Dak is nearly on an elite pace against winning teams!


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Dak-lovers have used every obscure stat possible to try and put Dak in the same category as a Brady. It has been going on for years and it gets more and more pathetic every year.

Brady? LOL

That's just a lie. Saying stupid stuff like is what trolls do.

So we should throw away a young franchise QB like Dak because you "don't like his style"?

Told guys like you for 3 years that Dak wasn't wining the ball all over the place because of the offense and the OC. Moore comes in and lets it fly and Dak responds with almost 5000 yards and 33 total TD's and you still aren't happy with the progress in his game.

Just face it...……….you really have no legitimate reason NOT to like Dak other than he isn't Mahomes.


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@Streetwise Look man, when I made the original post in comparing Dak to other QB's, I never once said Dak was better than or on pace to be the next Tom Brady!
If you're being honest with yourself, you'll admit to this forum being littered with guys that constantly say that Dak "CAN'T" play well against winning teams and that he
pads his stats against lesser competition. The latter is true, Dak does pad his stats against some inferior teams, but this is kind of what QB's do in general right?
So that leaves me with the original stats I posted that broke down Prescott's winning percentage so far in his career against winning teams. I think if you look closely
at the metric provided it does indeed show that Prescott as the Qb of the Cowboys compares well against some pretty good Qb's in far as how his team has fared against
winning teams when it comes to his overall body of work in his short career.

When I said Prescott was looking to be going at an elite pace against winning teams percentage wise I meant what I said. I know it seems like shock value to the Betty Davis Eyes crowd whom eyes don't lie, but the facts are the facts thus far and that can't be taken away from Dak. I see a Qb in Dak that is durable, studious, talented and most of all a great leader, while some of you see a guy whom cant will the team to win by his lonesome. You see, out of all the Super Bowls I've watched in my life the one thing that sticks out in my mind is it's not the Qb that wins it, but the team and the coaches. Romo was a very good Qb, but the team always had weaknesses that prevented them from reaching their goals. Look at the patriots last super bowl victory for example, it was all defense, Brady didn't throw one touchdown, and in fact he looked pretty bad most of the game.

All I'm saying is, for every argument you can make a counter argument can be made available. The reason we argue about Dak is because we all know he is good and has some abilities, the difference is, some of us really believe in those abilities and believe he is our best overall player.

Agreed. Just because you showed he has a favorable winning % against winning teams does not mean you're saying he is better than HOFers like Brees. All you did was show where he stands compared to other notable QBs. Any other interpretation of that is purely agenda driven.


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Brady? LOL

That's just a lie. Saying stupid stuff like is what trolls do.

So we should throw away a young franchise QB like Dak because you "don't like his style"?

Told guys like you for 3 years that Dak wasn't wining the ball all over the place because of the offense and the OC. Moore comes in and lets it fly and Dak responds with almost 5000 yards and 33 total TD's and you still aren't happy with the progress in his game.

Just face it...……….you really have no legitimate reason NOT to like Dak other than he isn't Mahomes.

I think he pulled the "Brady" thing out of a magic hat. Noone has compared Dak to Brady in his prime. Or any other HOFer for that matter. 40+ years old Brady is a legitimate comparison.


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I get sick and tired of people forcing a narrative on this forum using their jaded feelings and their proverbial expert eye test. Facts are the facts up to this point regarding Dak, so let me preface my post by saying that I'm only providing factual evidence to crush the idiotic narratives that exist against our well deserving and about to be "PAID" franchise quarterback Dak Prescott.

From day 1 I've been one of his biggest fans, and I agree maybe to a fault at times, but for those of you that keep beating the drum that Dak can't win against good teams please enlighten me here a little bit. I will post the facts down below. All I'm saying is lots of guys whom aren't even on Dak's level in regards to winning percentage against good teams got paid so why not Dak? I mean, lets be frank here, Dak is on an elite pace against good teams, the numbers don't lie!

dont call your fellow zoners idiots man.


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Loved Romo.

The only issue I have are false statements and BS.

