manslaughter of his OWN 9 month old walk off on probation!! Now THAT is the other extreme, that is being confronted, whether it is discussed or NOT. He should be punished, and if he fails to own up to dictated and sanctioned procedures of proper ash cloth, wailling, and prayers at the wailing wall, he should be allowed to seek some sort of alliance with Dixon, Scott, and the other players who were really 'too prime-time' for the NFL, and us lowly, undeserving fans....
but, to be fair, I'll with hold my personal judgement as to his overall value through this period, until he is given a chance to receive penetence and satisfaciton as a 'reborn', ask me again in a year, and we shall rehash the mean time, Dallas won't stop reloading in it's secondary....