The real selfish and greedy guy in Big D


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This cat is having a full blown meltdown for real.

It's to the point I'm scared for this guy.

He comes off as the type to post a new photo to IG and when he doesn't get more than 15 likes in 5 minutes, he deletes the photo


Sounds like you know from experience. If I don’t get 15 likes I delete the photo? Try again.
This time actually be funny.


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Dandy, you’re right about the cap. And maybe Dak is greedy. But, who is the bigger long term problem for this franchise? Dak’s greed or Jerry’s obsession with being the face of the franchise?
Obviously Jerry because Dak only has 1 season left before he's ejected. His GREED will be of no effect next year.


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Damn the fact Dak wasn't signed has got you all up in your feelings.

Look at what you are re-sorting to. Pathetic

Look man, all jokes aside. Stay away from any drugs, alcohol or dangerous weapons in the house. You're losing it.

Don't throw it all away over this. Dak will find another team to scam. You can go there. Sorry it wasn't the cowboys.




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Our Cowboys resemble nothing of the teams that won 5 super bowls. 25 yrs and counting, the focus has become exclusively on "the fuhrer" and his son, winning be damned (well, its only been a quarter of a century since we appeared in an nfc championship game, but oh well). The team should be renamed to reflect the heart and soul of the franchise: The Dallas Jones Boys.

Dak has down everything Romo did, yet Jerry has signed everyone but Dak. Romo on the other hand was paid Peyton Manning money for delivering Dak results, but I digress.

Dak should play out his two yrs of the franchise tag and go play for an organization with a real chance of winning (ie, deep playoff runs). Dallas is where you have zero chance of winning, or at least the past 25 seasons and counting. Dak deserves better while the Jones boys always reap what they sow. Fools buy Jerry's fools gold every year, while wise men know better.

Now, who wants to buy some Dallas Jones Boy's swag? Step right up, the ring leader await$ your endorsement of the past 25 seasons.
I hope Dak and the TEAM plays awesome this year and we get a ring. Winning solves everything. Let’s do that... You seem bitter.


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You are not A Cowboys fan. Thats for sure. I hope Dak and the TEAM plays awesome this year and we get a ring. Winning solves everything. Let’s do that...

Whatever. You don't recognize a Landry-era Cowboy fan? My dad took me and my brother to a game the first season the pokes played in Texas stadium. I know more about the history of the Cowboys than most on this forum. I love the Cowboys but I don't have to love what Jerry has done to this franchise. Sorry you don't like my opinions but I'm not accusing you of NOT being a fan simply because you disagree with my assessment of the past 25 seasons.


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Sweet tears. Like my boy keeps saying. . . move on. Get over it
Yea buddy. Sure..Who with?

And that’s fine if you didn’t want Dak.

But by most accounts Jerry was All In on Dak.

I’m not even a Dak fan. More of a critic actually. My stance is on how this was handled and effects to Cowboys Football.


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Whatever. You don't recognize a Landry-era Cowboy fan? My dad took me and my brother to a game the first season the pokes played in Texas stadium. I know more about the history of the Cowboys than most on this forum. I love the Cowboys but I don't have to love what Jerry has done to this franchise. Sorry you don't like my opinions but I'm not accusing you of NOT being a fan simply because you disagree with my assessment of the past 25 seasons.
Yeah let’s not even start that who has been alive longer and A COWBOYS FAN longer. What happened to and the way it happened to him was wrong and set me off from the beginning. But they have there own way. It worked in the 90’s and JJ is getting close to the end and learning. Let’s see if this HC gets the same power Johnson did.


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Yeah let’s not even start that who has been alive longer and A COWBOYS FAN longer. What happened to and the way it happened to him was wrong and set me off from the beginning. But they have there own way. It worked in the 90’s and JJ is getting close to the end and learning. Let’s see if this HC gets the same power Johnson did.
Jerry was an Idiot when we were winning Super Bowls too. He just had Jimmy but still screwed that up the greatest team in Cowboys history.


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Agent problems and maybe a twerk on the guaranteed money... This was close to being done.
They were only a couple million a year away. And one year.

Im not taking Daks side. I’m taking the Cowboys side. If our Mgmt wanted Dak they failed. That’s what the criticism is about.

It’s not about what we think his value was. The Cowboys wanted to sign him and didn’t get the job done.


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In my opinion, it is complete hypocrisy to call out Dak Prescott or any other Cowboys player for being “financially selfish” and “not committed to winning” by not accepting a recent contract offer.

If Jerry Jones, the absolute poster boy for sports greed and selfishness ever starts putting a 100% commitment to winning ahead of his cash register and psychopathic obsession with getting “credit”, it might be fair to call out some players for putting greed ahead of winning.

When your owner/president/GM/chief jock and socks manager puts his ego, cash grab and selfishness first, you get what we’ve been getting the last 25 years. A lot of nothing when it comes to substantive playoff success. So if we as fans are going to call out greed, selfishness, and a lack of commitment to this team’s quest to regain its former luster, let’s call out the architect and person most responsible for everything we are and are not as a team.

Change ALWAYS starts at the top. If we expect things to get better ON the field, the change and the example of a commitment to place winning ahead of greed has to start in the billionaire owners box. You know, the guy who makes one billion a year but hasn’t won a divisional playoff game since Dak Prescott was 2 years old.

If Jerry ever shows us he is really committed to winning ahead of his ego and greed, maybe we could start calling out some players too.
I would agree if for the last 2 decades so many fans hadn't complained about him over paying and spending too much money on players. No sir there us plenty of blame to go around. This IS and has been for a while a championship caliber team we have had a few. The players need to step up and more importantly the coaches need to as well. It's a WHOLE organization screw up


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Sounds like you know from experience. If I don’t get 15 likes I delete the photo? Try again.
This time actually be funny.

Try to be funny? So you do this for attention?

Look I won't keep going back and forth with you. I can see this is actually affecting you. Look at how you are behaving. Over a man you don't even know. I'm not trying to get charged with voluntary..........yeah.

Just take a deep breathe bro.

Look maybe Dak will have a great year, and maybe we will sign him to whatever he wants. You never know. So don't throw away everything and lose your head over this situation.

So listen, just breathe. Walk to the kitchen, open the fridge, warm up some milk. You like milk? Yeah, drink it, while breathing calmly. Try to go to bed.

Is your mommy and daddy home? If not call them, let them know what's going on. You need help.



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I would agree if for the last 2 decades so many fans hadn't complained about him over paying and spending too much money on players. No sir there us plenty of blame to go around. This IS and has been for a while a championship caliber team we have had a few. The players need to step up and more importantly the coaches need to as well. It's a WHOLE organization screw up

Jerry can blame players and coaches, but the buck stops with him. 25 yrs of evidence is there.