Style of play? I could care less if it gets the job done.
That is my problem. The job is not getting done unless empty stats starts winning Super Bowls.


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Brady? LOL

That's just a lie. Saying stupid stuff like is what trolls do.

So we should throw away a young franchise QB like Dak because you "don't like his style"?

Told guys like you for 3 years that Dak wasn't wining the ball all over the place because of the offense and the OC. Moore comes in and lets it fly and Dak responds with almost 5000 yards and 33 total TD's and you still aren't happy with the progress in his game.

Just face it...……….you really have no legitimate reason NOT to like Dak other than he isn't Mahomes.
The more empty stats that Dak has accumulated, the more games the Cowboys have lost. When he was throwing for less than 200 yards a game, he still wasn’t getting the job done. Part of Dak’s problem is consistency. He is inconsistent from play to play, from series to series and from game to game. Face it, you hold your breath with every pass that Dak throws. Everybody does. Dak can make one amazing throw, then the next one is like his famous pass to Zeke that went five yards in front of him and two yards short. All of you Dak lovers immediately went to looking for excuses, but there was none. I don’t like how he took three quarters of football to start playing. It is hard to win games like that.


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And seriously, who has ever used W/L record for other QBs? Brees? Dude has won a Super Bowl and is a HOF player DESPITE being on an inconsistent team. "He's similar to Brees"


DIdn't make the playoffs until his 4th year and lost his only playoff game. Won his first playoff game in his 6th season. People like you would have had us believing that he was garbage...lol


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I think he pulled the "Brady" thing out of a magic hat. Noone has compared Dak to Brady in his prime. Or any other HOFer for that matter. 40+ years old Brady is a legitimate comparison.
There has been thread after thread posted that compared a Dak to Brady. You guys have short memories. I am not the first one that has brought up those ridiculous comparisons.


Taco Engineer
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There has been thread after thread posted that compared a Dak to Brady. You guys have short memories. I am not the first one that has brought up those ridiculous comparisons.
And just like all the other nitwits, you are blowing it out of proportion. You take a statistical comparison (which is just for the fun of it) and twist it as if everyone is suggesting Prescott is everything brady is. When all they are doing is pointing out Prescott excels in some areas. It's really too bad you don't get it and it makes you so upset.


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And just like all the other nitwits, you are blowing it out of proportion. You take a statistical comparison (which is just for the fun of it) and twist it as if everyone is suggesting Prescott is everything brady is. When all they are doing is pointing out Prescott excels in some areas. It's really too bad you don't get it and it makes you so upset.
It doesn’t upset me at all. I liable go another week and not even post in a Dak thread. I don’t feel the need to bash him nearly as much as you feel the need to defend him.


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Dak-lovers have used every obscure stat possible to try and put Dak in the same category as a Brady. It has been going on for years and it gets more and more pathetic every year.
Totally Agree! I just don't understand why people can't accept Dak as being just an avg QB.


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I call BS and more BS.

Are you freakin' kidding me? Dude, I don't care, multiple people know this discussion happened his rookie season.

There were threads talking about how Brady "didn't look great his first few seasons either and Dak is on pace to be better!" - what these fools never looked into is the fact that it was a different era and Brady was always in the top 10, if not top 5, in many categories before 2007. His second season as a starter he led the league in TD receptions. The argument was that Brady was "a game manager", which was just BS.

But please, keep revising how people used to talk about Dak on here.


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There has been thread after thread posted that compared a Dak to Brady. You guys have short memories. I am not the first one that has brought up those ridiculous comparisons.

They know these threads were made, they are pretending to not know. Why? Because they most likely participated in those threads.


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DIdn't make the playoffs until his 4th year and lost his only playoff game. Won his first playoff game in his 6th season. People like you would have had us believing that he was garbage...lol

"LOL" he didn't start his rookie season, was injured in his third season and then made the playoffs his fourth season. Drew Brees was rightfully questioned in San Diego, he was injury prone....which is why they drafted Rivers.

2004 showed he had the talent, it was the question if he could stay healthy.